Bobby Fish Reveals Classic Wrestling PPV Event He Wanted AEW to Bring Back

Former WWE and AEW star Bobby Fish was a guest on the “Wrestling Perspective Podcast.” Fish talked about how AEW should have had a Crockett Cup-style pay-per-view. When it first began in 1986, the Crockett Cup was a tournament to determine the best tag team. The NWA reintroduced the Crockett Cup in March of this year.

“As far as the vision like I really felt like there was room in that AEW run for a Crockett Cup-style pay-per-view,” said Fish. “I think tag team wrestling is so overlooked that I believe fans would have really enjoyed the difference, the juxtaposition if you will, that it would have been to have a tag team main event, a tag team — you know pretty much through – like, tournament.

“I really feel like we have such a variety of teams, like the ones that you named. There’s more, there is Trent and Rocky, Trent and Dustin, whatever combination you want to put together with those guys. I mean the list — Butcher and the Blade, yeah. I mean it goes on and on. I really felt like that was money kind of left on the table and it’s unfortunate. So, I do feel like that, um I would have liked to have seen that kind of come through a little bit better than it did.”

You can check out the complete interview below: