“Knock at the Cabin,” starring Dave Bautista (Batista), will be released in theaters on February 3.
Jonathan Groff (Hamilton, Mindhunter), Ben Aldridge (Pennyworth, Fleabag), Nikki Amuka-Bird (Persuasion, Old), Kristen Cui, Abby Quinn (Little Women, Landline), and Rupert Grint co-star in the film (Servant, Harry Potter franchise).
He tweeted, “I ain’t givin’ away no spoilers, but let me tell you, @KnockAtTheCabin is gonna have you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Don’t miss it in theaters 2.3.23 #Knockatthecabin @MNightShyamalan”
You can watch the trailer and tweet about it below:
I ain’t givin’ away no spoilers, but let me tell you, @KnockAtTheCabin is gonna have you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Don’t miss it in theaters 2.3.23 #Knockatthecabin @MNightShyamalan pic.twitter.com/VdsM6pmrdp
— Dave Bautista (@DaveBautista) January 15, 2023