Big E Advised By Doctors To Not Wrestle Again, Says He Wants To Make “The Best Decision” For His Life

(Photo Credit: WWE)

After suffering a broken neck in early 2022, Big E discussed his health and his return status during a WWE SummerSlam press conference.

He said, “We did the year check-up and all that stuff looked great, but on the other side, I also talked to spine specialists, people who have worked on other people in the company and done their fusions and they said, ‘Hey, I would not wrestle again if I were you.’ For me, at 37, these are things that I think about. I think about quality of life. When I started this job at 23 and probably had a bit of a death wish and was okay at dying in the ring, I would now like to not die in the ring. I would like to do other things with my life. I don’t really have a timeline right now. I’m just really grateful to not have any nerve pain. My strength is great. Legit no issues whatsoever. It’s something I want to be smart about and make the best decision for my life. I’d like to have a lot of healthy life ahead of me. I want to be smart about things. Unfortunately, right now, I have no answer. I feel great, but I have nothing,”

You can check out the complete appearance below:

(h/t to Jeremy Lambert for the transcription)