Bronson Reed On Hitting 6 Tsunamis On Seth Rollins, What’s Next For Him, More

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE star Bronson Reed appeared on Insight With Chris Van Vliet to talk about a number of topics, including the segment that saw him hit 6 tsunamis on Seth Rollins.

Reed said, “No. I think it was supposed to be significantly less. The way it turned out, with Hunter’s vision, it was more and more and more. It was one of those things where you listen to the audience and you can feel a change in the audience as I was doing it. I hit the first two, they started booing. It looked like that was it. I go up for the third one. ‘What the hell is going on here?’ I go up for the fourth one and by the fifth one they’re chanting for more. It’s bloodlust amongst the crowd, for someone that they love as well. They love Seth Rollins. I’m glad it ended up working where, after the sixth one, I left and they still were singing his music that he comes out to. It worked. As much as they love someone like Seth Rollins or any of the top guys, that move has its own lore. If you get to see it live, it’s different than seeing it on TV. It’s very impactful. To hit six in a row, which I’ve never done, is a lot.”

On the match he believes the fans would be interested in seeing:

“I think a lot of people would like to see Bronson vs. Bron. That’s a cool match. We’ve never touched at all. Never wrestled. If people compare me to Vader, obviously they compare him to his uncle and his dad. Seeing Vader and Bam Bam (Bigelow) versus the Steiners in Japan was incredible. You could do a modern version of that. It’d be pretty wild.”

What’s next for him in the company:

“I feel like what’s next for me is the main event scene. I’m going to push as much to be, whether that’s on RAW, whether that’s on PLEs, I’m going to try my best to stay within that main event scene.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.