Booker T: “I’m A Joe Hendry Fan. I’m Just Going To Put It Out There”

WWE Hall of Famer Booker T has criticized Joe Hendry, claiming that he has yet to be wowed by him. Booker has also questioned why fans have rallied behind Hendry. Booker stated on his podcast that, while he is a “good-looking kid” and has nothing against him, he still wants to see more from him. Booker said that if he hadn’t appeared on NXT, “I wouldn’t know who the hell Joe is.”

On the most recent Hall of Fame podcast, Booker said:

“I’m a Joe Hendry fan. I’m just going to put it out there. Anybody that comes along in this business and they’re able to create and find that spot, get in that lane and actually flow, it’s unique. The thing is this business is so fluid right now with so many young guys trying to get into the business. You see one break out, and the thing is, it’s not him in the ring turning flips or anything like that. That’s not what’s getting him over. I think it’s his personality and how he makes the fans feel about him. I always said that’s the true connection in professional wrestling, not what they see, but how you make them feel, and Joe Hendry has picked that up.”

You can check out the complete podcast below:

(h/t to for the transcription)