It’s Friday, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns from the Yuengling Center in Tampa, Florida for this week’s episode of AEW Rampage.
On tap for tonight’s installment of the one-hour AEW on TNT show is The Hardy Boys & Keith Lee vs. The Butcher, The Blade & Kip Sabian, Swerve Strickland & AR Fox vs. Logan Cruz & Tyshaun Perez, Anna Jay vs. Skye Blue, as well as the Parking Lot Brawl between Best Friends and Blackpool Combat Club.
Featured below are complete AEW Rampage results from Friday, August 4, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 10-11pm EST. on TNT.
The usual “This is Rampage, baby!” theme song and video intro airs to get this week’s show underway. We shoot inside the Yuengling Center in Tampa, FL.
The Hardy Boys & Keith Lee vs. The Butcher, The Blade & Kip Sabian
Excalibur welcomes us to the show and introduces Chris Jericho and Taz. Already in the ring are the six men who are involved in our opening Trios contest.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with Trios action. On one side of the ring we’ve got The Hardy Boys — Matt and Jeff Hardy, as well as Keith Lee. On the other side of the ring is Kip Sabian, The Butcher & The Blade.
Jeff Hardy and Kip Sabian kick things off for their respective teams. Kip fares well early on but Jeff takes over. Jericho points out on commentary how many people are outside the ring with Brother Zay and Ethan Page in one corner, and Penelope Ford and others on the other side.
Matt tags in and the “DELETE! DELETE!” chants break out as he works over Blade, who also tags in. Blade starts fighting back until he runs face-first into a back-elbow from the grizzled veteran. Hardy goes for the cover but only gets two.
As the action continues, we see Jeff and Kip back in as the legal men. Kip hits a wild springboard moonsault onto Jeff on the floor. He mocks his hand gesture and then takes him back into the ring to work him over some more as we head into a mid-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, we see Kip hit a wild cannonball splash on Jeff in the corner. He tags in The Butcher. Jeff leaps and tags in Keith Lee. “Limitless” Lee hits the ring for the first time of the evening and the crowd immediately starts going nuts for him.
Lee takes it to everyone on the other team by himself — with ease. Jeff tags in, takes his shirt off and hits a swanton bomb off the top-rope for the pin fall victory. Good opener.
Winners: The Hardy Boys & Keith Lee
The Kingdom Says Adam Cole Doesn’t Remember His Real Friends
We see footage of Adam Cole’s past friendship with The Kingdom during his time in ROH, and in their personal lives, to show why The Kingdom told Roderick Strong that Cole never remembers his real friends. After this airs, we head to another commercial break.
The Young Bucks & The Hardy Boys Have A Date
We return from the break and we see The Young Bucks backstage with The Hardy Boys. Nick and Matt Jackson reveal they are focusing on the tag division again. The Hardys tell them how about they start with the greatest of all time. A match is set between the two teams for next week’s AEW Dynamite in Columbus.
Anna Jay vs. Skye Blue
Now we head back inside the Yuengling Center where Anna Jay’s theme hits. Out she comes with “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard and “Cool Hand” Angelo Parker. She settles in the ring as Taz talks to Chris Jericho about the J.A.S. Mandatory Meeting next week.
Anna’s theme dies down and now the entrance tune for Skye Blue hits. Out she comes to a good pop. She settles in the ring and her music dies down.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with our second match of the evening here on this week’s episode of AEW Rampage from Tampa, Florida.
We see Jay start off well, but Blue takes over and starts drilling her with big shots. She cartwheels away from Jay and then decks her. Anna goes for a splash in the corner but Blue avoids it.
Jay comes off the ropes with a big spin kick that knocks Skye Blue out to the floor. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break as this one-on-one women’s showdown continues.
When we return from the break, we see Jay still in control, but not for long, as Skye takes over. She hits a super kick and goes to work on Jay. She nearly has her dead to rights, but Angelo Parker provides a distraction and Jay gets the Queenslayer for the win.
Winner: Anna Jay
Kris Statlander Explains Why Pickles Her Egg
We shoot backstage where Kris Statlander is squating Renee Paquette while she talks about what pickles her egg. She says it’s people who get title shots that don’t deserve them. She continues squating Renee as she tells her next challenger for the TBS title to get ready.
Parking Lot Brawl Coming Up Soon
We shoot to Tony Schiavone and Paul Wight in the parking lot. They confirm PAC is injured and mention The Lucha Bros will face the winner of tonight’s Parking Lot Brawl on Dynamite next week.
Swerve Strickland & AR Fox vs. Logan Cruz & Tyshaun Perez
From there, we return inside the Yuengling Center where we hear the familiar sounds of Swerve Strickland’s theme music. Out he comes accompanied by AR Fox for our next match of the evening.
Already in the ring are their opponents, the team of Logan Cruz and Tyshaun Perez. Fox is wearing the bloodied shirt of Nick Wayne from the beating they gave him on Dynamite this week.
AR Fox kicks things off for his team and he immediately takes it to the opposition. Swerve tags in moments later and hits a big spot off the top-rope. He and Fox hit a double-team power bomb.
Cruz gets in a shot but then is guzzled up by Fox with a cutter and Swerve by a rolling brainbuster. Fox hits a 450 splash off the top rope after that for the quick squash match victory.
Winners: Swerve Strickland & AR Fox
Now we shoot to the latest installment of QTV. We see Aaron Solo showing off a cowboy hat he stole from some guys bag at the airport.
Harley Cameron wants it, so he gives it to her. In comes QT Marshall who wants ideas for who they should feud with. Harley says she has an idea. We shoot to Johnny TV on a red carpet somewhere doing a split and then issuing a challenge to anyone who has been on TV. We head to another commercial break.
Big Bill & Brian Cage Ready To Take Titles From FTR
We shoot backstage upon returning and we see Prince Nana backstage with Big Bill and Brian Cage. They send a message to FTR, telling them to kiss their titles goodbye, because they’re taking them on AEW Collision tomorrow night.
Parking Lot Brawl
Best Friends vs. Blackpool Combat Club
It’s main event time!
On that note, Excalibur send things over to Mark Henry. “The World’s Strongest Man” introduces his usual pre-main event video package, which features comments from both teams.
After it wraps up, we shoot to the parking lot where we hear “Wild Thing” playing as Jon Moxley arrives with his hands taped up. Claudio Castagnoli is also there.
The theme for their opponents hits and out comes The Best Friends duo of Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor. The bell sounds and the fight is on with all four of these guys.
We see BCC looking for Orange Cassidy in all of the cars in the parking lot. Tony Schiavone, who is calling this one along with Paul Wight, reminds us how Cassidy popped out of a car to help Best Friends with their Parking Lot brawl against Santana & Ortiz.
Fans surrounding the cars inside Daily’s Place chant “AEW! AEW!” as Mox goes to work with a fork in the head of Trent, who is already bleeding badly. He climbs up a car and leaps onto Mox.
Castagnoli has a bumper from one of the cars and he beats down Chuck with it and then shoves the fork in his head as well. Mox is shown bleeding profusely as well. He and Mox, both covered in blood, trade shots as the fans react.
Chuck picks up the bumper Claudio was using as a weapon and he begins beating him down with it as well. Chuck and Trent put Claudio in the hood of a car and they slam it over and over again.
On the concrete ground, Claudio picks up Trent and starts doing his big swing. Mox brings over a giant trash can and Claudio swings him right into it head-first. Chuck gets a street sign and beats both BCC guys down with it.
Claudio gets back-dropped on the hood of a car and smashes the windshield. Chuck gets the fork and starts stabbing away the BCC guys with it. He grabs a piece of the guard rail and leans it against a car. He goes to pick up Mox, but Mox headbutts him and then suplexes him on it.
On that note, we hear a loud “AEW! AEW!” chant and we head into a mid-match commercial break as this Parking Lot brawl main event continues here on AEW Rampage.
When we return from the break, we see Mox hit a paradigm shift on Chuck on the top of one of the cars. Trent smashes Claudio with a dude-buster on the top of one of the cars. Fans chant as Mox slaps a rear naked choke on Trent on top of one of the cars.
Mox hits a wild suplex on Trent through the windshield of another one of the cars. Chuck is shown siphoning gas out of one of the cars. This leads to a flaming barbed wire torch. Out from one of the cars is Wheeler Yuta. He distracts Chuck, which allows Mox to take it and hit him with it. Yuta stabs away at Taylor with a screw driver.
In Sue’s van comes AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy on top. He dives off and helps the Best Friends back into the fight. He’s got a chain he wraps around his right hand. The BCC bully Sue out of her van and then it gets smashed up en route to Claudio scoring the pin for the win. That’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winners: Blackpool Combat Club
And it starts in ONE HOUR!
Don’t miss Friday Night #AEWRampage at 10pm ET/ 9pm CT on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/fahB9fri8C
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 5, 2023
And it starts in ONE HOUR!
Don’t miss Friday Night #AEWRampage at 10pm ET/ 9pm CT on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/fahB9fri8C
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 5, 2023