Bruce Prichard Reflects On Wildest Backstage Brawls: ‘Real Fights Aren’t That Fun’

WWE Senior Vice President Bruce Prichard recently took to an episode of his “Something To Wrestle With” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including the wildest dust-ups he has seen in wrestling backstage.

Prichard said, “You know, I saw the Jacques Rougeau and Dynamite Kid fight. Which — that wasn’t so much out of control as much as it was — it a brutal fight from the standpoint of, Jacques got that first punch in, and Dynamite Kid had nothing after that. And nobody jumped in because Raymond [Rougeau] was there. Pat tried to break it up. Finally, they got them separated, and got everybody away. It just was brutal. Look, you know, real fights aren’t that that much fun when they’re that close. And it’s even different when it’s ‘Oh well, UFC’ and everything. UFC is controlled. When a fight is not controlled, and you got somebody beating the hell out of someone — and maybe it’s one and/or two of your friends, you know? It’s a different feeling. It’s just not good.”

On whether Kerry Von Erich could have been a heel:

“No. Kerry Von Erich was just too nice of a human being I think to be a heel. And Kerry was so likable and just such a great guy that it was — I don’t know, man. He could have cut the Pope’s head off and still been cheered. There was just something about him that people really liked, he was a genuinely nice person. So to hate Kerry Von Erich would have been a very difficult thing. Now, had Kerry stayed straight and Kerry been able to continue on, I could have seen Kerry as the WWE Champion. And that would have been an unbelievable story, but I also think that it would have needed to tell the entire story. And let people know that, ‘Hey, he’s working with a nub here, he doesn’t have a foot.’ And that was an incredible story. What Kerry Von Erich did and what he was able to accomplish after the motorcycle accident where he lost his foot is an incredible story. And one that should have been told properly. And you know, was told in The Iron Claw, and they did the very best they could do in that time frame. I don’t know how you tell that family story in under two hours. That’s a that’s a hard one. So if you were able to tell the whole story of Kerry Von Erich, I could have seen him be one of the biggest champions of all time.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes)