Who was the best opponent for “The Painmaker?”
Chris Jericho recently spoke with the folks from Monthly Puroresu for an in-depth interview, during which he spoke about his favorite opponents during his run with New Japan Pro Wrestling.
“I’d have to say the Kenny (Omega) match was amazing (in NJPW),” said the wrestling wizard from AEW. “I loved it.”
Jericho continued, “I think the [Tanahashi] match was my favorite of the six that I did there. Because just, anything about Tanahashi… he’s so, so f*king good. Like, he’s so good. He is one of one. And Kenny is too! Don’t get me wrong. Two different ways, two different types of guys. And, f*king Tanahashi was so good man… It was so easy. But what a match we had – even though nothing crazy went down, just a special match.”
Check out the complete interview at MonthlyPuroresu.com.