Baron Corbin Reveals Unused Storyline Idea By Vince McMahon With Kurt Angle

WWE star Baron Corbin recently appeared as a guest on INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling. During the discussion, Corbin talked about creative plans changing during his time in WWE:

“I mean, there’s always plans. When I worked with Kurt Angle, Vince [McMahon] had these ideas of now I have the gold medal. I’m the gold medalist. It was super awesome. Then it just didn’t happen, something changed, and we went in a different direction. Same with [Corbin winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at Wrestlemania 32]. The next week, you work with Dolph. You’re new on the roster, you work with Dolph. Dolph is one of the best on the entire planet at elevating guys, and I did that, and then, ‘The Lone Wolf’ did well. I had Money in the Bank, was US Champion, all of those things.”

“There’s been a few times where there’s that moment and it’s like, ‘But how do we capitalize?’ and then, you know, things change. I don’t know, somebody gets hurt, I’ve had moments where we’re supposed to have a match with somebody that’s gonna lead [to something] and you know, they get dinged up and they gotta — we got to go this way now. It kind of hurts that flow, but that’s the nature of the business. That’s the nature of the beast. They’ve got a lot of really talented writers that write these shows and maybe it’s some idea that they think is better than what they had [and] we go with that. Maybe it doesn’t work. Maybe it does. It’s just random. I mean Sad Corbin was random. I think we could have ran that for another six months. Kevin Owens and I had a really awesome pitch to run as a tag team with Sad Corbin and they were like, ‘We love it. We love it. We did it for like two weeks, and then Kevin had to go a different direction. It was turning me babyface. I think Vince didn’t want to go that route yet with me. So that’s why we shifted gears and switched to Happy Corman winning all my money in the casino after SummerSlam.”

You can check out the complete interview below:

(quotes courtesy of Robert DeFelice)