Two-time WWE Hall of Famer Booker T recently appeared on an episode of his “Hall of Fame” podcast. He discussed several topics, including facing Zilla Fatu at a Reality of Wrestling event.
Booker T said, “We had a sold out house, you know what I mean? Some people drove more than five hours to see Zilla Fatu take on Booker T, and I want to thank those guys. I want to thank those guys. Because it was the biggest gate at Walker Texas Lawyer Arena. And I tell you — the people, it was like a sea. It was in motion. They were going crazy. It was a beautiful night for Reality Of Wrestling. But more importantly, sometimes you got to learn, and you got to learn the hard way. And that’s what I call it. That’s what I call it. Do I love Zilla? I love Zilla. I love this kid. It was a learning experience for Zilla Fatu on Saturday night. He’s going to take away from that and learn from that moment and never, ever — trust me — put himself in a situation like that, ever again. Trust me.”
On Ethan Page rising to a main event role:
“I didn’t see Ethan Page being that guy in that role, but I did not NOT see Ethan Page being in that role. And he handled being in that role very, very well. So I was like, Man, big ups to the kid, man. He did damn good. But there again, he’s a guy who’s been in the business for a while too, who understands the business. I said when Ethan Page came to NXT, I said, ‘Man, it’s a great asset.’ I said that and what an asset he is.”
You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.
(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)