MLW (Major League Wrestling) announced that former WWE star Donovan Dijak will face Kevin Knight in a Singles Match at the Fusion TV taping portion of their Lucha Apocalypto event on Saturday, November 9th at the Cicero Stadium in Chicago, Illinois.
You can check out the full announcement below:
Dijak vs. Kevin Knight signed for Chicago
The disruptor fights Knight at Cicero Stadium
Major League Wrestling (“MLW”) have announced Donovan Dijak vs. Kevin Knight at the beIN SPORTS TV taping portion of Lucha Apocalypto from Cicero Stadium in Chicago on Saturday, November 9.
Cicero Stadium will witness a collision of power and finesse as Donovan Dijak, managed by Saint Laurent, steps into the ring to face Kevin Knight. Undefeated in Major League Wrestling (MLW) since his debut this summer, Dijak has been a relentless force, dominating the competition and leaving a trail of fallen opponents.
For months, Saint Laurent has littered the MLW locker rooms with open contracts, daring anyone to take on the towering disruptor, Donovan Dijak. But only a select few have found the guts to sign their names and face him in the ring. Now, Kevin Knight boldly steps up to take on Dijak in Chicago as Knight dares to disrupt Dijak’s path of destruction.
Kevin Knight is no stranger to high-stakes fights, having recently made waves in Japan by capturing the prestigious IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship in New Japan Pro Wrestling. Now, as a new member of the BOMAYE Fight Club, Knight brings both his success abroad and his fearless fighting spirit into MLW, determined to be the one who halts Dijak’s devastating path. With Dijak recently sidelining “Filthy” Tom Lawlor at PIT-FIGHTERS, the stakes couldn’t be higher. The question looms: will Knight disrupt the disruptor, or find himself ratio’d?
This match will be filmed exclusively for beIN SPORTS and air at a later date.
As a thank you to Chicago fans, the November return will be a special fan appreciation event with tickets starting at $10.
Lucha Apocalypto will feature MLW fighters and CMLL’s grandest luchadores. Matches will be announced at MLW.com.
PLUS: Special Meet & Greets! One night only merch and more!
Tickets start at $10 at www.LuchaTickets.com. Tickets will also be available day of show at the box office unless the event sales out in advance.