Booker T Believes Ricky Starks Would Fit Perfectly In WWE

Two-time WWE Hall of Famer Booker T recently took to an episode of his “Hall Of Fame” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including how he believes AEW star Ricky Starks would fit perfectly in WWE.

Booker T said, “I think he fits in perfectly. I mean, I really do. I think he’s got that look, he’s got the swagger. His name has gotten there before he did, so that right there said a whole lot about Ricky Starks. The guy believes in himself. That’s one thing I could say, almost like about Ethan Page. Ricky Starks — this kid. He has something, I don’t know what it is. People are always comparing him to The Rock. Me personally, I don’t see that. I don’t see that. But his promo style, his dress perhaps, maybe look, I don’t know. But people do compare him a lot to The Rock.”

On Starks reminding him of Ethan Page:

“I do feel like the kid has something. Me personally, I don’t know what that is just yet. But it’s just like Ethan Page. I said the same thing about Ethan Page, and the kid has something. Let’s see exactly what it is. And Ethan Page, he’s definitely paid off thus far in NXT. And I would love to see somebody like Ricky Starks, not make that jump or anything like that. But if he did show up in NXT, I think he’d be a great addition.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes)