How hard was it for Cody Rhodes to leave the company he helped start?
It wasn’t hard at all!
In fact, it was easy!
“The American Nightmare” recently spoke with GQ and claimed that the personal issue he had behind-the-scenes at AEW made his decision to leave the company one of the easiest decisions he’s ever made.
“No, it was the easiest thing I ever did,” Cody said. “It’s because I had a personal issue that I wasn’t going through, over, or around. I was just going to steer clear of it. If anything, I wanted to look at what we had done at AEW and say, ‘Amazing, what a wonderful time, a beautiful memory, and very special in every way. Now it’s time to move on.’”
Cody added, “So I mean it not in a negative way, like I was happy to burn rubber and speed out, but it just wasn’t a decision that was difficult for me at all. Or for Brandi.”
Check out the complete interview at GQ.com.