The WWE Universe wants to see Cody Rhodes “finish the story” this year.
Booker T knows it.
The WWE Hall Of Fame legend and WWE NXT color-commentator spoke on the latest episode of his official podcast, “Hall Of Fame with Booker T & Brad Gilmore,” about WWE going the direction of Cody Rhodes vs. Seth “Freakin'” Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship instead of Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40, as well as how he feels the company can make “The American Nightmare” a bigger star.
Featured below are some of the highlights from the show where he touches on these topics with his thoughts.
On WWE going towards Cody Rhodes vs. World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins: “I don’t think people wanted to see Cody challenge Seth Rollins because that’s not the story. It’s not the story. People want to see the story completed. I could be wrong. But I think a lot of people are really invested in Cody right now. And, oh, listen to Dallas Page. And he was saying, you know, there couldn’t be a better representative for WWE right now. Then Cody Rhodes. You know, Roman Reigns has done a hell of a job, and he’s done a hell. He’s been. You know, WWE is Larry Holmes. You know, it was holding on to that title. So, my thing is, if he’s gonna drop it, the guy that’s gonna be here putting the work in. It’s gonna be cold. It’s not gonna be rock. Does everybody know that Rocky is ready to go back on the road? He’s not gonna get back out there. But that doesn’t have to happen, you, I mean, so what that angle actually, you know, you might feel a certain weight going into it. Then the fans, you know, may react going into it, and I just don’t think that’s something that, like I said, I don’t know what’s going to happen. Still, I think WrestleMania night the fans gonna get exactly their money’s worth and they’re gonna love it but every bit of it like it’s I just don’t want to write to show or anything like that. But I understand exactly where everybody’s frustration is coming from everybody’s frustration. I get it. Just because of this Cody thing, so many people have been investing. And that’s what I love about the business. You know, when you get the fans can emotionally connect, emotionally get on board with a story like Cody has done and created, you know, around, completing Dusty’s dream of holding the World Heavyweight Champion, a championship that he only got a chance to hold for a few minutes before they took it away from abroad bad.”
On whether WWE can do anything to increase Rhodes’ star power: “I really don’t think you need to do anything to increase your star power. I think Cody is in a prime position to be the star guy in WWE right now, carrying the championship. I really believe that I don’t think there’s anything you can do to know, enhance his star power any more than it is right now, but doing something put more money behind him I just don’t think that’s it. The people behind Cody right now. The people want to see code. That’s why this uproar of, you know, of the negatives versus the positives, you know, as far as the thing goes, is so vast because so many people are invested in Cody Rhodes in the story. I could be wrong. But the numbers don’t lie.”
Check out the complete episode of the show at Apple.com. H/T to WrestlingHeadlines.com for transcribing the above quotes.