During Election Day 2024 in the United States, AEW star Kamille shared her public thoughts on the topic of abortion through an Instagram story.
“If the baby inside a woman isn’t a ‘human being’ then what is inside of the womb? A baby is a human being at the moment of conception. Science shows a literal spark of light, called a zinc spark, that happens at the moment of conception. At that moment, a human being has been created. There’s no way around it. It is the miracle of LIFE.
And a human beings worth isn’t dependent on location. A baby that’s current location is inside a stomach is no different than one that’s location is outside of it. People want to talk about ‘viability’ when a baby at one month old still relies on constant care and nurturing and wouldn’t survive on its own, so don’t even try with the ‘parasite’ argument. A one-month old is still RELYING on the mother to live.. Would you call that child a parasite?!! Would you kill it because of that?!! Oh wait.. there are laws against that cuz the baby has a new location now, a residence we’ve deemed ‘worthy’ of life.
And since when is someones usefulness or uselessness an okay reason to commit murder?!? WAKE UP people. It’s sick.”