Featured below are AEW Dynamite: Title Tuesday results from Mike Malkasian of WrestlingHeadlines.com.
Christian says that Luchasaurus is the most complete big man in the business and he’s the reason the first 30 minutes are commercial free. Now, one of you a-holes start this show.
Live from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, Missouri! Taz, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur are on commentary tonight and we’re starting with the Flight of the Conchords!
Match #1. Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana
Both men jockey for position to start with Danielson trying to roll for a kneebar but Swerve crossfaces him and prevents him from rolling through. Swerve slaps Danielson in the face and Danielson responds twice as hard. Swerve trips Danielson but gets cradled for two. Huge boot by Danielson to Swerve on the apron. Both men exchange chops now as Danielson looks for a wrist lock but Swerve counters with a sidewalk slam on the apron! Powerslam by Swerve and a big brainbuster with a knee on belly cover to boot, only getting two. Regal Clutch into a back breaker by Swerve. Two count. Swerve heads to the outside and Danielson follows with a flying knee from the apron! Swerve rolls back in the ring and Danielson comes off the top with a big shotgun dropkick. Yes Kicks by Danielson. Two count. Danielson goes up and over and looks for the Busaiku knee but Swerve catches him with a kitchen sink to the injured ribs, or lower back. Danielson tries for a suicide dive as Swerve flips to the outside but Swerve catches him with an anti-air elbow. Swerve then suplexes Danielson into the turnbuckle from the outside before going up top and drilling Danielson on the apron with the Swerve Stomp! Swerve takes his time rolling Danielson in the ring before looking for another Swerve Stomp, but Danielson rolls through into a half crab! Danielson transitions into an outside heel hook but Swerve fights to the ropes. Both men fight to the top rope as Swerve gets crotched. Avalanche back suplex by Danielson! Danielson says he’s going to kick Swerve’s f’ing head in.. and he is! Wrist clutch stomps by Danielson and a big knee to the face. More stomps by Danielson and the Lebell Lock is in! Danielson tries to transition into an armbar but Swerve gets to the ropes. Running dropkicks in the corner by Danielson but Danielson’s back buckles on the second one. House Call by Swerve out of nowhere! Swerve Stomp! One, two, no! Danielson tries to go up and over from the turnbuckle but Swerve flips him out into a sit-out powerbomb! Two count! Nana takes off his shirt and throws it in the ring, before getting the attention of referee Aubrey Edwards. Swerve has some sort of weapon, but Hangman Page is here and grabs it from him! Danielson rolls Swerve up for two. Busaiku Knee! One, two, three!
Winner: Bryan Danielson
Rating: ****1/4. Fantastic wrestling match. Swerve was right there step-for-step with Danielson and his stock is through the roof. Danielson can do no wrong, and the crowd loved every minute of this. Awesome stuff and a great way to open the show.
Samoa Joe, looking like the Most Interesting Man in the World, begins his ascension to the AEW World Heavyweight Championship this Saturday at Collision.
Match #2. Powerhouse Hobbs w/ Don Callis vs. Chris Jericho
Hobbs blasts Jericho early. Spinebuster by Hobbs. Two count. A second spinebuster. Headbutt by Hobbs and another spinebuster. Callis seemingly wants Hobbs to destroy Jericho, and not just beat him. A few flying forearms by Jericho and Hobbs misses a splash in the corner, connecting with the ringpost. Codebreaker! Two count. Hobbs is back up with yet another spinebuster. Jericho evades a charge and chop blocks Hobbs from behind. Twice. Walls of Jericho is locked in. Hobbs escapes the Walls and plants Jericho with a World’s Strongest Slam. Two count. Another World’s Strongest Slam. That’ll do it.
Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs
Rating: **1/4. Honestly, not much more than an elongated squash here. Hobbs was in control the entire time and to beat Jericho during a commercial-less first 30 minutes of Dynamite is… big time.
After the match, another World’s Strongest Slam.
Back at Roderick Strong’s house, he asks Adam Cole to cut his grass. Cole then proceeds to cut the grass as Strong and The Kingdom tell him he’s missed a spot. Cole finds it weird that there’s no cell service in the house and there’s no TV, Cole wants to know what Max is up to. Cole is ready to leave, but Strong just needs one.. more… thing. Fade to black.
Fenix was supposed to face Jon Moxley, but he is not medically cleared to compete, so Orange Cassidy gets his rematch and that happens… now.
Match #3. AEW International Championship: Rey Fenix (c) vs. Orange Cassidy
German suplex by Fenix and a frog splash early! Two count. Both men are beat up here, as Fenix is dealing with the back injury he sustained last week. Fenix looks for the rebound under the middle rope but can’t complete it and rolls to the floor. Cassidy rolls outside and throws Cassidy into the guardrail a bunch, and then into the front row. Cassidy throws Fenix back-first into the ring post a few times. Fenix kicks Cassidy from the apron but Cassidy trips him out and Fenix lands hard. Back in the ring, Cassidy goes up top and SPIKES Fenix with a diving DDT! Satellite DDT by Cassidy! One, two, no! Cassidy takes the elbow sleeve off looking for the Orange Punch, but Fenix counters with a superkick. Rolling Thunder Cutter by Fenix but the back gives out. Beach Break! Two count. Orange Punch! Mousetrap by Cassidy and Cassidy is champion again!
Winner and NEW AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy
Rating: **3/4. Storyline and a quick sprint here, but if Fenix is hurt and the plan was to put it on Moxley, then Cassidy is a good audible since he made that title.
Match #4. Wardlow vs. Matt Sydal
Wardlow charges Sydal in the corner. Powerbomb. Two. Three. Referee stoppage.
Winner: Wardlow
Rating: NR
Wardlow leaves through the audience and that’s that.
Renee is in the back with Jericho, who’s with the doctor. Daniel Garcia shows up to check on Jericho but Matt Menard asks him what he’s doing? Garcia said he’s being a human, and Menard told him to get his head right before both men walk off.
Match #5. Hangman Page vs. Jay White w/ Bullet Club Gold
White slaps Page and rolls to the outside, before Page dives and we brawl on the outside. Shoulder blocks in the corner by Page and a big boot. Another big boot as White charges and we go to commercial break. Back from break, both men fire elbows at each other and White sends Page to the mat with a dragon screw leg whip. Page fights back with some chops and elbows, before catching White with a big Death Valley Driver. Fall away slam and a kip up by Page. Running Shooting Star Press gets a two count, as Page comes up favoring his right knee. White gets sent to the ropes and bails to the outside. Page looks for a plancha but lands on his knee. White tries to charge but Page counters with a pop-up powerbomb on the apron! Powerbomb back in the ring by Page gets another two count! White pops up and snaps Page into the turnbuckle with an over/under suplex. Knee breaker by White on the apron! Both men now fall to the floor as the rest of the BCG look on. White looks for a leg lace back inside the ring but Page crawls to the ropes. Both men on the top rope as Page manages an avalanche back flip fall away slam! White goes to the eyes and hits a knee braker out of the corner. High angle uranage! Two count. Page rolls to the apron and thinks about the Buckshot, but White catches the knee with a dragon screw through the ropes. Both men on the top rope again, as Page pulls White face-first down onto the turnbuckle. Orihara Moonsault by Page on to White! Page rolls White back into the ring and looks for the Buckshot but White buys time, forcing Page into the ring and he gets caught with a Complete Shot. German suplex with a bridge by White for two. Chop block by White and a big sleeper suplex! Desperation lariat by Page and both men are down. Page looks for Buckshot but the knee buckles and settles for the Deadeye! BCG distract the referee momentarily and Page only gets two. Prince Nana runs down to ringside with the crown, but Page interjects and White rolls him up for the win!
Winner: Jay White
Rating: ****. Nobody is hotter in AEW than Jay White right now, and that continued here. Excellent match between two guys who are actually pretty similar, the story of the injured knee was a thread throughout the whole match and felt like it mattered. The Hangman and Swerve feud continues, as well.
MJF is here! Jay White’s got the match, and MJF wants the Triple B back. Jay White says the Triple B now stands for the “Bang Bang Belt.” The fans chant for Jay White to STFU, and White said he was going to give it back until the fans were so rude.
MJF said he’s going to be the bigger man, and he’s not far away from Jay White, but he’s a better man. For the first time in MJF’s career, he’s earned the fan’s respect and he’s not punching the reflection he sees in the mirror. There are two things that MJF cares about, his brother Adam Cole, and the Triple B. MJF says when you win the AEW World Title, that makes you the best wrestler in the GD world. MJF says if White didn’t have his crew, he’d have broken all of his bones and taken the title. Someday White will join the championship club, but that day is not today, and he should dig deep and be a man and give the title back to the rightful owner.
White mocks MJF “asking” for his title. White tells MJF to be patient because he has his match at Full Gear, but if MJF can’t be patient, he could come on down and try to take it right now. White tells MJF to go find three other guys that will tolerate him, and we’ll have a four-on-four match and just maybe they’ll give the title back. Juice says he’s going to win the Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royal next week, and then he pulls out a roll of quarters with MJF’s name on it. Woof. Rough reference. MJF calls Juice a piece of s and storms off.
Match #6. AEW World Women’s Championship: Saraya (c) vs. Hikaru Shida
Trade punches to start as Saraya rolls to the outside looking for Ruby Soho, who’s been banned from ring side. Shida connects with an enziguiri and a running knee strike to Saraya, who’s laying on the apron. Ruby Soho shows up in a production uniform with the spray paint, but Shida catches her and sprays it in her eyes. Toni Storm runs down the apron with her shoes and chases Ruby off. Saraya is able to blindside Shida in the ruckus, throwing her into the guard rail and delivering some knees over the middle rope. Shida fires back with a charging knee and delivers a bunch of mounted punches in the corner. Missile dropkick by Shida from the middle rope. Shida now looking for a deadlift superplex but Saraya fights off and dumps Shida from the top rope to the corner of the apron, to the floor. Shida breaks the count and reverses Saraya. Stalling German suplex on the apron and a Meteora to the floor. Question mark kick by Shida. Shida comes off the top rope and Saraya counters with a superkick to the face. Nightcap by Saraya! One, two, no! Saraya grabs the kendo stick, which the referee pulls away, but uses the spray paint that was in the trunks. Nightcap! Another two count! Saraya looks for another Nightcap but Shida counters with a Falcon Arrow. Two count. Saraya rolls up Shida but Shida counters for the win!
Winner and NEW AEW Women’s World Champion: Hikaru Shida
Rating: ***. Big surprise here as I didn’t see Shida taking the title. The match was good, the story was fun and interesting, but I can’t help but think Storm should have been the one to take the title?
Due to the internal injuries suffered by Chris Jericho, he’s been taking to a local hospital. Coming this Christmas to TBS, over 50,000 AEW toys will be donated to Toys for Tots. Nice job, AEW.
Renee is in the back with MJF. MJF says the old him would be freaking out right now, but he just doesn’t want to be interviewed. Renee understands and leaves him alone. MJF calls Adam Cole who barely has cell service, and the call doesn’t go through.
The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass approach MJF, offering up their services. MJF walks off, but Daddy Ass and Bowens question Caster’s infatuation with MJF. Caster says he’s been friends with MJF for ten years and he needs a friend now. Bowens calls him “sus.”
Christian and Luchasaurus are here. Christian runs down the Chiefs needing help from the referees to win games. Christian compares his family to Copeland’s run as the leader of Judgment Day. Christian reminds Copeland of a few years ago when he was getting pushed to the moon and Christian was getting buried, despite being the most talented. Christian says Copeland needs him, not the other way around. Christian says he has a lot of fans around the world… and he knows Copeland’s wife Beth, is a huge fan. Also, Lyric and Ruby will be well taken care of. Put some clean sheets on the bed, Beth, because your new father is coming home.
Edge charges the ring but Nick Wayne is here too! Extinction lariat by Luchasaurus before the bell. The referee is checking on Copeland but he finally makes it to his feet, and here we go!
Match #6. Adam Copeland vs. Luchasaurus
Luchasaurus charges and plants Copeland with a tombstone! One, two, no! 2.99. Luchasaurus beats Copeland down in the corner. Body slam by Luchasaurus. Vertical suplex by Luchasaurus and some elbows to the back of the head. Luchasaurus beats down Copeland throughout the commercial break, as we come back to Nick Wayne shoving Copeland directly into the ring post. Luchasaurus sets up the steel steps on the floor and looks for a chokeslam, but Copeland dropkicks the knees out from underneath Luchasaurus. Diving DDT off the apron by Copeland! Diving crossbody to the back of Luchasaurus back inside the ring. Copeland hits the ropes but Luchasaurus counters with a huge headbutt. Chokeslam by Luchasaurus but Copeland counters with the Impaler DDT! One, two, no! Both men are on the top rope and Luchasaurus tries to superplex Copeland to the floor, on TOP of the steel steps, but Copeland fights him off and superplexes him in the ring instead. Christian starts walking down to the ring as Nick Wayne wedges a chair between the middle ropes. Copeland looks for a spear but misses Luchasaurus and eats the chair! Chokeslam by Luchasaurus only gets a two! Luchasaurus misses The Extinction and both men connect with boots to the face and hit the deck. Luchasaurus is on the apron and Copeland charges him but gets goozled and Copeland drops him back first on the apron. Copeland then runs off the apron and launches off the steps with a diving spear to Luchasaurus! In the ring, Copeland prepares for the spear as Christian runs down to the ringside with the title. Copeland takes the belt and cracks Luchasaurus in the back of the head as the referee deals with Nick Wayne on the far side, before throwing the belt back to Christian. Luchasaurus comes to and sees Christian with the title! Luchasaurus turns around right into a spear and this one is over!
Winner: Adam Copeland
Rating: ***1/2. This match started super slow, but man did it pick up down the stretch. Copeland will fit in just fine here in AEW, and the crowd already loves it.
After the match, Copeland gets jumped by Wayne and then everyone. Danielson is here to make the save but the numbers are too much. Here comes Claudio and Wheeler! The Gates of Agony are here now with Swerve and it’s a huge brawl! Hangman is here and he pairs off with Swerve. Copeland spears Wayne as Christian tapes out to Danielson’s Lebell Lock!