Brian Myers Reveals the Origins of His WWE Losing Streak Gimmick

(Photo Credit: Impact)

Brian Myers discussed a variety of subjects on a recent episode of The Sessions With Renee Young, including his infamous losing streak gimmick. Here are the highlights:

How the losing streak was accidental:

“There was no pitch. So one day, I was on the road, and I kept getting tweeted this article, some dirt sheet article that I had lost one hundred matches in a row. I’ll never forget, one day at Barclay’s, this writer comes out of the writer’s room and goes ‘today’s your day, Hawkins! You’re gonna beat Heath Slater on Main Event!”

Informing Vince McMahon about the losing streak:

“I said, I’d rather just keep this losing streak thing going and see where it goes. It was Vince who said in the meeting, ‘let’s give Hawkins one in his hometown.’ I said, is Vince the only one a part of this creative team that doesn’t know about the streak? They’re like, that’s probably a safe bet. Can we at least tell him? Once it was in his brain, that was it. It was never discussed again, it was just a thing.”

Enjoying the gimmick, making money:

“That’s fine. I’m still part of the team, I’m still part of the show. Dude, I never made more money, had more fun. It was incredible.”

You can check out the complete podcast below:

(h/t 411mania for the transcription)