In an interview with Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated, AJ Styles discussed production of the Boneyard match between himself and The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 36:
“And I don’t know if everyone knows how long it actually took. We started around eight o’clock, and we didn’t get finished ‘til about 4:30 in the morning. It was basically a movie, so we needed to get cameras in the right spot and walk through some stuff that was going to happen. I have a lot more respect for actors after working on those fight scenes.”
“It was difficult to stay up that late, but we pumped each other before the fight scenes. Undertaker and myself, we did our fight scenes in one take. That’s all it took. But at one point, Undertaker had his scene with the minions, so we were waiting for our spot to come up. The waiting, that part was long, but it was still good. The way it all turned out was unbelievable.”