WWE Hall of Famer Arn Anderson recently spoke on his podcast, “ARN,” about a variety of professional wrestling topics including a deep dive into the psychology aspect of the wrestling business.
Proper reactions making wrestling simple to follow:
“I have a theory; this is just a theory. If we’re sitting on the bench talking, Paul. We’re chatting back and forth, we’re yukking it up, whatever we’re doing… and just out of the blue, I thump you in the nose? I’m going to get a ‘what the hell’s the matter with you’ reaction? It’s a real reaction. If you take everything offensively that is done to you and sell it the way it should be — not more, not less — our business becomes so easy to follow. A match becomes so easy to follow.”
Difference between taking bumps and selling:
“It’s where guys don’t sell at all. Let’s don’t mistake selling for taking bumps. You can come screaming off those ropes and if I stick an elbow in your mouth, and you take a textbook flat back bump; but you can come off the deck and never feel for those teeth that you think are missing? You missed the boat. That’s not selling, that’s just taking bumps. It’s a real simple theory. Just sell everything that is done to you to the degree that it should be. Not more; not less. And it’s a piece of cake.”
Bringing the audience into the story:
“If it’s a kick in the knee, reach down, grab your knee, and sell it! Let your facial match it. Take the audience’s eyes with you into the sell. Got ’em right where you want them to be paying attention. If you don’t, if you get kicked in your knee and never grab your knee and just move onto something else, it might as well have never happened.”
You can check out the complete podcast below:
(h/t 411mania for the transcription)