Cody Rhodes Discusses Gaining Confidence Heading Into WrestleMania 40

Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes appeared on Insight With Chris Van Vliet to talk about a number of topics including winning the Royal Rumble knowing he might not main event WrestleMania.

Rhodes said, “It was the lowest I’ve ever felt, but also, I just won the Royal Rumble for the second time. That’s a life-changing moment. How can you not appreciate that and enjoy it and feel it? But that was a very rough day.”

On hiding the news from CM Punk and others:

“I never had this discussion with him, do you know what’s happening? But it was also, I freely discuss it because the documentary is out there and everyone’s told their story and all that, but it was just a very, very tough day.”

On taking it personally initially:

“It was a nice reminder, not to take anything personally in wrestling… I’ve worked in management, I’ve done this, I should know that more than anybody. So I had to walk out of that room and not take it personally.”

On gaining confidence heading into WrestleMania:

“What happened with The Rock at WrestleMania 40 was the … first time I ever believed in my own hype. It was the first time I ever thought, ‘Maybe someone from this generation did get over.’ … I tell people all the time, ‘Nobody today is over.’ Because you hear ‘over’ all the time and to me, ‘over’ is [when] you can’t step a foot out [of] your house without cameras, without a moment. I just have a loftier opinion of ‘over.’ John Cena is ‘over.’”

You can check out the complete podcast below.