Charlotte Flair Opens Up About Her Hiatus From WWE

During an episode of The Day of on the WWE Network, Charlotte Flair talked about her hiatus from WWE:

“It felt like hard times for the company – as talent, as individuals. But I was like, I need to go home. If I’m not going to do this now I’m never going to do it. When I left I felt so deflated, and it’s not because I wasn’t or didn’t feel creative, I just felt like I was at a standstill. I was working NXT, SmackDown, and RAW. I felt like I was doing the best work of my career, but I was not moving forward. I felt like, well am I letting the company down [because] I’m leaving? I’ve always been there. Regardless of how the fans view me as good or bad, so the last six months I just tried to think about when I do return, what does that look like and what do I want because I have done it all.”

“Yes, I’m satisfied with my career, but I need a new layer. I need a fresh start. This is my first time as a fresh start so yeah, maybe coming back and having fun versus [being] worried about the next day, worried about the next day. I don’t know, but at the same time, I’m like, I know when I lace up my boots how competitive I am. The only thing that’s changed is I’m able to be more in the moment and feel those nerves once I’m out there. Embrace it instead of [freezing].”

(quotes courtesy of