AEW Dynamite Review (2/1/2023)

AEW Dynamite Review – February 1, 2023

Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page

Moxley attacks Hangman Page as he was making his entrance and tossed him against the barricade. Moxley tossed Page into the crowd and kept attacking him. They kept brawling in the crowd before Moxley put in Figure 4 that Page broke up by tossing a drink into Moxley’s face. They made it ringside but as the referee Paul Turner was telling Moxley to stop, Page tossed a chair into Moxley’s face. Page followed that with a suplex to Moxley on top of a chair and tried to bring the chair inside but the referee kicks it away before officially starting the match.

Moxley was bleeding before the bell rang as he put on another Figure 4. Page grabs the rope to break it up and continues the attack on Moxley. Page tried to hit a springboard lariat but Moxley stopped him with a lariat of his own as he was waiting on the apron. They go back & forth on the apron before Page sends Moxley face first into the ring post as they go to picture in picture.

After the picture in picture Moxley & Page are going back & forth until Moxley hits a cutter laying both men out. Moxley follows with a front chancery suplex for a two count then goes right into the Hammer & Anvil Elbows. Page tosses Moxley to the outside and tries a top rope moonsault just to miss and get a lariat from Moxley as both men are laid out on the floor.

Page powerbombs Moxley through the table on the outside before going back in the ring. As Moxley goes inside Page hits him with the Dead Eye for a two count. Moxley comes right back by dodging Page and hitting a King Kong Lariat. They start trading elbows before Page hits a super kick and a small package driver for a two count.

Page goes for a Buckshot Lariat but Moxley dodges it and goes for the Death Rider. Page blocks that, and hits a Tombstone and a Buckshot Lariat, but Moxley kicks out. Page puts on the Bulldog Choke but Moxley is able to reverse it into a pin for the win.

Winner: Jon Moxley (Recommend)

After the match Page & Moxley continue to get into each other’s faces but Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta run out and keep Moxley back.

We see a video package that tonight’s match between Darby Allin & Samoa Joe will be the final chapter in their feud.

Backstage Renee Paquette is with The Butcher, The Blade, The Bunny & Women’s Champion Jamie Hayter where The Bunny requested some time saying everyone is impressed with her win over Emi Sakura. The Bunny says Hayter isn’t the type of champion to back down from a challenge, so challenges Hayter next week to an Eliminator Match in which Hayter says absolutely and next week she’s free. Paquette cuts to a video that shows Saraya & Toni Storm attacking Britt Baker on another side of the building.

Non Title Match
AEW World Tag Team Champions The Acclaimed (c) vs. The Outrunners

The Outrunners mimic the scissoring before The Acclaimed attack them. Right away they hit Scissor Me Timbers before Billy Gunn runs in and joins them in scissoring. Anthony Bowens hits The Arrival followed by the Mic Drop by Max Caster on Truth Magnum to get the win.

Winners: AEW World Tag Team Champions The Acclaimed

After the match The Gunns walk out and say they are here to talk about something serious and say they want an answer about getting a shot at their AEW World Tag Team Titles. Bowens calls them Rod & Todd Flanders and since they are the people’s choice and voice, they go and ask the audience, in which the crowd says no they don’t deserve a AEW World Tag Team Title shot. Billy Gunn says he is sick of this and is done with them and leaves the ring. Austin Gunn says Billy is doing what he’s been doing their entire childhood and turning his back on them and tells him to go drown his sorrow at the bottom of a pill bottle. Billy gets in the ring and asks his sons if they have what he has, and says they have a AEW World Tag Team Title shot in which The Acclaimed look confused about.

Backstage Alex Mervez is with Jack Perry who says he respects Hook but he did the tag team thing already. Perry says this year he will be a champion again but this time all by himself.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Brain Cage

Match starts off with Konosuke Takeshita & Brain Cage right away go for chops before Takeshita sends Cage to the apron where he kicks him off and dives onto the outside. Cage catches Takeshita off the apron and powerbombs him into the ring post. Back inside Cage hits a sliding dropkick for a two count. They start trading elbow strikes before Takeshita hits a Blue Thunder Bomb and tries to follow with a running knee but Cage dodges it and suplexes Takeshita from the apron back inside as they go to commercial.

After the break Takeshita bounces off the ropes with a lariat and hits a German suplex for a two. Cage has Takeshita up but Takeshita gets out and hits a Liger Bomb for another two. Cage continues with offense and hits a discus lariat for a two of his own. Takeshita gets out a Drill Claw attempt and hits two back 2 back brainbusters but Cage kicks out. Cage continues with the offense putting Takeshita on the top rope but Takeshita turns it into an avalanche brainbuster followed by a knee strike to score the victory.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita (Recommend)

Renee Paquette is with the Jericho Appreciation Society and says they’ve been accused of cheating in their match against Ricky Starks & Action Andretti. They said they have a great idea called the Garcia-Guevara Gauntlet, where Starks has to beat Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, and then either Daniel Garcia or Sammy Guevara. And if they get past them, then he gets Chris Jericho. Jericho says if they can get through the gauntlet, he’ll be ready to whip his ass.

We go to the Trios Champions The Elite who are on a basketball court and say they will give AR Fox & Top Flight their Trios Title shot next week but they best not miss. The Firm walks in and ask how The Elite has a week off and challenges them to a match for Rampage this Friday.

Bryan Danielson vs. Timothy Thatcher

Timothy Thatcher corners Bryan Danielson with uppercuts before working on Danielson’s shoulder with knees. Danielson comes back and keeps Thatcher in the corner, but Thatcher comes right back and snaps Danielson back down. Thatcher keeps Danielson down with a wrist lock but Danielson is able to get his foot on the rope as we head to the commercial.

When we come back from the break Danielson hits Thatcher with a dropkick before they start trading uppercuts. They go back & forth with pin attempts before Danielson escapes out of a submission with a sidekick for a two count. Danielson starts hitting Hammer & Anvil elbows and holds on but Thatcher breaks it up by backing Danielson into the corner taking the referee Stephon Smith down as well.

AEW World Champion MJF comes to the ring wearing the Diamond Dynamite Ring but before he can enter, he gets taken out by Konosuke Takeshita who ran out from the crowd. Back inside, Thatcher puts Danielson in an arm bar as the referee comes to. Danielson is able to crawl over and puts his foot on the rope.

Thatcher comes right back with a belly 2 belly suplex and tries another but Danielson hits a German Suplex followed by the Busaiku Knee for the win.

Winner: Bryan Danielson (Recommend)

We go to the back where MJF & Takeshita are still brawling before officials run in to break them apart. Renee Paquette gets in between them and says per Tony Khan next week MJF will face Takeshita in an Eliminator Match.

We go to a video package from Mogul Affiliates where Swerve Strickland talks about Dustin Rhodes taking his camera and time and how the Rhodes Family legacy gets under his skin with Dusty Rhodes giving Keith Lee his Limitless moniker and says he’ll take care of him before getting the okay from Parker Boudreaux and the mystery tattooed man who he finally gave a name with Trench.

We go to a segment earlier today where MJF hands Rush a briefcase of money for him to take out Bryan Danielson next week on Dynamite and says he has five more briefcases for him and all he needs for him to do is rip Danielson’s arm off and beat him over the head with it. Jose the Assistant translates for Rush as Rush answers back in Spanish. Jose The Assistant says it means we have a deal as MJF says that sounded longer than that and says it’s a pleasure doing business with him.

TBS Title Match
Jade Cargill (c) vs. Red Velvet

Red Velvet attacks Jade Cargill sending her to the outside as Cargill is asking Leila Grey to help fix her hair, Velvet hits her with a sliding dropkick and continues on the attack inside and then back inside. Cargill catches Velvet off the ropes into a suplex for a two count as we head to break.

After the break we see highlights of Jade press slamming Velvet up the steps before dropping her back inside. Velvet comes back with a lung blower and starts kicking away at Cargill but Cargill stops her with a pump kick for a two count. Kiera Hogan shows up and takes out Leila Grey on the outside but the referee runs out and sends Hogan to the back.

As Aubrey Edwards is distracted, Velvet makes the visual 3 count but Edwards is too late as Jade kicks out at two. Velvet turns this into a submission move but Cargill is able to power out lifting Velvet up & nails her with Jaded for the win.

Winner & Still TBS Champion: Jade Cargill (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)

After the match Cargill grabs her daughter ringside after, and takes her to the back.

Renee Paquette is in the back with Britt Baker & Women’s Champion Jamie Hayter as Baker is being checked on from her attack. Ruby Soho walks in and asks if Baker is good and that she had nothing to do with the attack. Baker says she’s known Saraya & Toni Storm a lot longer than them and says I’m good as Soho walks away.

TNT Title No Holds Barred Match
Darby Allin (c) vs. Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe goes to the outside to grab a table but Darby Allin kicks the table into Joe, busting him open. Allin sets up steel steps but Joe whips Allin into them, sending Allin into the crowd flipping over the barricade and landing on his feet somehow. They start heading up the stairs where Joe sends Allin over the railing onto the other side as they head to a break.

We come back from the break they are back in the ring where Joe is in control stomping Allin out. Allin is able to fight out and starts smacking Joe in the corner but Joe catches Darby into an STO for a two count. Joe kicks Allin to the outside and grabs another table setting it up against the barricade.

Joe tries a sleeper hold but Allin reverses out with a jawbreaker and corners Joe with chops but Joe just grabs Allin and flicks him to the outside. Allin goes inside where Joe hits him with a brainbuster before going back outside to grab a bunch of chairs from under the ring. Joe sets them up and back body drops Allin into them.

Joe sets the chairs up again and tries a powerbomb but Allin throws some powder into Joe’s face and hits the Code Red for a two count. Allin follows with a stunner then puts the thumb tack hoodie back on heads to the top, and hits a Coffin Drop but Joe still kicks out. Allin heads to the outside and starts cutting the canvas, taking off the padding and exposing the wooden boards.

Allin tries to go after Joe on the outside but Joe moves out of the way and Allin goes crashing into the table that was set up on the barricade. Joe follows with a powerbomb to Darby on top of the thumb tack hoodie before he starts choking him with it.

Allin counters with thumbs to the eye to Joe and starts hitting Joe with a chair before heading back to the top rope. Joe pulls the referee into the ropes heads to the top and hits a Muscle Buster to Allin on top of the wood for the victory.

Winner & New TNT Champion: Samoa Joe (NEW CHAMPION!!!!) (Recommend)

After the match as Joe is celebrating, Wardlow makes his return and heads to the ring and attacks Joe. Wardlow goes for a powerbomb but Joe escapes. Security tries to stop Wardlow but he takes them all out. Wardlow was about to powerbomb one of them onto the others to close out this week’s Dynamite.

Friday’s Rampage

Trios Title Match
The Elite (c) vs. The Firm

Swerve Strickland vs. Brain Pillman Jr

Tag Team Match
The Renegade Twins vs. Saraya & Toni Storm

Rush vs. Christopher Daniels

Monday’s Dark Elevation

Tag Team Match
Jericho Appreciation Society vs. The Boys

Juice Robinson vs. Jake Crist

Trios Match
Dark Order vs. Matt Brannigan,Crash Jaxon & Renny D

Yuka Sakazaki vs. Billie Starkz

Trios Match
Best Friends vs. Chaos Project & Zack Clayton

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Corey Calhoun

Tag Team Match
Top Flight vs. The Butcher & The Blade

8 Woman Tag Team Match
Beast Of Burdens,Diamante & Emi Sakura vs. Madison Rayne,Skye Blue,Queen Aminata & Heidi

Tag Team Match
Blackpool Combat Club vs. Ari Daivari & Tony Nese

Wednesday’s Dynamite

Bryan Danielson vs. Rush

Non Title Match
Women’s Champion Jayme Hayter vs. The Bunny (If The Bunny wins she gets a Women’s Title Match)

AEW World Tag Team Title Match
The Acclaimed (c) vs. The Gunns

Non Title Match
Trios Champions The Elite vs. Top Flight & AR Fox

Non Title Match
AEW World Champion MJF vs. Konosuke Takeshita (If Takeshita wins he gets a AEW World Title Match)

Gauntlet Match
Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Ricky Starks