Chelsea Green Talks About Meeting With Vince McMahon and Her WWE Release

In an interview with, Chelsea Green discussed her time in WWE and how it took her weeks just for an opportunity to speak with Vince McMahon about her creative direction:

“I was able to meet with a couple of writers, but I never got to meet with Vince for that four weeks of waiting, which you know, again, COVID, obviously, totally fine. And once that idea was done, and there were no ideas, I went again and waited for three weeks, and then I think on the third or fourth week, he ended being able to see me, which was, (takes a moment) the best thing ever for my career. He sat down, and we probably had a 30-minute chat. He asked who I was in terms of who do I want to be presented as, and I told him, you know, I’ve probably pitched 15-20 ideas, and he said, ‘Okay, give them to me. Pitch them to me.’ And I pitched every single 15 ideas to him; he wrote them all down. We talked about each one. We talked about what ones would work and what wouldn’t. You know, he asked me why I thought certain things would work and why I thought certain things wouldn’t, and two weeks later, I was in that Survivor Series qualifying match.”

Green also commented on her release:

“I actually was totally shocked (laughs). Not going to lie. I was totally shocked. I understand it, you know, I wasn’t used, and of course, when I was used, I broke my arm. So, I was definitely shocked. And in previous years, when they have done the releases, I was expecting more throughout those releases. I was kind of ready last year, and you know, times before but this time I was very shocked because I know my potential in the company and I know what I bring to the table, which is something different, you know, character work and acting skills and promo abilities and that is something I know I will thrive at when I’m able to show that. So, yeah, I was totally shocked. Thankfully, I was given a little bit of a heads up, a little warning, ‘Hey, they are cutting people.’ I was able to mentally prepare myself just in case because I will say, if I hadn’t gotten that text letting me know, I would have thought that phone call was for my debut, and that would have been embarrassing. Yeah, I’m so thankful that I was forewarned because I was ready to debut, you know.”