During a recent appearance on Busted Open Radio, Big E joked about how he might not be able to return from his torn meniscus for a long time:
“Maybe even 2022, who knows? Maybe I’ll take some time off. Maybe get some hydraulic knees, because this is my fourth knee surgery. So maybe look into that. Some Go-Go-Gadget legs. I might go bionic, actually. So we might go back to the drawing boards on that. Get some new hardware. So yeah, that’s the plan.”
WWE Hall of Fame “Superstar” Billy Graham took Big E’s comments seriously and wrote the following on Facebook:
“New Day is Breaking Up
It appears that way to me, according to the Big E’s latest statement. He has told the wrestling world that he has had a meniscus surgery and he will be out until 2021 or 2022. I went to the Mayo Clinic website and read that the most serious of meniscus surgeries require only 3 to 6 months to have a full and complete recovery. So he is a [liar] about the time needed to recover from this type of injury and apparently just doesn’t want to wrestle anymore. I wont miss his ass that’s for sure.
Nice photo a friend of mine found of me and Monsoon in my first WWWF title defense in MSG. A simple bearhug and believe me it was a long reach around the near 400 pound Monsoon. Plus, it may have been an old school hold but one sure didn’t get a concussion from it, unlike Kingston’s MMA style kick to the side of your head that you cannot pull.
My gofundme link is directly below, if you wish to donate just click on the link and give what you can. It will be very much appreciated.
Just before I started this post I checked my gofundme amount and the last donation was 11 hours ago from a nice man named Tom Gelfuso at $25. By now that has been a good 13 hours starting at 6 AM Phoenix time, all day long without 1 donation. That tells me the majority of my Facebook fans do not give a shit about me, about 5,000 of you. I started my gofundme on Jan.17th, 2018. One year and a half now. I am f***ing done with begging you people for nickles and dimes. I am going to start the process of blocking all of you who have not given a damn dime. I am weary as hell over being slapped in the face by you non givers who just want to take and not even give a 5 or a 10 back. I have over 10,000 fans waiting to get on my Facebook. I can give 5,000 of them a chance to give by adding them to my FB. Superstar B.G.”
Big E responded to Graham’s post with a picture of a man crying with the line “I won’t miss his ass that’s for sure” being circled.
— Florida Man (@WWEBigE) May 14, 2019