WWE Hall of Famer “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson recently appeared on an episode of his ARN podcast, where he discussed a number of topics including the infamous WCW Great American Bash 1996 match with The Renegade and dropping the World TV Title to him.
Anderson said, “I knew it was going to be the s**ts. All day long, I knew it was going to be the s**ts. I think I found out a few days later, and I knew then it was going to be the s**ts. I just didn’t know that we were going to put our fans through a horrifying — what was it, eight or nine minutes? He could have beat me in two minutes, and everybody would have been much happier, I am sure.”
On working with The Renegade:
“It wasn’t his fault. He was just green, and I mean really green. And he had came in under false pretenses. Now he’s stuck without the gimmick. He’s just kind of left out there to dry, wou know what I mean? He’s not the Ultimate Warrior, but he was — I guess he was tripping the audience up by the way he was featured to begin with. You know, if you go back and first time he was on TV he was behind a curtain. And all you could see was like — I mean, from the shape and size of him in the hair, and then he was shaking. Just one look, you might have thought, ‘Well s**t, maybe they do have the Ultimate Warrior.’ But once you find out it’s not him. And then — you know, wrestling fans don’t like to get swerved in a bad way. When you found out it wasn’t him, and that’s who he was. And then he had to start having matches, because he’s not the Ultimate Warrior it’s like, ‘Oh, we might have thrown a wrench in this kid.’”
You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.
(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)