AEW Rampage Review – December 1, 2023

AEW Rampage Review – December 1, 2023

8 Man Tag Team Match
Best Friends (International Champion Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta) & Hookhausen (FTW Champion Hook & Danhausen) vs. Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno), Matt Menard & Angelo Parker

Dark Order, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker go straight after Best Friends & Hookhausen before Evil Uno fires off chops on Danhausen in the corner but Danhausen delivers a boot to his midsection and whips him into the corner.

Danhausen hits a hurricanrana and a suplex then delivers a boot to Uno’s midsection and tags in Hook then Menard then becomes legal.

Both teams stare one another down in the ring before they begin brawling with one another before Best Friends & Hookhausen send Dark Order, Menard & Parker crashing into one another then look to hug but Dark Order, Menard & Parker stop them in their tracks but Best Friends & Hookhausen simultaneously suplex them and hug one another.

Hook fires off right hands on Parker’s midsection in the corner but Menard catches him with a right of his own. He delivers a backbreaker and holds Hook in place as Parker delivers a running knee before Trent Beretta takes Parker out but Menard powerbombs him.

Cassidy catches him with a tornado DDT but gets leveled by Uno then Danhausen hits Uno with a suplex but Alex Reynolds levels him.

Hook delivers a t bone suplex to him then hits Parker with one before Uno delivers a boot to Hook’s midsection but Hook hits him with a t bone suplex.

Wheeler Yuta’s music hits and he appears at ringside opening the door for Menard to blindside Hook from behind and deliver a suplex.

Parker tags in and delivers a boot to Hook then tags out to Reynolds & fires off right hands on Hook’s spine then tags Menard in as we go to a break.

After the break Menard tags in and Hook catches him with a flying clothesline. Beretta & Uno tag in and Beretta levels Uno. He takes out an interfering Reynolds with a pair of German suplexes.

Cassidy tags in and delivers his signature kicks to Dark Order then delivers a double dropkick to both men and a Stundog Millionaire to Uno.

Reynolds tags in and lands a boot on Cassidy in the corner then sits him on the top turnbuckle and climbs up to join him before Beretta levels him with a half & half suplex from the middle rope.

Danhausen & Menard tag in and Danhausen curses Menard then grabs Jake Hager’s purple hat from in his trunks and puts it on. Hager charges at him but Cassidy low bridges him out of the ring.

Parker then pulls the hat off Danhausen’s head as Menard in place but Hook locks him in the Redrum. Menard looks to help Parker but Danhausen rolls him up for the win.

Winners: Best Friends & Hookhausen

We then see Angelo Parker approach Anna Jay & The Outcasts. Parker approaches them and asks if they’re ready but Jay makes it clear she wants him to stay in the back.

Tony Schiavone introduces Sting & Ric Flair and they make their way down to the ring.

Sting reminisces about his matches at the Mall of America then says it’s good to be back. He thanks fans for the memories then thanks Tony Khan, Tony Schiavone & Flair. He hands the mic over to Flair & Flair says he’s cover a lot of ground and had a lot of fun then gives shout outs to Dusty Rhodes, Ricky The Dragon Steamboat & Sting. He says he’s happy to be back in his hometown and says he’ll be with Sting until the end then says they’ve remained respectful and honest with one another.

Trios Match
The Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita, Powerhouse Hobbs & Kyle Fletcher) vs. Kit Sackett, Renny D & Jah-C

Jah-C fires off right hands on Powerhouse Hobbs but Hobbs stays on his feet and runs Jah-C over then Kit Sackett & Renny D get in the ring but Hobbs levels them both with spinebusters.

Kyle Fletcher & Konosuke Takeshita join Hobbs in the ring and Fletcher sends Sackett crashing into the mat with a piledriver.

Takeshita does the same to Renny & Hobbs delivers a slam to Jah-C for the win.

Winners: The Don Callis Family

After the match Don Callis grabs a mic and puts The Golden Jets on notice.

Trios Match
The Outcasts (Ruby Soho & Saraya) & Anna Jay vs. Kris Statlander, Hikaru Shida & Skye Blue

Kris Statlander executes a mat return on Anna Jay before Hikaru Shida tags in and Statlander trips Jay & Shida hits a forearm and they hit a double elbow drop.

Skye Blue tags in and delivers a kick to Jay’s head but Statlander tags herself in much to the annoyance of Blue. Shida & Saraya then become legal and Shida rocks Saraya with a kick.

She gets her up on her shoulders and plants her with a slam then suplexes an interfering Soho on top of her. Blue tags in and delivers a step up knee to Saraya. Soho delivers a kick to her head from the apron while the referee has his back turned as we go to a break.

After the break Statlander sends Saraya crashing into the mat and looks for a pin but Jay breaks the fall. Jay then becomes legal and double teams with Saraya before Jay looks to lock in the Queen Slayer.

Statlander avoids the hold with a back suplex but Jay plants her with a flatliner and tags in Soho. Soho looks for a superkick on Statlander but accidentally hits Jay.

Blue tags in and Statlander gets Soho up on her shoulders then plants her face first and Blue follows it up with Code Blue for the win.

Winners: Kris Statlander, Hikaru Shida & Skye Blue

After the match Jay gets in Soho’s face on the outside but Saraya drags her away.

Trios Match
The Workhorsemen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry) & Brian Cage vs. El Hijo Del Vikingo, Pentagon Jr & Komander

Komander looks for a hurricanrana but Brian Cage avoids it and sends Komander crashing into the mat. Pentagon Jr tags in and delivers a crossbody off the top before Anthony Henry & El Hijo Del Vikingo tag in.

Vikingo delivers a dropkick off the top rope then follows it up with a roundhouse kick and a flying forearm then hits a hurricanrana off the top then lands a corkscrew kick then JD Drake tags in and Vikingo looks to catch him with a chop.

Drake remains on his feet and levels Vikingo with a chop then tosses him across the ring & Vikingo levels him with a hurricanrana that sends him out of the ring.

Pentagon & Komander take down an interfering Cage & Henry sending them out to join Henry and go flying over the top to level him. Vikingo gets caught in the ropes and Drake catches him with a strike as we go to a break.

After the break Pentagon delivers a pair of kicks to The Workhorsemen then he catches them both with a double DDT then tags Komander in & he hits a dropkick off the top rope to Drake and hits a 2nd one on him in the corner off Pentagon’s back.

He delivers a lungblower to Cage and holds him in place for Vikingo to deliver a double stomp off the top rope. Pentagon then ascends to the top and hits a double stomp of his own. He goes for a pin but Cage kicks out.

Komander tags in and gets caught with a shoulder block by Cage mid air then Henry tags in and double teams on him with Drake. He delivers a stomp off the ropes and goes for a pin but Vikingo breaks the fall.

Pentagon sends Henry crashing into the mat with Made In Japan but Drake levels him with a corkscrew neckbreaker. Komander takes Drake out with a back heel kick but Cage holds him in place as Henry looks for an enzuigiri.

He accidentally hits Cage leading Cage to level him with a clothesline then Drake confronts him but gets caught with a roundhouse kick from Vikingo. Cage & Prince Nana storm to the back as Pentagon hits Fear Factor to Henry.

Vikingo tags in before Komander ascends to the top and hits a Rope Walking Shooting Star Press. Vikingo then delivers the 630 Senton for the win.

Winners: El Hijo Del Vikingo, Pentagon Jr & Komander