AJ Styles Reflects On WrestleMania 33 Match With Shane McMahon

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE star AJ Styles appeared on Insight With Chris Van Vliet, where he discussed a number of topics, including facing Shane McMahon at WrestleMania 33.

Styles said, “Oh, I’ve had, I think we’ve had some matchups in the past where you thought, ‘Nah, I don’t know about this one. A perfect example: No one thought that me and Shane McMahon were gonna have a good match.”

On how their match was entertaining:

“I thought we did a very good job of making that very entertaining. Had some moments in there that are really cool. I had the opportunity to work Shane McMahon. An awesome guy, freaking love him. No one more is dedicated to perfection than Shane McMahon. Ask The Undertaker, he’ll tell you, and I respect the heck out of that. The stuff that he does. He’s still doing a Shooting Star Press. Are you kidding me? He beats himself up. Man, I have so much respect for Shane. I freaking love him. That was a great match.”

On McMahon’s dedication to perfectionism:

“He just wanted to perfect it, whatever we were doing. He wanted to make sure it was spot-on every time, and you got to respect that. I mean, that’s what I want. Then, to be able to bounce some stuff off of him that — the guy could fight for real, you know? So we were able to put a little bit of that stuff that he knew, a little bit of Jiu Jitsu that he’s taken, and make it work. It was really a fun match, man. It was really unexpected, I think, for fans to see us have such a good match together.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)