AEW Dynamite Results – March 26, 2025

All Elite Wrestling is back, as AEW Dynamite returns tonight live from St. Paul, MN. on TBS and Max.

Scheduled for tonight’s program is MJF responding to Hurt Syndicate offer, Kenny Omega vs. Blake Christian, Kyle Fletcher vs. Brody King, “Timeless” Toni Storm & Thunder Rosa vs. Megan Bayne & Penelope Ford, Mark Davis vs. Powerhouse Hobbs, Mark Briscoe vs. Konosuke Takeshita, Rated FTR interview with Tony Schiavone, as well as Swerve Strickland calling out Jon Moxley.

The following are complete AEW Dynamite results from Wednesday, March 26, 2025. The following report was written by reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired from 8-10pm EST. on TBS and MAX.


This week’s show kicks off inside the arena in St. Paul, MN. with Excalibur welcoming us to the show as always. “It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means …”

Kenny Omega vs. Blake Christian

Blake Christian’s theme hits and out he comes as the commentators give fans a quick crash-course on who he is. He settles inside the squared circle for the first match of the evening.

The familiar sounds of Kenny Omega’s entrance tune hits and out comes the reigning AEW International Champion to a monster crowd reaction from the Twin Cities fans. The bell sounds and off we go. Fans chant “Kenny! Kenny!” before they do a thing.

Christian hangs tough coming out of the gate, and even gets in some offense. After grossing out the commentary team, Omega ends up taking over and hitting a “snap-dragon Jones,” as Taz called it. Gotta love the “___-Jones” suffix from “The Human Suplex Machine.”

From there, “The Cleaner” would go on to follow that up with his trademark V-Trigger and One-Winged Angel for the easy pin fall victory in a brief match.

Winner: Kenny Omega

“Speedball” Mike Bailey & Ricochet Confront Kenny Omega

Afterwards he gets on the mic and says when he told Tony Khan he’d make it quick, he had no choice but to say “yes.” He says that won’t be the case at AEW Dynasty.

He talks about Ricochet and then mentions someone who “is new to us, but not to him,” in reference to “Speedball” Mike Bailey. Bailey’s theme hits and he comes out and confronts Omega in the ring. He congratulates Omega. Omega sarcastically thanks him, eliciting laughter from the crowd.

Bailey goes on to tell Omega he admires him, but won’t hesitate to kick his head off. As Omega begins responding, the two are cut off by Ricochet, who appears on the big screen. He says today is his wedding. He vows to take his gold and leave with the title and the woman, while pointing off-screen.

He does his Jadakiss rip-off laugh and disappears. Omega says “Hold on a second, Ricochet,” but notices he’s already gone. “Oh, he’s already gone.” He continues talking in response to what Ricochet said and makes it clear that Ricochet nor Bailey will stop him from solidifying his legacy.

“Oh and by the way, welcome to AEW,” he tells Bailey. “I would like to talk more, but I must bid all you people adieu. So goodbye, mua, and goodnight, bang!”

Chris Jericho Issues Title vs. Mask Challenge For AEW Dynasty 2025

Backstage, ROH World Champion Chris Jericho is with the rest of The Learning Tree group. He tells Big Bill and Bryan Keith they need to prove they still want to be in The Learning Tree. They need to do something to prove it or things are over.

Chris Jericho tells Bandido he got Gravity’s mask back, which is fine, but the one he really wants is his. He says he’s going to do that and humiliate him in front of his family like he did before. He says he knows Bandido wants to win the ROH World Championship again.

He offers a title vs. mask match for the upcoming AEW Dynasty 2025 pay-per-view. “Bandido, is it worth risking the humiliation? Is it worth risking the disgrace? Is it worth making your mother cry again when I take your mask. I think it is. See you at AEW Dynasty.”

MJF Responds To MVP’s Offer, The Learning Tree Confront The Hurt Syndicate

Inside the arena again, we head to the ring where MJF’s theme hits. MJF comes out to a chorus of boos. He enters the ring, running down the St. Paul crowd before calling MVP out to give him the answer he’s looking for. MVP comes out to the crowd chanting “we hurt people” before entering the ring.

MJF compliments MVP on his cane before talking about the promise he made himself after dealing with Adam Cole of not doing “friends” again…but he knows that MVP doesn’t do friends either, he does business. He tells MVP that he wants to be in the business of hurting people, and he extends a hand.

Before MVP can shake on it, the Hurt Syndicate’s music hits once more as Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin step out. The tag champs enter the ring, Bobby extending a hand…but not to shake Maxwell’s, instead telling him to hand over the card. MVP looks shocked by this as MJF hands the card to Lashley…and the champ tears it in half.

MJF says they can do this right now, but backs off when he’s shown a fist by Lashley as MVP tries to insist that they’re cool, that everything is cool. Maxwell doesn’t seem to think this is cool as he leaves the ring and goes back up the ramp…and out comes Big Bill and Bryan Keith.

A few verbal jabs are exchanged between Bill and MVP as the big man addresses never being pinned or submitted to lose the titles, and the man that took the titles from him and his partner retiring before the team could get their rematch. The jabs continue as MVP and the tag champs leave the ring, confronting the two men on the stage.

Bill says he’s going to invoke his rematch with his new partner Keith, but MVP tells the pair to win a match and then they’ll consider accepting the challenge. MVP drops the mic as the trio head to the back, putting an end to an eventful few minutes on the microphone. We head to another commercial break.

“Timeless” Toni Storm & Thunder Rosa Talk Tonight’s Main Event

When the show returns, we head backstage as Thunder Rosa and Toni Storm address their tag match later tonight in an interview with Renee Paquette. During the segment, also coming up is Rosa’s interest in challenging for the title she never officially lost.

Storm insists they need to focus on their opponents tonight, as Megan Bayne and Penelope Ford are told to look out for the team of Thunder Storm.

Brody King vs. Kyle Fletcher

Inside the arena once again, we head back down to the ring for our next match of the evening. “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts brings out Brody King and his opponent, Kyle Fletcher, who comes out accompanied by Don Callis, who strangely enough, does not join the gang on guest commentary this time.

Early on, Kyle takes control of the match, taking Brody to the corner before removing his pants to reveal trunks. This gives King an opening to lay into The Don Callis Family member, forcing him out of the ring at first and then taking Fletcher down hard when he returns.

He drops Fletcher to the mat with a chop after absorbing two from Kyle, but Fletcher fights back forcing King to the ropes for a couple stomps. After another minute or so of back-and-forth action, the show shifts gears and heads into a mid-match commercial break with Fletcher in the offensive driver’s seat.

When the show returns from the break, we see Fletcher hit King with a big shot, only to be driven down hard by Brody. Both men are down as the ref begins the count, but are able to get back up when King takes Fletcher out with a back body drop that forces him to roll out of the ring, only to be dropped to the floor with a dive.

However, King doesn’t keep control for long as Fletcher drives him into the ring post and then the LED barricade, adding to the damage when he enters the ring to hit a dive through the ropes on King. This forces both men down as the ref begins a new count, and Fletcher enters the ring, so too does Brody, but this prompts Kyle to go up top for an elbow drop.

Cover by the Protostar, but it’s only good for a two count. King powers out of a slam attempt, sending Fletcher toward the corner and onto the canvas with an exploder suplex before bringing him over to the apron, driving him down hard onto the hard part of the ring apron before bouncing on the unforgiving floor.

On that note, the show heads into yet another mid-match commercial break as the referee checks on both guys. This time when we return, we see the two trading shots in the middle of the ring back-and-forth. King ends up decking Fletcher for a big pop. Fletcher fights back, however, and pulls off the victory just seconds later with a turnbuckle brainbuster.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Mark Davis

After the match, Fletcher celebrates the win before he and Davis go after Brody King…until the music of Powerhouse Hobbs stops them in their tracks. Hobbs comes running through the crowd to intercept the Family in the ring, until King sends Fletcher out of the ring with a clothesline.

We head to a break on that note with total chaos still going on. When the show returns, we see the madness still unfolding. Back at ringside, officials have tried to calm the situation down between Hobbs and Davis as they get back into the ring, clearing out the security. Hobbs pleads for the bell to sound so he can go back to fighting.

The bell sounds and he gets his wish, and does exactly that. After the two big brutes collide for all of two minutes or so, Hobbs gets the better of things and nearly drives Davis straight through the mat en route to a quick victory.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

Backstage With Nick Wayne, Mama Wayne & Kip Sabian

Backstage, Lexy Nair is standing by with Nick Wayne, Mama Wayne and Kip Sabian. Nick talks briefly about how he’s going to once again show how to properly execute a plan. “I repeat — properly — execute a plan!” After this quick interview segment, the show heads into another commercial time out.

A Fired Up Swerve Strickland Confronts Hangman Page

When the show returns, Hangman Page is backstage with Renee Paquette. She asks him about the Owen Hart Cup when a very fired up Swerve Strickland gets right in Hangman’s face. Hangman calls Swerve a bitch and doesn’t back down a bit. Prince Nana runs up and tells Swerve they don’t have time for this.

Tony Schiavone’s Uncomfortable Sit-Down Chat With Rated-FTR

The commentators set up the next segment, which is a pre-taped sit-down interview Tony Schiavone conducted with Rated-FTR trio “The Rated-R Superstar” Cope, and the FTR duo of Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler.

Dax vents his frustrations about his team losing sight of the tag titles. Cope says that he wasn’t trying to take them away from the tag title scene, and a bit of an argument between them leads to Dax stating that he and Cash want a shot at the Hurt Syndicate.

Cope then says he’d like one more shot at teaming up to chase the trios titles instead. This leads to Rated FTR issuing a challenge to the Death Riders for the AEW World Trios Championship at Dynasty. FTR tries wrapping up by saying, “Top guys …out!” But Cope prefers “Rated-FTR …out!”

Swerve Strickland Calls Out AEW World Champion Jon Moxley

Inside the arena once again, the familiar sounds of the catchy-ass entrance tune for Swerve Strickland hits, and out comes the former AEW World Champion, led by the dancing Prince Nana. The two settle in the ring and Swerve wastes no time calling out Jon Moxley.

The theme for the AEW World Champion hits and out he comes by himself, sans Death Riders, as requested. He doesn’t look a bit rattled either, as the commentators point out. He settles in the ring, his music dies down, and he and Swerve circle and stare each other down.

Swerve says he’s allowed people to hold onto his title for too long, before asking Mox what happened. He says the champ hides behind his Death Riders, even Marina Shafir, before saying that despite his claims that no one deserves to be the World Champion that Mox himself doesn’t deserve it.

He says that Mox keeps the title in a briefcase because he can’t even see himself with the title on his shoulder. Strickland asks the champ how his back is doing before saying that everything he needs to be focused on is in front of him right here, right now. The crowd reacts accordingly to the sight of Claudio Castagnoli standing behind Prince Nana, who looks more than a little nervous to turn around and face him.

Mox says they’re all chilling before saying that Dynasty isn’t about him, it’s about Swerve versus Swerve. Who is Swerve, really? What is he, really. Mox knows, he knows exactly what Strickland is and what he can be. He had high hopes for Swerve but has been disappointed. He says Swerve has a chance to prove himself at Dynasty, when he gets to ask himself how far he is willing to go to become champion.

There are plenty of questions for him to ask himself, but ultimately he will suffer come April 6. Mox expresses his anger toward the way the company has been run as of late, saying guys like Swerve give him hope, but he’s not going to just give Strickland a handout. He asks Swerve once again how far he’s willing to go, since he calls himself the most dangerous man in AEW.

We see Marina stepping onto the apron, only to be confronted by Willow Nightingale as Swerve asserts that he IS the most dangerous man in this company. When he takes the title at Dynasty, Jon Moxley can continue to play that role on TV. Both men drop their mics, staring each other as the Death Riders finally back off.

Mox leaves the ring, escaping to the crowd with the Death Riders until Shafir rushes at Willow to pull her off the apron. The two women trade strikes until Claudio pulls Shafir away, and the Death Riders leave through the crowd as Swerve’s music hits to end the eventful segment to promote the Mox-Swerve showdown for the gold at AEW Dynasty 2025.

The Opps Handle Max Caster, Jay White Declares For Owen Hart Cup

From there, we shoot backstage where we see Katsuyori Shibata has commandeered a camera as Samoa Joe talks to HOOK about messing around with Max Caster, who we see talking to some tag specialists about going solo just like he has.

The Opps eventually catch the “Best Wrestler Alive” by surprise as Joe chokes him out, before they walk off. We then get a video package hyping AEW Dynasty 2025. On that note, the show shifts gears and heads into another commercial break.

When the show returns, we see “Switchblade” Jay White being interviewed backstage. He is asked about big names such as Will Ospreay and Hangman Page already declaring for the Owen Hart Cup. He goes on to do the same and then makes a challenge for later this week.

Top Flight vs. Alex Findley & Devo Knight

Inside the arena again, the theme for Top Flight hits and out comes the duo of Dante and Darius Martin for our next match of the evening. Already in the ring are their scheduled opponents, the unknown duo of Alex Findley and Devo Knight.

The bell sounds and this one gets officially off-and-running. Martin establishes the early offensive lead, and as he does, Big Bill and Bryan Keith, who challenged AEW World Tag-Team Champions The Hurt Syndicate earlier in the show, are shown watching on a monitor backstage.

Seconds later, Top Flight vs. Big Bill & Bryan Keith is announced for tag-team action later this week on AEW Collision. An open challenge from Jay White is also set for the show. Moments later, Top Flight hits a top-rope finisher for an easy win. Lio Rush is shown in the crowd, and Keith and Bill are shown backstage again.

Winners: Top Flight

Will Ospreay Returns Next Week In Peoria, Illinois

A video package for Will Ospreay airs. When it wraps up, a graphic flashes on the screen with the commentary team announcing the return of “The Aerial Assassin” on next week’s AEW Dynamite on Wednesday, April 2, in Peoria, Illinois.

Mark Briscoe vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Inside the arena live once again, we hear “Reach for the sky, boy!” and out comes the master of Redneck Fu himself, Mark Briscoe. He heads to the ring to a big pop from the St. Paul crowd and settles inside for the next match of the evening.

His music dies down and the entrance tune for Konosuke Takeshita hits. Out comes “The Alpha” from The Don Callis Family, with Don Callis himself by his side. The two head to the ring together. Takeshita settles inside the squared circle, while Callis joins the gang on special guest commentary.

The bell sounds and this one gets officially off-and-running. Takeshita starts off in a dominant offensive lead, but Briscoe lets out his Redneck Fu cries and begins fighting back into competitive form. He charges at Takeshita seconds later, however, and runs directly into a big boot from the big “Alpha.”

Takeshita beats down Briscoe for a few seconds and then plants him face-first into the hard part of the ring apron with a DDT. On that note, the show heads into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues. When the show returns, Briscoe is in the middle of a fired up comeback.

Briscoe climbs up on Takeshita on the ropes and proceeds to bite him. He then spits out some blood. The commentators pointed that out, too. Yikes. Briscoe fires up with some Redneck Fu again, and blasts Takeshita with some rapid-fire chops.

He stands on the barricade on the floor and plays to the crowd. He runs it for a good few seconds before leaping with a elbow to Takeshita on the floor. Back inside the ring, Briscoe goes back to work with the crowd strongly behind him. He looks for a top-rope Froggy Bow but Takeshita moves.

Takeshita dumps Briscoe on his head but then runs into a lariat out of nowhere from Briscoe for a close two-count. Callis drops his headset and rushes to ringside as the intensity in the ring picks up. Takeshita hits an exploder suplex. And another. And another. And another. Takeshita hits a running knee to Briscoe and covers him, but only gets two.

Briscoe avoids a spinning shot from Takeshita and hits a Jay-Driller. He is slow to make the cover, but when he does, Takeshita gets to the ropes before the count of three. Takeshita avoids a big shot from Briscoe and follows up with a rolling elbow. He then hits his Raging Fire finisher for the pinfall victory. Excellent match. Very good.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

Big AEW Trios Championship Showdown Set For AEW Dynasty 2025

Backstage, AEW Trios Champions The Death Riders — Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta and PAC — respond to the challenge earlier in the show for a title tilt against Rated-FTR trio Cope, Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler at AEW Dynasty 2025. They accept and challenge Rated-FTR to survive when all is said-and-done. The show heads to another commercial break.

MVP Talks To The Hurt Syndicate About MJF Joining Them

Backstage, we see the Hurt Syndicate discussing MVP’s offer to MJF. Lashley says he doesn’t like the guy as Benjamin points to Friedman’s reputation, but the three eventually come to something of a consensus on the situation as we cut away.

“Timeless” Toni Storm & Thunder Rosa vs. Megan Bayne & Penelope Ford

It’s main event time!

When we return inside the arena in St. Paul, MN., “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts sets the stage for the final match of the evening, as he begins the pre-match ring introductions for the four women involved in the women’s tag-team headline bout of this week’s show. Megan Bayne and Penelope Ford make their way out first.

From there, we hear the familiar sounds of Thunder Rosa’s theme music. Out comes the former AEW Women’s World Champion first for her team. She stops and the entrance tune for reigning AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm hits. The crowd goes absolutely insane.

The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We start things off with Bayne and Rosa as they trade offense. Rosa gets the upper hand on Megasus, until Bayne hits her with a scoop slam. This prompts Thunder to make a tag to the champ, who confronts Bayne until Ford gets a tag instead.

She takes Toni to the canvas only for the champ to take control as a tag is made to Rosa, and the pair double-team Ford leading to a running dropkick by Rosa off the back of Storm for a cover and a near-fall. Rosa continues to dominate the action as the show heads into a mid-match commercial break.

When the show returns, after some more back-and-forth action, we see Bayne and Ford shift the offensive momentum in their favor. Ford takes out Rosa, while Bayne finishes off Storm in the ring. Bayne makes the cover and gets the 1-2-3 and the win for herself and Ford.

The two celebrate as Excalibur runs down the updated lineup for AEW Dynasty 2025. That’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!

Winners: Megan Bayne & Penelope Ford