Christian Comments On Possible Impact Return and Samoa Joe’s WWE Release

Christian Cage recently did an interview with and commented on a possible return to Impact Wrestling:

“I don’t have any plans on [returning to Impact] right now. I am solely focused on AEW, but who knows what can happen in the future. I am relatively new here. I don’t think my focus should get too far away from AEW at this point. I am committed to being part of this brand and helping it move forward.”

Christian also addressed Samoa Joe being released from WWE:

“That surprised me. Joe is a super-talented guy. You see it in the ring, and obviously he has tremendous verbal skills. He was a natural as a commentator as well. When you have that kind of multi-talented individual who can wear a lot of hats, that’s invaluable. He truly is, in my eyes, a top performer. He’s not going to have any shortage of suitors when the time comes, that’s for sure.”