Chris Jericho recently appeared as a guest on Creative Imbalance for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling. During the discussion, Jericho commented on his ongoing “Learning Tree” gimmick in AEW:
“Bottom line is, it delivers, it’s one of the top rated segments on the show every week. People are into it. As much as people want to cry from the hills that they want to behead Chris Jericho and kick me off planet Earth and send me off in space in a shuttle, that’s a very small amount of people. What are the people reacting to in the venue? What are they watching? We have a hit character with a lot of potential who’s helping a lot of different people move up the ladder, and that’s what it’s all about.”
Jericho recently indicated that he doesn’t plan on retiring anytime in the near future.
You can check out the complete interview below: