WWE star Alexa Bliss responded to negative comments made about her by podcast host JD From NY. JD, who has 117,000 YouTube subscribers, criticized Bliss and a fan sent Bliss the video:
JD and only JD can correlate sex with Alexa Bliss with her in ring work. My god what a take. pic.twitter.com/ni6fRaiQ1p
— JDfromNYsburner (@GayD206) May 14, 2020
Normally I ignore his ignorance Bc all he wants is to be recognized by bashing me… but ex freaking scuse me sir??? … HOW DARE YOU discredit my work in such a disgraceful way. #WhatAClassAct https://t.co/0B6EByVSjl
— Lexi Kaufman (@AlexaBliss_WWE) May 25, 2020
He’s been blocked forever on my end. He’s Just one of those people who talks crap behind a microphone while waiting In line for pics at Axxess https://t.co/6r7viH5ipt
— Lexi Kaufman (@AlexaBliss_WWE) May 25, 2020
When I say people need to be held accountable for what they say… this is what I mean. https://t.co/sqPlBkKtg0
— Lexi Kaufman (@AlexaBliss_WWE) May 25, 2020