All Elite Wrestling returned with the latest episode of AEW Rampage at 10/9c on TNT on Friday, November 15, 2024. The show was taped on November 13 at the Total Mortgage Arena in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Featured below are complete results. The following report was written by Joseph Collins and F4WOnline.com.
Hikaru Shida defeated Leila Grey
Shida got a near fall after a dropkick off the middle rope. Grey blocked a kicked and rolled up Shida for a near fall. Shida hit the Falcon Arrow and got the pinfall.
– Renee Paquette interviewed Harley Cameron, who played a guitar and sang a song about a little girl, “not a child because that would be weird, but someone who is small in stature” until she ran out of time. Honestly the whole show should be just Paquette interviewing Cameron until it gets cancelled. The ratings would improve.
Mark Briscoe vs. Ari Daivari (w/ Mark Sterling)
Briscoe hit a suplex for a near fall. He followed up with some redneck kung fu. On the floor, Briscoe tossed Daivari into the ringside barricade and the brawled around ringside. Sterling broke up Briscoe’s attempt at using a chair for a springboard, and this distracted giave Daivari the opportunity to take control.
Sterling distracted Briscoe when he went to the top, and Daivari caught Briscoe with a sleeper. A short-arm lariat followed up with a hammerlock DDT got Daivari a near fall. Briscoe mounted his comeback with more redneck kung fu and a series of forearms. Briscoe hit a fisherman’s buster for two. Daivari blocked a Jay Driller and hit a superkick. Daivari charged into a Death Valley Driver and Briscoe went to the top, but Daivari crotched him. Daivari then tried for a Jay Driller, but Briscoe escaped. Sterling distracted Briscoe, so Rocky Romero ran interference and took out Sterling. Romero tossed Briscoe the chair, and Briscoe hit his launchpad plancha onto Sterling and Daivari, then dropped the Froggy Bow for the pinfall. This went far too long for what it was, but was fine.
Komander (w/ Alex Abrahantes) v. Rocky Romero
MVP was shown watching the match in the back. After some even lucha exchanges, Romero started to overpower Komander. Romero delivered a superplex and both guys were down.
Komander hit a walking-the-ropes springboard moonsault coming out of a commerical. After a series of reversals and counters, Komander hit a springboard dropkick off the middle rope. Romero kicked Komander in the face when he went for a moonsault. Romero hit a running sliced bread for a near fall. Komander rammed Romero in the corner with a running powerslam. Komander walked the top rope and hit a shooting star press for the pinfall. I thought Rocky was winning this, but then remembered that Komander has a bigger match tomorrow night on Collision with Shelton Benjamin.
– Lexi Nair’s interview with Anna Jay was interruped by Taya Valkyrie. Valkyrie offered Jay some insurnace for her no-dq Women’s World Title match, but Jay would have none of it.
Rush & The Beast Mortos (w/ Dralistico) defeated Richard Holliday & Alec Price
Mortos destroyed Price with a powerslam and a pop-up Samoan Drop. Rush tagged in and Holiday held his own with Rush for about 12 seconds. Rush tossed him to the floor and bounced his head off the ring barricade. Rush brutalized the poor job guy. Back in the ring, Rush hit the running shotgun dropkick in the corner and got the pinfall.
– Lexi Nair asked MVP if he was scouting talent in AEW. MVP thinks some talent in AEW needs motivation and better management, while others are arrognat talent that needs to be beaten down. Guess what kind of talent Swerve Strickland is? MVP also had kind things to say about Komander and Ricochet.
– Hype package for Anna Jay v. Mariah May for Collision tomorrow night.
Ricochet defeated Dante Martin
Richochet kept Martin from getting to the rope to break a wrist lock, so Dante countered by flipping out of it. Dante went for a sunset flip, but Ricochet countered it somehow with his own sunset flip. Ricochet snapped off a mean looking dropkick. The fight went to the floor, where both guys avoided moonsaults. Back in the ring, more creative avoidance of each other’s offense ended with Ricochet hitting a gamengiri and a springboard clothesline.
After a long split-screen break, Martin went for a double-jump springboard moonsault but it was more like a carthwheel into a a knee to Ricochet’s head. Martin hit a springboard frog splash for a near fall. Ricochet hit a Northern Lights suplex and rolled right out of that and into a brainbuster. A standing shooting star press got Ricochet a near fall. Martin tried a springboard into a bulldog, but Ricochet turned that into a Blue Thunder Bomb for another near fall.
Martin countered a Vertigo attempt with a cradle, but Ricochet dropped him with a backdrop suplex. Ricochet hit a sliding elbow strike and got the pinfall.
After the match, Ricochet helped Martin to his feet and they showed each other respect after a good match.