Former WWE star Alberto Del Rio recently appeared on Sportskeeda’s WrestleBinge for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling. During the discussion, Del Rio talked about the reality show on HBO that he was on:
“I was baking cakes. Baking cakes is an art. I’m talking about real cakes for weddings and big parties, not those cakes that you buy in the superstore in a box and you just put them in the oven, no, real cakes. It takes you like three hours to prepare one of those. I took classes for it and I ended up being really good at it. So the reality show is going to be on HBO in the next month. They’re going to show it and they’re going to have a lot of fun with all the other Latin personalities or celebrities that are in the reality show with me. Then there’s another reality show with Univision, where we are helping children to accomplish their dreams through different stages. So they will see me singing, and telling jokes, stuff that I don’t normally do. There’s an episode where I wrestle and I teach somebody how to wrestle. It’s going to be really entertaining. They are already showing on Mexican television. I’m pretty sure it’ll be in Latin channels in the United States pretty soon.”
If he would like to clear up his past differences with Triple H:
“I have done it publicly. There’s some irrational people saying, ‘Oh, you do it because you need a job.’ No, I have always had a job, a different kind of job, not in the wrestling business until now that Triple A, thank you Triple A for giving me the opportunity, but I have always had a job. I just did it (apologized) because I was wrong and I should have never crossed the line With Triple H. There was a reason why he was not using me, but back then I was stupid and I thought it was just because he didn’t like me and not because at the time they needed to push new stars and they need to give the opportunity to other wrestlers and Mexico was not the market that it used to be, and that’s why. I was still being the good, great wrestler, the good performer, and they were always paying me credit for it. They were always giving me the credit I deserve. It was just me not knowing that part about the business until I became a promoter. Once I became a promoter, I understood. Right away I understood why they weren’t using me the way that they were using me at first, and I apologized.”
His ex-wife who passed away last year:
“My kids are doing great. They lost their mom a year ago, this Sunday, April 30th, is going to be a year in. Daddy has been there for them, helping them, guiding them, is why they are doing great right now. They miss mommy. We all do. I’m gonna miss her for the rest of my life, but I know she’s happy in heaven because we’re doing good and her kids are doing fantastic because I am fulfilling the promise that I did to her when I grabbed her hand and I heard her last words in this life, in this world, which were ‘Take care of our children. I love you.’ Those were her last words and I am fulfilling my word of taking care of our children and living a happy life, a happy, clean, beautiful, amazing life.”
You can check out the complete podcast below:
(h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription)