AEW Rampage Review – November 10, 2023

AEW Rampage Review – November 10, 2023

AEW World Tag Team Champion Ricky Starks vs. Preston Vance

Match starts off with a lock up then Preston Vance delivers a chop and fires off stomps in the corner before the action spills to the outside and Vance sends Ricky Starks crashing into the barricade.

Starks sends Vance crashing off the ring apron then suplexes him on the ramp as we go to  a break.

After the break Vance lands a flying shoulder tackle off the apron then follows it up with a forearm and a spinebuster then hits a back body drop and plants him.

He drives him into the mat with a Michinoku Driver but Big Bill distracts him & that opens the door for Starks to hit a Spear for the win.

Winner: AEW World Tag Team Champion Ricky Starks

After the match Starks & Bill continue to beat him down before Rush & Dralistico run down to the ring to provide Vance with a hand.

We then head over to a video from Chris Jericho, who has a message for Konosuke Takeshita.

Red Velvet vs. Ruby Soho

Red Velvet & Ruby Soho take turns locking in submission holds on one another before Soho lands a shoulder tackle but Velvet connects with a leg lariat and a series of right hands to her midsection.

Soho sends Velvet into the corner and fires off stomps then sends her crashing into the top turnbuckle and the top rope face first as we go to a break.

After the break Velvet delivers a pair of clotheslines then Soho sends her crashing into the mat but Velvet delivers a pair of double knees to the back of her head and a moonsault.

Soho connects with a pair of Saito suplexes and receives a flower delivery at ringside.

Velvet takes advantage and rolls her up but Soho kicks out and delivers a right hand before Velvet rocks her with a knee then connects with a spinning roundhouse kick for the win.

Winner: Red Velvet

Tag Team Match
The Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) vs. Los Suavecitos (Danny Rose & Ricky Gee)

Matt Taven lands a roundhouse kick on Ricky Gee then Mike Bennett hits a piledriver to Danny Rose before The Kingdom hits The Neck Check for the win.

Winners: The Kingdom

After the match Roderick Strong gets up from his wheelchair and hits End Of Heartache on Rose.

We then head backstage where The Outcasts confront Matt Menard & Angelo Parker about Parker sending Soho flowers during her match.

Tag Team Match
FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. El Hijo Del Vikingo & Komander

Komander delivers a kick to Dax Harwood’s thigh before Harwood fires back with a shoulder tackle but Komander lands a hurricanrana and a dropkick then lands a chop and tags in El Hijo Del Vikingo.

Cash Wheeler tags in and Vikingo catches him with a kick to his head then sends him crashing into the corner face first and hits a hurricanrana before the action spills to the outside and Vikingo lands a tope suicida as we go to a break.

After the break Komander delivers a crossbody to Harwood off the top rope before Harwood counters into a pinfall but Komander kicks out. Vikingo catches Harwood with a dropkick off the top rope and Komander pins him but Harwood kicks out.

Komander then delivers a hurricanrana before Vikingo becomes legal and looks to climb up to the top rope but Harwood trips him and delivers a superplex before Komander delivers an avalanche hurricanrana to Wheeler.

Vikingo & Komander then both ascend to the top and deliver simultaneous 450 splashes to FTR then they go for a double pin but FTR kicks out. Wheeler delivers a Gory Buster to Komander but Vikingo trips him and looks for a moonsault on Harwood.

Harwood catches him and delivers a Tombstone Piledriver but Vikingo catches him with a hurricanrana. Komander becomes legal and Harwood delivers a powerbomb to Vikingo.

Komander rolls him up but Harwood kicks out so Komander ascends to the top rope and looks for a moonsault but Harwood avoids the move & FTR hits Shatter Machine to score the win.

Winners: FTR

After the match FTR raise Komander & Vikingo’s hand and hug them to close out this week’s Rampage.