It’s Friday night, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling is back tonight from the Nutter Center at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio with this week’s taped episode of AEW Rampage.
On tap for tonight’s show, which kicks off at 10/9c on TNT, is The Elite vs. Ethan Page, Matt Hardy & Isiah Kassidy for the AEW Trios Championships.
Also scheduled is RUSH vs. Christopher Daniels, Shane “Swerve” Strickland vs. Brian Pillman Jr., as well as Toni Storm & Saraya in tag-team action.
Featured below are complete AEW Rampage results from Friday, February 3, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 10-11pm EST. on TNT.
We hear the usual “This is Rampage, baby!” theme song play and then we shoot inside the Nutter Center at Wright State University in Dayton, OH. where Excalibur, Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone welcome us to the show.
AEW Trios Championships
The Elite (C) vs. Matt Hardy, Ethan Page & Isiah Kassidy
Now we head down to the ring where the six-men involved in our opening match are ready to rock and roll. The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this one, which features The Elite trio of Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks defending their AEW Trios Championships against the threesome of Matt Hardy, Ethan Page and Isiah Kassidy.
Omega and Kassidy kick things off for their respective teams as the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running. We see The Elite jump off to a good start, complete with a lot of quick tags and fast-paced spots. Ethan Page ends up taking over for his team and the crowd lets him hear it with boos.
We see “The Cleaner” tag back in and he starts to help shift the offensive momentum back into The Elite’s favor. The Young Bucks hit the ring and help with some double-team action. They feed Isiah Kassidy into a big triple-team spot after he tags in moments later.
Now things build to a big spot where Matt and Nick Jackson hit big diving spots from the ring to the floor as Omega holds their intended targets. Back in the ring, Matt Hardy tries fighting off the champs by himself, but ends up getting guzzled up by The Young Bucks.
Hardy ends up hitting a Side Effect. He goes for the near fall afterwards, but Matt Jackson kicks out at two. We hear Ethan Page demand to be tagged in just as Hardy gets the offensive control on the side of their team. Hardy obliges and “All Ego” comes in to steal the glory. He taunts the fans in Dayton as we head to a mid-match commercial break with this match still in progress.
When we head back from the commercials, we see Page once again steal the glory from Hardy, only for it to backfire this time as he mocks Hardy’s “HUH?!?” gun hand gesture as he stands on the middle ropes. He launches off but is met with a super kick on his way down for his troubles.
Kenny Omega tags back in and picks up where Jackson left off, taking it to Page. We see stereo sentons and other big double-team moves, one right after the other, ending with Omega landing a big knee. The fans break out in a loud “This is Awesome!” chant.
Don Callis, who has been on special guest commentary for this one, has been mostly silent since returning from the break. Finally the commentators ask him a question and he mentions it being good that he’s up there with them and not down at ringside causing trouble. He says this just as Stokely Hathaway is coming down to the ring.
Meanwhile the action picks back up in the ring with a bunch of near falls that are broken up. Now we see one person after another thrown out to the floor. Kassidy hits a crazy cutter on Jackson for a close near fall. We see Hardy checking on Page as the two recover at ringside.
Kassidy goes to make a tag but no one is there. Omega runs over and blasts him with a V-Trigger. Jackson knocks Hardy off the ring apron as he tries to run over. Omega hits a One-Winged Angel and then they hit the BTE Trigger for the pin fall victory. With the win, they retain the AEW Trios Championships.
Winners and STILL AEW Trios Champions: The Elite
“Absolute” Ricky Starks Reacts To Gauntlet Match
We shoot backstage where “Absolute” Ricky Starks is in the interview zone. He is asked about the gauntlet match he has scheduled. He says he’s no stranger to having the deck stacked against him. He mentions doing whatever it takes to get his hands on Chris Jericho again. We head to another commercial break.
Update On Golden Globe Theft Fallout
As we return from the break we hear Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh talking trash about Paul Walter Hauser and gloating about stealing his Golden Globe trophy. The video package also features comments from Danhausen, who is a bit shaken up still after being hit with the Golden Globe trophy.
Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Shane “Swerve” Strickland
Now we head back inside the arena where Brian Pillman Jr. makes his way down to the ring for our next match of the evening. He settles inside the ring and his music dies down.
From there, the theme for his opponent, Shane “Swerve” Strickland, hits. Out he comes accompanied by the rest of The Mogul Affiliates. He settles into the ring and his music fades off as well.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. Swerve starts off strong, but Pillman Jr. remains competitive. We see Pillman Jr. start to take the offensive lead and then he makes the mistake of taunting Strickland by yelling out to the crowd, “Who’s House?” He then turns into a big shot from Strickland.
Pillman Jr. answers back with a picture-perfect dropkick, ala his father Brian Pillman, and continues to take it to him. He knocks Strickland out to the floor and hits a big splash onto him from the ring.
On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break. When we return from the break, we see the action still in progress. Pillman Jr. continues to fare well as we settle in to the match, but within a couple of minutes, Strickland takes back over and picks up the win.
Afterwards, the rest of The Mogul Affiliates join him in the ring and the guys commence to a post-match beat down until Dustin Rhodes runs out to make the save, chasing off the heels.
Winner: Shane “Swerve” Strickland
Toni Storm & Saraya vs. The Renegade Twins
After the post-match scene following the Strickland-Pillman Jr. bout, we shoot to a lengthy video package featuring The House of Black and “The Mad King” Eddie Kingston. When it wraps up, we head back inside the arena.
It’s time for scheduled women’s tag-team action. With that said, out comes the team of Toni Storm and Saraya. Already in the ring are their opponents for this evening, The Renegade Twins.
Robyn Renegade and Toni Storm kick things off for their respective teams. We see Storm starting off strong as the commentators question if the side of Toni Storm we’re seeing now is the real side to her that she’s been hiding all along.
Saraya takes over and starts drilling Renegade with repeated knees from the ring apron before launching her out to the floor. Back in the ring, she continues to work her over with stiff offense, stopping to taunt the crowd at times.
Toni Storm tags back in and picks up where Saraya left off, taking it to Renegade. She slaps a full nelson on her and squeezes away. Renegade starts to stand up but Storm yanks her right back down. She welcomes Renegade to make the tag and when she does, she starts eating repeated chops from her. She hits an inzugiri. Renegades tag again.
Saraya and Storm hit the ring but Renegade is doing well with both of them by herself. She takes a moment to gloat to the crowd and this ends up being her down fall. Storm hits a hip attack in the corner and follows it up with a Storm Zero for the pin. After the match, they get some spray paint cans and spray paint the letter “L” on the bodies of their fallen opponents.
Winners: Toni Storm & Saraya
Adam Cole With A Message About His Return
We shoot to a message from Adam Cole. He talks about never losing hope when he was down and out because he knew there was nothing that was going to stand in his way from getting back in the ring and proving he is the best damn wrestler on the planet. We head to another commercial break after this.
RUSH vs. Christopher Daniels
Now we hear some quick pre-match comments from RUSH and Christopher Daniels about their scheduled showdown in the final match of the evening here on this week’s AEW Rampage.
After they finish up, Mark Henry does his “It’s been enough talking …” catch phrase and sets the stage for tonight’s main event.
On that note, RUSH and Christopher Daniels make their way out. They enter the squared circle and the bell sounds to get this match off-and-running. Straight out of the gate we see Daniels faring well, however it isn’t long before RUSH starts to take over.
As the younger competitor settles into the offensive lead, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the match continues in the ring. RUSH is shown in a very, very comfortable offensive lead when we return.
Excalibur informs us on commentary that throughout the break we saw Preston Vance and others at ringside beating down Daniels. They continue to do so when we return, while Jose The Assistant and others “make it rain” with the first of five briefcases filled with cash given to them by Maxwell Jacob Friedman on Dynamite.
Finally we see Daniels fight his way back into the offensive lead. He brings Jose The Assistant into the ring, but RUSH stops him from doing anything. Daniels takes advantage of RUSH’s temporary loss of focus on him by rolling him up unexpectedly for a near fall. RUSH kicks out before the count of three.
Daniels continues to go to work on RUSH. He hits a nice Death Valley Driver for a close near fall, but again we see RUSH hang on. Pretson Vance puts RUSH’s boot on the ropes to help him at one point. RUSH rolls Daniels up and holds the trunks on the attempt, but Daniels manages to kick out anyways.
Now we see Daniels plant RUSH into the mat. He calls for the B.M.E. — Best Moonsault Ever — but RUSH had it well-scouted, and moves at the last minute. He hits a nice belly-to-belly suplex after that into the turnbuckles. Daniels remains lifeless slumped in the corner.
RUSH runs from one end of the ring like a bull runs across yelling “If you mess with the bull,” and he lands the bulls-horns double-kick to the face for the pin. Excalibur quickly runs down action scheduled for next week’s AEW programming as RUSH celebrates the victory in the ring. After this, we head off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winner: RUSH
#AEWRampage is TONIGHT at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT!
• #AEW World Trios Title: #TheELITE (c) @YoungBucks @KennyOmegaManx v @OfficialEGO, @MATTHARDYBRAND & @IsiahKassidy
• @rushtoroblanco v @facdaniels
• @swerveconfident v @FlyinBrianJr
• @Saraya & #ToniStorm in tag team action pic.twitter.com/N0GAdOtwLE— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 3, 2023