AEW Full Gear Results – November 13, 2021

AEW Full Gear Results – November 13, 2021

The pre-show kicks off with pre-match hype video packages promoting some of tonight’s matches from the Countdown to Full Gear special from Friday night.

We see hype for the Danielson-Miro tourney final, the Baker-Conti women’s title match and others. Now we see a look at The Super Kliq showdown against Christian Cage and Jurassic Express.

LIVE Inside Target Center

After the final vignettes air promoting the top matches scheduled for the PPV, we shoot live for the first time inside the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN. where Tony Schiavone welcomes us to the show.

Dante Martin Interrupted By The Acclaimed

Schiavone is in the ring and he introduces Dante Martin. He brings up Lio Rush’s situation and then goes to talk to him further, but is interrupted by The Acclaimed theme song.

Anthony Bowens and Max Caster come out rapping and dissing Martin and then their music cuts off and Excalibur brings up Martin’s offer from Team Taz.

The Acclaimed bring up Martin having offers from Team Taz and interest from Matt Sydal and Lio Rush. The fans get on their cases with “shut the f*ck up” chants. They tell Dante that he’s either with them or against them and asks him what it’s gonna be.

Martin ends up hitting a crazy high spot to take them both out on the floor and his hometown fans in Minneapolis go nuts, as apparently The Acclaimed just got their answer.

Nyla Rose & Jamie Hayter vs. Thunder Rosa & Hikaru Shida

After another vignette for another PPV match tonight followed by a stop by the commentary section for a look at tonight’s lineup, Nyla Rose’s theme hits and out she comes for our lone pre-show bout on tonight’s Buy-In.

She heads down to the ring accompanied by Vickie Guerrero and settles inside the squared circle as her music dies down. Jamie Hayter, a close assoociate of Dr. Britt Baker makes her way out as Rose’s tag-team partner.

From there, Hikaru Shida’s theme hits and the former AEW Women’s Champion makes her way down to the ring. Her partner, Thunder Rosa, comes out, and it’s almost time to get this one underway.

Rose and Rosa kick things off for their respective teams. They trade kick attempts and then Rose slaps a side head lock on Rosa. She shoulder tackles her down to the mat and an “Eddie! Eddie!” chant breaks out as Vickie Guerrero roams the ringside area.

Rosa starts to fire up but Rose uses her size and strength to remain in control of the action. Rosa hits a pin attempt that only garners a two count and then she hits a drop kick before tagging in Shida. Shida and Rosa hit some double-team spots on Rose and continue to control the action as the fans cheer.

Jamie Hayter tags in and now she and Rose start to shift the momentum in their favor, dominating the offense with Rosa isolated on their end of the ring. Rosa fights her way back into competitive form and the two begin going back-and-forth in the corner.

Shida tags in and ends up firing up and taking back control of the match. Rose low bridges Shida as she hits the ropes and Shida takes a nasty spill out to the floor. Rose clotheslines her down on the floor.

We see some more back-and-forth shifts in offensive momentum and then Shida goes on a big offensive fired up run that sees her taking outt Rose and Hayter time after time, only to have the pin broken up when trying to finish this one off.

Now Rosa and Shida fire up and each dump Rose and Hayter to the floor. They follow up with dives off the top but then Shida gets distracted by Serena Deeb at ringside. This allows Vickie Guerrero to hit her from behind with a crutch. Hayter then brings Shida into the ring and up to the top for a superplex.

Rose follows up with a top rope splash but Rosa comes off the top with a dropkick to break up the pin attempt. Rose goes for a beast bomb on Shida but Shida avoids it and ends up pinning Rose to win this one.

Winner: Hikaru Shida & Thunder Rosa

Orange Cassidy Teases Bringing In Special Partner

Tony Schiavone is standing by backstage with Orange Cassidy and The Best Friends. He brings up the Lumberjack match on Rampage and then announces The Butcher & The Blade vs. Cassidy and a partner of his choosing for Dynamite. He says he could give one of his friends here but he brings up Chaos and says maybe he’ll bring in somebody else.

Jim Ross Joins Commentary Crew

“Boomer Sooner” is played and out comes “Good Ole’ J.R.” to join the rest of the gang on commentary, as The Buy-In wraps up and we get ready for our AEW Full Gear pay-per-view event.

The FBI piracy warning displays and then we shoot inside the Target Center once again where pyro and fireworks explode as the commentary team led by J.R. inform us that it is Saturday night and well, we know what that means!

MJF vs. Darby Allin

AEW Full Gear 2021 is about to get underway as the commentators quickly run down the advertised lineup for tonight’s show and then they inform us that Darby Allin vs. MJF will kick things off inside the ring.

With that said, MJF’s theme hits and out comes the leader of The Pinnacle for tonight’s opening contest. He settles in the ring as the fans boo and the commentators put him over as the bad guy.

A cool black-and-white Darby Allin entrance vignette airs, concluding with him lighting a car on fire and then his theme hits inside the arena and the crowd goes wild as he makes his way out accompanied by “The Icon” Sting.

The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with our first PPV bout of the evening. The fans break out in super loud chants as these two trade holds and takedowns before separating and restarting. Definitely a hot crowd atmosphere here tonight.

Early on the story appears to be that Darby is trying to prove he can hang with MJF from an actual mat-wrestling standpoint, and thus far, he’s doing exactly that. The crowd is eating this up with a spoon, by the way, as they well should. Great stuff straight out of the gate in this one.

We see Darby start to fight into the first lengthy offensive lead, however he goes for a high spot too early, as he has MJF on the apron outside of the ropes and heads to the top rope. He looks for his Coffin Drop finisher but MJF rolls out of the way and Darby crashes and burns.

MJF takes over from here, bringing Darby back in the ring and going to work on him, taking him apart bit by bit as the crowd tries to rally behind the fan-favorite. He works over Allin’s arms and then hits a big backbreaker. The commentators speculate that MJF tweaked his knee hitting the backbreaker on Allin just now. We look at some replays.

Friedman takes Darby up to the top rope and looks for a piledriver but Allin escapes and ends up countering. He jumps and flips over MJF, bringing The Pinnacle leader down directly into a super stunner. Both guys are slow to get up after that. MJF tries to jump back on him upon restarting the action, however Darby fires up and is looking ready to finish this one off. MJF hits a thumb to the eye that ends up slowing him down anyways.

Allin avoids a sharpshooter and starts focusing his attack on the softened up knee of MJF. MJF jams his own knee up again and Darby dives at it with a chop block. He then slaps a figure four leg lock on him but MJF ends up escaping. Both guys are down again and MJF is talking to the ref about his knee. He gets up and limps over to Darby and hoists him up for a suplex. We get a super close near fall that gets the crowd to literally stand and applaud.

Now Darby heads up to the top-rope backwards for another Coffin Drop attempt but MJF escapes out to the floor. Darby decides to hit one on the floor instead and it connects but Darby took some damage of his own on the hard landing. We see some replays while the fans chant “Holy sh*t.” Back inside the ring he goes for another Coffin Drop but MJF gets his knees up and Darby lands on them.

Shawn Spears and Wardlow run out to help MJF but Sting charges behind them and takes them out with a bat and chair. MJF goes out and gets Darby’s skateboard. He brings it in the ring and rolls it to Darby and dares him to hit him. Darby almost does but decides against it. When he goes to get rid of the skateboard, Darby turns into a shot from MJF with the Dynamite Diamond ring on. He then hits a side head lock and pins him 1-2-3. MJF wins.

Winner: MJF

AEW Tag-Team Championships
FTR vs. Lucha Bros (C)

As soon as the first match wraps up, we head right back to the ring for our second bout of the evening, which will be our first championship match of tonight’s show.

FTR’s theme hits and out they come accompanied by Tully Blanchard for this AEW Tag-Team Championship contest. The AAA tag champs settle into the ring and await the arrival of their masked opposition.

The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this one. We see some action straight out of the gate and then the dust settles, the smoke clears and we see the two men starting things off in the ring as Excalibur reminds us of Alex Abrahantes and Tully Blanchard at ringside.

Harwood and Penta exchange quick pin attempts early on, which each man kicking out and countering with one of their own. Fenix tags in and hits a crazy double jump spot on the ropes and then he and Penta team up for some double-team moves. FTR ends up bailing to the floor before a double kick spot. They end up taking over on the floor.

Back in the ring, FTR picks up where they left off, taking it to the masked champs. Wheeler works over Fenix as the crowd boos and the pace slows down. Harwood tags in and adds some additional punishment. The duo sneaks and holds hands during a stretch spot to add extra leverage.

We see Wheeler tie Penta’s mask to the bottom rope from the floor while the ref is distracted on the other side of the ring. They eventually get it untied but not before FTR takes over and inflicts further damage in what is quickly becoming a one-sided affair. We see FTR cut off another Lucha Bros comeback and dominate again with double-team offense culminating with a double back drop for a near fall.

Harwood tells an assh*le fan to shut up, as he calls him, and then tags in for a series of suplexes, Eddie Guerrero three amigos style, however Penta ends up avoiding all three and he takes over and goes for three of his own as the fans come to life with “Eddie! Eddie!” chants. Fenix follows up with a frogsplash for a pin but it is broken up. That would have been a cool tribute finish, but even still, a cool homage spot nonetheless.

FTR hits a big stuffed piledriver off the ropes but they can’t finish off the Lucha Bros with the follow-up pin attempt. The fans try and rally behind Fenix as he dukes it out with Dax. Wheeler comes in to help but Penta provides the assist and now Lucha Bros are back in this one. We see the mask used in the Super Ranas match being put on by both FTR members to confuse who the legal man is.

One member gets in and goes for a pin with his feet on the ropes but the ref catches him. The Lucha Bros hit a double team spot and score the pin shortly after that. The Lucha Bros win and retain.

Winners and STILL AEW Tag-Team Champions: The Lucha Bros

AEW Title Eliminator Tournament Finals
Miro vs. Bryan Danielson

The vignette airs to get us ready for the finals of the AEW World Championship Eliminator tournament and then we shoot back inside the arena where Miro’s theme hits and “God’s favorite champion” makes his way out and heads down to the ring.

“The Redeemer” settles into the ring and his music fades down. Now the theme for “The American Dragon” plays and out comes the other semifinalist in this tourney, Bryan Danielson. The fans give him a big reaction coming out as the commentators sing his praises.

Early on we see Miro using his strength to keep Danielson off of him, but the “American Dragon” ends up firing away with kicks and chops to close the distance. As Miro bull-rushes Danielson into the corner and pounds away at him, we hear the commentators speculate that Miro has made the black eye Danielson brought into the match worse.

Danielson fights back with more shots in the corner but then Miro shucks him off when going for a tornado DDT attempt. Miro with a big back elbow and then a shoulder block that levels Danielson and quiets the crowd down. Miro continues to remain in control for a long period of time and then on the floor, Danielson runs and hits a knee to the face of Miro off the apron.

Back inside the ring, Danielson adds to that lead, kicking the hell out of “The Redeemer” as the crowd comes to life with thunder “Yes!” chants upon each one landing. Miro ends up hitting a big counter that again shifts the momentum back in his favor. Miro’s leg gives out on a follow-up attempt after being stuck in a leg submission from Danielson for a while.

Danielson fires away with knees at Miro while holding him down. He does the wrist capture stomps spot as the crowd cheers and chants along. He backs in a corner and leads the fans in a “Yes!” chant as he waits for Miro to get up. He goes for the running knee but Miro counters and catches him. He power bombs him down for a near fall. Miro nearly gets his Game Over submission on but doesn’t quite.

The two exchange near falls and near finishes and then Miro hulks up and starts daring Danielson to kick him in the ribs. He gives him wide open free shots and eats them like they’re nothing. He then decks Danielson with one of his own. The two fight on the ropes and then Danielson reverses and down they come. Danielson follows up and takes advantage of Miro’s neck and slaps on a submission for the victory.

Winner and ADVANCING to AEW World Title match: Bryan Danielson

Trios Falls Count Anywhere Match
The Super Kliq vs. Christian Cage & Jurassic Express

We shoot straight to our next match without a video package, as out comes Nick and Matt Jackson — The Young Bucks. They are joined by Adam Cole for his awesome ring entrance and The Super Kliq await the arrival of their opponents.

The theme hits to bring out Christian Cage and then he waits as he is joined by his tag-team partners for this AEW Trios Falls Count Anywhere match — Jurassic Express — the duo of Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus.

Now the bell sounds and immediately all six guys go at it. We see a cool spot with Jurassic Express, as Luchasaurus finishes it off with a standing moonsault off the apron. Cole looks for Panama Sunrise early on but it is stopped and then Jungle Boy hits the ring for a few spots.

The Young Bucks end up guzzling him up and taking over until he gets some shine time, hitting a spot on both of the pink-covered Bucks in his cowboy boots and jeans. Bucks end up double-teaming him, which brings in Luchasaurus to take them out. Cole then whacks him with a chair before kicking Cage out to the floor.

Cole settles and turns around and sees that Jungle Boy is waiting for him. Jungle Boy picks up a chair and swings it but misses and Cole turns only for him to throw it in his face, Sabu-style. He unfolds the chair and picks Cole up for a power bomb but the Bucks stop it and take over.

A table is set up and we see Jungle Boy reverse and sit in the chair to earn some style points — that is until Cole nails him with a big kick. Cage hits a reverse DDT on the chair that shifts the momentum again but then the Bucks take right back over. Jim Ross talks about this being a blur as it is so fast. Amen. Luchasaurus works over both Bucks and German suplexes them both out of the corner.

Luchasaurus then turns around into a trash can shot. Jungle Boy German suplexes Cole out of the ring and then hits a dive and splash onto him on the floor before hitting the ring to hit another. He goes in and runs for a third but lands on a trash can waiting for him courtesy of the Bucks. Cage then takes out one Buck with it and the other Buck takes him out. Luchasaurus then takes that Buck out and goes for a pin on the floor for a two-count.

As the action continues we see that Cole is split open and bleeding badly. He is rolled into the ring and Cage and Jungle Boy have chairs. Cage tells Jungle Boy to do it. Young Bucks end up stopping him and beating him down and the brawl continues all over the place. Back in the ring, we see Jurassic Express work over Cole and Jackson as the fans chant. Jackson and Cole end up throwing a super kick party that takes everyone out.

Jungle Boy hits a hurricanrana on Cole that puts him through the table. Jackson flies off the top and elbow drops someone else through another table. We shoot way out in the crowd and see Jackson and Cage fighting when Cutler and Nakazawa get involved. Cage ends up climbing up to the top of the section and looks out to the crowd before leaping and taking out Jackson and his cronies for a near fall in the crowd, as J.R. reminds us that this is a Falls Count Anywhere match.

We see replays of Cage’s crazy spot as the fans chant “Holy sh*t” and the action resumes.