WWE Hall of Famer “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson recently appeared on an episode of his ARN podcast, where he discussed a number of topics including wrestling Johnny B Badd in a boxer vs. wrestler match.
Anderson said, “It was not something that I had at the front of my prefrontal lobe and was wishing to do. But you know, it wasn’t that big of a stretch. We’re in the entertainment business. We’re entertainers. That to me, just gave me — you know, and I always think ‘Story, story, if I can just tell a story.’ Well, the story was that the boxer who would knock your head off was actually at a disadvantage. Because his opponent, who equally would knock your head off, not as efficiently as a Golden Gloves boxer. But I didn’t have own gloves, so I had the advantage. I was bare-knuckling, and he had on boxing gloves, even though that was one of his fortes. You know, the guy was a Golden Glove boxing champion.”
On Johnny being a boxer:
“That’s the story. You know, it goes far beyond it just being a boxer versus wrestler. That’s like, ‘Okay, why is he the boxer?’ Well, because prior to being a wrestler, that’s what he was. That all helps fill in the blanks.”
You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.
(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)