All Elite Wrestling has suspended RUSH following the ROH Final Battle 2022 premium live event this past weekend.
The show saw RUSH and Dralistico team up to face AR Fox and Blake Christian. The end of the match saw Fox hit a 450 on Dralistico, and while Dralistico kicked out, the referee still counted the finish. This led to confusion, and a post-match angle that saw RUSH attack the referee, while Fox and Christian were also attacked.
After the show, Jose The Assistant took to social media to comment on the suspension. He wrote the following:
RUSH “assaulted” a Referee. We got fined $$ for using chairs. We’ve been SUSPENDED for a week by AEW. Preston didn’t get too involved and isn’t suspended. You can’t fool the fans, they know the match ending was BULLSHIT.
RUSH “assaulted” a Referee
We got fined $$ for using chairs
We’ve been SUSPENDED for a week by #AEW
Preston didn’t get too involved and isn’t suspended.
You can’t fool the fans, they know the match ending was BULLSHIT.#ROHFinalBattle #LaFaccionIngobernable pic.twitter.com/8gcCauiELd
— JoseTheAssistant (@JoseAssistant) December 11, 2022
.@LexyNair catches up w/ @rushtoroblanco & @DRALISTICO_LFI, w/ @pres10Vance & @JoseAssistant, after the controversial ending to their tag match vs. @ARealFoxx & @_BlakeChristian on #ROHFinalBattle
If you missed it, order the replay right now!@BRWrestling: https://t.co/EdGVni5sMA pic.twitter.com/8pOx1TJjI1— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) December 11, 2022