Bret Hart Believes His Dad Would Have Loved Working With Brock Lesnar And Steve Austin

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer Bret “The Hitman” Hart appeared on The Wrestling Classic podcast to talk about a number of topics, including how his dad, the legendary Stu Hart, would have enjoyed working with Brock Lesnar.

Hart said, “My dad would’ve loved to have had a couple hours with him in the basement. And I think Brock Lesnar would’ve been a big fan of my dad, too. I know the last year or two that my dad was alive, I do remember him making a special trip down to the Saddledome in Calgary just to meet Brock Lesnar.”

On how Stu would have enjoyed working with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin as well:

“I think my dad would’ve had a lot of fun with Steve Austin. I always loved when Steve Austin grabbed my dad at that [Canadian] Stampede pay-per-view and shook him up in the front row. My dad loved that kind of stuff. He loved to be included and loved to be remembered and sort of respected and treated the way Steve Austin treated him. Like he was somebody important.”

On feeling like he was goaded into a backstage fight with Vince McMahon immediately after the Montreal Screwjob:

“It was one punch and it was a good punch. You kinda had to be in my shoes. I was actually being set up by Vince McMahon. I got madder and madder and we kinda confronted each other. He came at me and we tied up like a pro wrestling match, and if you were in the room, there were [multiple] people who were going to jump in and pull us apart just like Vince wanted.”

On the punch itself being an uppercut:

“If I’d gone with a right hand, they would’ve hooked my arm and that would be the end of it. I lifted him about a foot off the ground. Knocked him completely out cold like a starfish.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.