Bully Ray’s Idea For Vince McMahon, Return To Commentary, New Ideas

Bully Ray discussed on Busted Open Radio the idea he had in mind for Vince McMahon. Here are the highlights:

On the idea of Vince McMahon coming back to do commentary.

“This is going to sound crazy. If somebody said to me, who should be on WWE commentary every week right now, considering the times that we’re in, considering what needs to be done, you know who I would put at commentary? Vince McMahon and Steve Austin. Would you tune in just for the commentary? Do you think Vince McMahon and Steve Austin could get the talent in the ring over? Now is there a chance that you’re gonna be more invested in Steve Austin and Vince McMahon than you are the talent in the ring? Yeah. But you gotta do everything you possibly can do to keep a rating right now. Vince McMahon has been one of the best people behind that announce desk ever, right? Because he’s getting across the stories that he wanted to tell. So if you put the greatest rivalry in the history of wrestling behind the announce table, holy crap, what the hell are these two guys going to say to each other? And when the time’s right, they bicker, and when the time’s right, they tell stories.”

Should WWE test out more ideas and experiment?

“Put things up there that just don’t belong right now. Throw that shit up against the wall and let’s see if it sticks, because lord knows that’s what the WWE has been doing with their developmental system for years so why not do it on TV?”