It’s Friday, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns from the FLA. Live Arena in Sunrise, FL. with this week’s episode of AEW Rampage.
On tap for tonight’s one-hour AEW on TNT program is Jay White & Juice Robinson vs. Shawn Spears & Ricky Starks, Dustin Rhodes & Keith Lee vs. Freddie Pierce & Cha-Cha Charlie, Anna Jay vs. Ashley D’Amboise, as well as The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn vs. Ryzin, Cameron Stewart and Dante Casanova.
Also scheduled for tonight is Jay Lethal vs. Cash Wheeler with Mark Briscoe as the special ringside enforcer, and we will hear from The Outcasts.
Featured below are complete AEW Rampage results from Friday, April 28, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 6:30-7:30pm EST. on TNT.
The usual “This is Rampage, baby!” theme song and cold open video package airs to get this week’s one-hour AEW on TNT television program off-and-running from the FLA. Live Arena in Sunrise, FL.
Jay White & Juice Robinson vs. Ricky Starks & Shawn Spears
Jim Ross welcomes us to the show and then we head straight down to the ring for our first match of the evening. Excalibur and Tony Schiavone join him on the call for tonight’s show, which kicks off with The Bullet Club Gold duo of Jay White and Juice Robinson coming to the ring.
White and Robinson head to the ring as highlights are shown of the arrival of “Switchblade” to AEW, and the two-on-one beat down of Shawn Spears by White and Robinson last week. They settle in the ring and their music dies down.
Now the theme for Shawn Spears hits and out comes the “Perfect 10.” He stops half-way down the ramp and his music fades off. The theme for Ricky Starks plays and out he comes. The two head to the ring together for our opening tag-team contest.
Starks and Spears sprint to the ring and the fight is immediately on with all four guys. Once the brawl calms down, Starks and Robinson kick things off for their respective teams. “Absolute” Ricky immediately gains the upper-hand and beats Robinson down.
Ricky tags in Spears and the “Perfect 10” partner picks up where Starks left off. After a few moments, Robinson takes over and we see Spears wiped out on the ring apron. Robinson taunts Starks on the ring apron as we head to a mid-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, we see Robinson still dominating Spears. He tags in White, who picks up where he left off, taking it to the popular veteran. He slaps a head-lock on him and holds his hand-gun gesture to the side of his head while doing so.
Spears keeps amping up but getting put back down before he can mount any offense. Finally he makes it to his corner to make the much-needed tag to Starks. Starks takes the hot tag and hits the ring like a man possessed, taking out White and Robinson by himself as the crowd cheers him on.
White and Robinson end up taking Starks out of the picture by laying him out on the floor. In the ring, White hits his Switchblade finisher on Spears and covers him for the pin fall victory. As soon as the match ends, Starks hits the ring and starts working over Robinson. Robinson eventually slides under the ropes and retreats to the back with White.
Winners: Jay White & Juice Robinson
The Firm Attacks Isiah Kassidy, Demand Match At The Compound
We shoot backstage to Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy and HOOK with Lexy Nair. Matt demands to know where Isiah Kassidy is, saying he knows The Firm and Stokely Hathaway are behind his disappearance.
Stokely appears on the screen with Lee Moriarty and they talk about catching Isiah slipping at an Applebees. The camera pans up and we see Ethan Page and other members of The Firm beating Kassidy up on top of a giant truck.
The hold Kassidy hostage and demand that the match they have been asking for takes place next Friday on Rampage at The Compound. Hardy agrees. The Firm continues a savage attack on Kassidy regardless. Hardy, Hardy and HOOK run off to find them. We head to a commercial.
Naturally Limitless vs. Brady Pierce & Cha-Cha Charlie
When we return from the break, Dustin Rhodes’ theme hits and out he comes for our next tag-team contest of the evening. He stops half-way down the ramp and his music cuts off. Keith Lee’s theme hits and out he comes.
The two walk down to the ring together for their Naturally Limitless return to competition. They settle inside the squared circle and their music dies off. Already in the ring are their opponents, Brady Pierce and Cha-Cha Charlie.
Now the bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this one. We see Dustin and Brady kick things off for their respective teams. Dustin takes it to him with ease and then tags in Lee. The two hit a big double-team spot and then Lee picks up where Dustin left off.
Charlie tags in and runs right at Lee, but it doesn’t work out well for him. “Limitless” Lee continues to beat him down. Dustin joins him and the two pop the crowd by beating down both guys with ease as the commentators sing their praises. Lee hits a pop up spirit bomb for the win.
Winners: Naturally Limitless
The Mogul Embassy Stares Down Naturally Limitless
Once the match wraps up, the theme for Keith Lee and Dustin Rhodes cuts off and then the theme for Shane “Swerve” Strickland plays. Out comes The Mogul Embassy and they just stare at them and smile.
Sammy Guevara Confronted By Tay Melo About MJF
We shoot backstage and a very worked up Tay Melo confronts Sammy Guevara and lectures him about thinking MJF is actually his real friend. Sammy isn’t able to say much with Tay cutting him off and saying he just needs to listen.
Anna Jay A.S. vs. Ashley D’Amboise
Now we return inside the FLA. Live Arena in Sunrise, FL. where Anna Jay A.S. makes her way down to the ring for our next match of the evening here on AEW Rampage on TNT.
She settles in the ring where her opponent is already waiting for her. After Ashley D’Amboise is introduced in the ring, the bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one.
After some back-and-forth action, we see D’Amboise settle into the early offensive lead. She takes it to the more established Anna Jay A.S. as the crowd cheers her on, however once the action spills out to the floor, we see Anna Jay A.S. take over.
As she does, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the match continues. When we return, we see Anna hit a big neck-breaker and then lock in her Queenslayer for the submission victory.
Winner: Anna Jay A.S.
Julia Hart Attacks Anna Jay A.S.
Once the match wraps up, we see the lights go out. When they come back on, Julia Hart appears in the ring and the two begin brawling. Hart brings Anna out to the floor and repeatedly smashes the back of her head into the ramp.
Anna takes back over and rams her into the ring post. She then wraps her around the ring post and tries snapping her in half as referees rush to the scene to break them up.
The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn vs. Ryzin, Cameron Stewart & Dante Casanova
We shoot to a quick word from The Outcasts, who are all wearing t-shirts with a picture of Britt Baker’s black eye from their recent attack. We then return inside the arena where The Acclaimed’s music hits.
Max Caster comes out doing his freestyle rap and one of the three opponents set for this AEW Trios match tries running to beat him up in the aisle, but Anthony Bowens clotheslines him before he can.
Caster wraps up his rap and the trio head in the ring to do their scissor-me-daddy hand-shake. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one.
We see Bowens set the tone and then Billy Gunn hits a Fame-Asser for an easy squash match victory that the commentators didn’t last as long as the rap during their entrance. After the match, we head to another commercial break.
Winners: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn
Cash Wheeler vs. Jay Lethal
We return from the break to Mark Henry, who sets up the pre-match interview for tonight. Jay Lethal cuts a promo and then Cash Wheeler responds. Henry wraps up the interview with his catchphrase.
Now we hear Excalibur speed-read through match updates for next week and then we shoot back in the arena where the special enforcer for our main event, Mark Briscoe, makes his way out and heads to the ring.
Jay Lethal’s theme hits next and out he comes accompanied by other members of his entourage of Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt and Jeff Jarrett. He heads inside the ring and his tune fades down.
FTR’s music hits and out comes Cash Wheeler accompanied by Dax Harwood. Wheeler heads into the squared circle and the FTR entrance music dies down.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with our final match of the evening. We see Lethal faring well after a couple of minutes, as we head into a mid-match commercial break with the heel in firm control.
When we return from the break, we see Lethal nearly connect with his Lethal Injection for the win, but Wheeler avoids it. Sonjay Dutt tries to interfere and cheat, but Mark Briscoe stops him. Moments later, we see Dutt finally does get involved and while this happens, Lethal is able to connect with his Lethal Injection for the win.
Mark Briscoe is shown dealing with the confusion and the beef between both sides as Excalibur wraps things up and we head off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winner: Jay Lethal
? It's Friday Night #AEWRampage TONIGHT at the SPECIAL EARLY START TIME coast-to-coast 6:30pm ET/3:30pm PT on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/dtjn0KIXTv
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) April 28, 2023