Backstage News On Wardlow’s AEW Status

Months have passed since Wardlow last stepped into the ring on AEW television. His journey within the company has been marked by a series of inconsistent pushes. Initially, it seemed he was set for a major feud with Adam Cole; however, those plans were put on hold with Cole sidelined. Wardlow is often viewed as a talent deserving of a spot in the main event scene; however, currently, there are no plans for his appearance on television.

Wardlow made an appearance at the Jacksonville Jaguars game on September 15, appearing healthy, which suggests that an injury is not the reason for his absence from television. According to Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Wardlow is “just one of those guys not being used.”

Due to their huge roster, AEW frequently rotates in a lot of wrestlers. There’s still no update on when Wardlow will be reintegrated into the creative plans. His latest tweet about MJF suggests that a potential feud could be on the horizon, making it an interesting possibility for the future. On June 5th, Wardlow shared the following post:

“He wants to be a 6’3 270lb monster athlete so bad. Now stealing my whole identity? Call yourself the “lone wolf” all you want. you’re still just a pu**y that I squashed like nothing. Almost feel bad for the little boy, but the disrespect has gone too far for too long”