Aron Stevens On Damien Sandow’s WWE Origins And Dusty Rhodes’ Role In The Character

(Photo Credit: @AronsThoughts)

Former WWE star and pro wrestling veteran Aron Stevens spoke with Developmentally Speaking on a number of topics, including how his Damien Sandow character started in WWE.

Stevens said, “I was pissed off. And I was watching Rip Rogers, and I decided ‘I’m going to grow a beard, wear pink tights and whatever.’ Someone from WWE who was not qualified to be in the position they were in, but were nonetheless, said some things, evaluated me as a talent. And Dusty was pissed. He got hot. And [he was] like ‘Okay. That’s it. This is what we’re going to do.’ So we did it. And the rest is history. It’s that simple.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.