It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns from the FirstOntario Centre in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada with this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite at 8/7c tonight on TBS.
On tap for tonight’s post-Forbidden Door 2 show is Sting & Darby Allin vs. Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara, Jon Moxley vs. Tomohiro Ishii, as well as Dr. Britt Baker vs. Ruby Soho in an Owen Hart Cup opening round tournament bout.
Also scheduled for the show this evening, we will hear from Jungle Boy after his attack on HOOK, the Blind Eliminator Tag-Team Tournament continues, we will hear from Adam Cole & MJF, “Hangman” Adam Page & The Young Bucks will be in action, Orange Cassidy will be in Trios action and more.
Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite results from Wednesday, June 28, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on TBS.
The post-Forbidden Door 2 edition of AEW Dynamite kicks off on TBS with the usual “Light the fuse …” theme song and opening video. We then shoot inside FirstOntario Centre in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada where Excalibur welcomes us to the show.
Jon Moxley vs. Tomohiro Ishii
From there, we head to the ring for our opening contest. “Wild Thing” begins playing and out through the crowd comes Blackpool Combat Club leader Jon Moxley. “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts introduces him to the ring and out he comes with Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta.
Tomohiro Ishii’s theme hits next and he makes his way out and settles in the ring. Ishii and Mox go forehead-to-forehead and push and shove each other until finally the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running.
Immediately we see Moxley and Ishii chop the ever-loving crap out of each other, back-and-forth, for what seems like forever. After a solid 60-90 seconds of chop exchanges, we see the two start to do the same thing with face slaps and forearm shots.
We hear a loud “Let’s go Moxley” and “Let’s go Ishii” dueling chant and then the two start biting each other on the face. Mox shoulder-blocks Ishii down and then recovers in the corner, where a close-up camera shot shows some blood coming out of his forehead.
Mox grabs Ishii’s hands and starts stomping the hell out of him like a modern day “Rugged” Ronnie Garvin. He sends Ishii out to the floor and we see Castagnoli and Yuta creeping around and looming as Mox talks to the referee.
Ishii gets up and climbs up on the apron, but Mox forearm blasts him back down to the floor and hits a running dive through the ropes from the ring to the floor to take out the Japanese legend. Mox rolls back in the ring and again we see the Blackpool Combat Club guys standing over Ishii.
Eddie Kingston’s theme hits and the crowd goes nuts as “The Mad King” comes out angry and pointing at Castagnoli and Yuta. He grabs a steel chair and heads over to clear them away from Ishii to keep this a fair fight. Mox rolls out and the two start arguing as we head to a mid-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, we see Mox and Ishii have returned the action to the ring. The two start trading shots back-and-forth in the ring while winded. The commentators point out that Mox’s eye is busted open and bleeding.
Mox ends up decking Ishii before picking him back up for a stiff pile driver for a close near fall attempt. He ends up bleeding profusely as the action continues and then we ride into the finish, which sees Mox pick up the win. Afterwards, Mox stares as Eddie Kingston shouts at him that he did it on his own and doesn’t need the Blackpool Combat Club.
Winner: Jon Moxley
MJF Wants To Be Adam Cole’s Friend
We shoot to the parking lot where Renee Paquette talks about the Blind Eliminator Tag-Team Tournament. She then says she’ll talk to one of the teammates of the first announced team now.
With that said, we see Paquette approach Adam Cole. Before they can say much of anything, MJF pulls up and honks his horn a bunch. He pops out and ignores Paquette and acts excited to see Adam Cole.
MJF suggests he and Cole get to know each other better since they’re gonna be a team. Cole hesitantly agrees. He says he’s gonna first tell some people hello and he’ll see MJF around later.
MJF then reveals some merchandise he had made for the team, and pulls out a t-shirt that reads, “Better Than You — BAY-BAY!” Cole says, “Good God, man…” and walks off as we head to a commercial.
Renee Paquette Tells Eddie Kingston To “FIX THIS!”
We shoot backstage and we see a bloody Jon Moxley with his fellow BCC members behind him and Renee Paquette yapping at him. Eddie Kingston walks up and he and Mox go face to face arguing again, with “The Mad King” talking about how he needs to get rid of Castagnoli.
Mox walks off. Paquette yells at Kingston, “You need to fix this!”
Orange Cassidy, El Hijo del Vikingo & Keith Lee vs. Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker
Now Orange Cassidy’s theme hits and the AEW International Champion makes his way down to the ring with his title in a book bag as always. He settles in the ring and the theme for his first partner hits.
Out comes El Hijo del Vikingo, who is eventually joined by Keith Lee as well. The three settle in the ring and are ready for Trios action here on the post-Forbidden Door 2 edition of Dynamite.
The commentators inform us that Britt Baker is out ill tonight. Ruby Soho will be in action tonight but her quarterfinal against Baker in the Owen Hart Cup won’t take place until next Wednesday night’s Dynamite.
Daniel Garcia’s theme hits and out he comes with fellow Jericho Appreciation Society members “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard and “Cool Hand” Angelo Parker. All six men are in the ring and ready for battle.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this Trios bout. Kicking things off for their respective teams are El Hijo del Vikingo and Daniel Garcia. We see Vikingo hit some of his trademark high spots early on as Excalibur sings his praises for those who have never seen him before.
Despite the hot start, the J.A.S. trio end up shifting the offensive momentum in their favor. Garcia tags back in and isolates Vikingo on the J.A.S. side of the ring. We see him taunting Keith Lee and Orange Cassidy as he takes it to Vikingo.
On that note, we shift gears and head to a mid-match commercial break as the action in this Trios contest continues. When we return, we see much of the same going on until finally Vikingo makes it to his corner to tag in the big man.
Keith Lee hits the ring and starts taking out everyone that moves. At one point, he even hoists Vikingo up on the floor and starts using his own tag-team partner as a battering ram to beat down Menard and Parker. Moments later, the baby face trio finishes this one off with the win.
Winners: Orange Cassidy, El Hijo del Vikingo & Keith Lee
Cutler Cam: Dark Order Confronts The Elite
We shoot backstage for a Cutler Cam segment. We see “Hangman” Adam Page and The Young Bucks talking about how they are going to fight in Trios action tonight and are looking for opponents.
Look no further!
Up walks Hangman Page’s former best buddies, The Dark Order, who tell him they are no longer friends and are going to fight tonight. After this, we see a highlight package for Bryan Danielson vs. Kazuchika Okada from Forbidden Door 2, and then head to another commercial break.
Renee Paquette Interviews Le Sex Gods
We shoot backstage to Renee Paquette standing by with Le Sex Gods for an interview. Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara talk about their Texas Tornado tag against Sting and Darby Allin later tonight. Jericho talks about bringing back his “Painmaker” persona for “The Icon” tonight.
The Elite vs. The Dark Order
Now we head back inside the arena where The Dark Order theme hits and out comes John Silver, Alex Reynolds and Evil Uno with -1 for our next match of the evening, which is another Trios bout.
They settle inside the ring and their music dies down as they await the arrival of their partners for tonight’s match. The Elite theme hits and out comes “Hangman” Adam Page and The Young Bucks — Nick and Matt Jackson.
Hangman looks conflicted as he enters the ring and sees his old friends across the ring and his older friends by his side. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one.
Jackson and Reynolds kick things off for their respective teams. Nick gets in the early offensive lead, making goofy noises as he walks the top rope. Wasn’t that CM Punk’s gimmick? “I’m flying!”
John Sllver tags in and a Johnny Hungy chant breaks out. He points at Hangman and challenges him to tag in. He does. Hangman and Silver go face to face. Silver argues about him siding with the Bucks over The Dark Order.
Fans chant “Cowboy sh*t! Cowboy sh*t!” and then the two circle each other and lock up. Silver takes Page down and the two exchange holds and reversals on the mat. They go shoulder to shoulder after coming off the ropes and when Silver doesn’t budge, he shouts, “I’m freakin’ jacked, baby!”
The Young Bucks both hit a dive off the top rope for big stereo splashes on the floor. The fans boo as Page gets in the ring and hesitantly stands over a beaten down Reynolds. He’s still too conflicted to go through with it, so he tags Jackson back in.
On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues. When we return from the break, we see The Young Bucks firing up again until Evil Uno stops their momentum. Evil Uno even uses the referee for one spot before laying out Jackson.
Evil Uno hits a big pile driver on Jackson and then he gets in Hangman’s face. He shoves Hangman, who still doesn’t want to inflict any damage on his former Dark Order buddies. Finally, the Bucks hit their BTE Trigger and Page hesitantly follows up with a Buckshot Lariat for the win. Great match.
Winners: The Elite
Blood & Guts: The Elite vs. Blackpool Combat Club
Once the match wraps up, as The Young Bucks celebrate, we see Hangman Page looking conflicted still. The commentators speculate that he is apologizing to his former friends.
And then they struck!
The Blackpool Combat Club run out and beat down Hangman Page and The Young Bucks. The Dark Order don’t even help, when they clearly could have. Instead, they simply walk away as the BCC guys savagely beat down The Elite guys with chairs. Page is busted open bleeding and looking out in disbelief at The Dark Order not helping.
Don Callis comes out and gets a ton of heat as he stands in the ring and watches on as well. Eddie Kingston runs out, but he too also gets a brutal beatdown for his effort. Jon Moxley gets on the mic and says it’s been a real blast, but it’s about time they finish this with The Elite.
Mox says they’ve pushed each other to the limits and now it’s time to push beyond our limits. July 19. Boston. TD Garden. Blood & Guts. After this, we see a vignette promoting the Owen Hart Cup tourney matches on AEW Collision this Saturday and then head to another commercial break.
Adam Cole & MJF Are Off To Party!
When we return, we see Adam Cole in the parking lot wondering where the hell MJF is. Then Roderick Strong walks up. They hug and Strong tells Cole he can’t trust MJF. Cole says he knows he’s just playing him. MJF comes up and tells Roderick Strong, “Hey generic white guy!” Strong gets pissed and MJF begs off.
He tells him he looks jacked and then shifts his attention to Cole. He says they need to get out of here, because “This place sucks!” He doesn’t want to stay at a pro wrestling show all night. He tells Cole they need to go party. Off they go.
The fans boo and chant at him and he stops to loudly yell, “SHUT UP!” like an irritated Vinnie Mac in his WWE Attitude Era prime. The fans respond in similar fashion, spreading a loud “Assh*le!” chant around the building. “You hear that Taz, they’re talking to you!” Jungle Boy says in response to the chants.
He talks about fans chanting “HOOK is gonna kill you!” and promises the next time he sees him he’s gonna “beat the sh*t out of him.” The sounds of Action Bronson fill the venue and out comes “The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil” sprinting to the ring. Jungle Boy sprints just as fast out of the ring and to the back.
We see a camera shot catch up with them backstage and we see Jungle Boy pushing crap in the way as he runs to the parking lot and into a waiting car, which speeds off as HOOK catches up. He watches them leave and turns and heads back in the building.
Ruby Soho vs. Alexia Nicole
We head to a commercial break after the HOOK and Jungle Boy segment. When we return, we see The Outcasts make their way out and Ruby Soho settles in the ring for singles action. The commentators remind us of her Owen Hart Cup tournament bout being moved to next week.
Already in the ring is Canada’s own Alexia Nicole. The bell sounds and we see Soho charge across the ring and Lou Thesz press her and punch away like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin in his WWE Attitude Era heyday.
She walks her over to the corner and stomps a mud-hole in her ass and walks it dry. Literally. She’s channeling her inner Texas Rattlesnake tonight, ladies and gentlemen. She throws Nicole out to the floor where we see Saraya and Toni Storm sneak in some cheap shots.
Soho plants Nicole into the mat twice upon bringing the match back in the ring. She has the win but pulls Nicole’s head up before the count of three. Now Soho gets a glove and slips it on before using Britt Baker’s own Lockjaw submission finisher for the win.
Winner: Ruby Soho
Ruby Soho Delivers A Message To Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
Once the match wraps up, Ruby Soho gets on the mic and mocks Alexia Nicole, taunting her for being Canada’s “finest.” She says she wasn’t her intended opponent but because of the sick country of Canada, Britt Baker got ill and their tourney match was moved to next week.
She says Adam Cole also pulled out of his match at The Forbidden Door 2. She says they used to be a power couple but if they ever have kids, they’ll be weak little bastards. Soho talks about when she first got here when AEW was at Arthur Ashe, Baker told her she didn’t know who she was. She says she loves who she is now, standing beside these women — Saraya and Toni Storm.
Soho gets into the camera and tells Baker to look at her. She says last year she barely beat her on her best day. She says since then they’ve taken everything that matters to her, such as the AEW Women’s Championship. She says next week she takes her opportunity to be a two-time Owen Hart Cup tournament winner. She’ll leave her with what she is — nothing.
Johnny TV & QT Marshall Make Hits!
We see footage of Anthony Bowens announcing he is gay from last week and then shoot backstage. We see QT Marshall talking about Johnny TV’s debut being the big news from last week, not that. He then mentions how they’ll be taking on Matt Hardy and Brother Zay on Rampage.
Excalibur then speed-reads a ton of match announcements for this week’s AEW Rampage, AEW Collision and next week’s AEW Dynamite, before we head to another commercial break.
“Painmaker” Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara vs. Sting & Darby Allin
When we return from the break, “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts begins the formal pre-match ring introductions for our main event of the evening, the scheduled Texas Tornado Tag-Team match pitting “The Painmaker” Chris Jericho and “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara against “The Icon” Sting and Darby Allin.
The theme for “The Icon” Sting plays and out he comes with Darby Allin. The two settle inside the squared circle to a huge pop from the Hamilton crowd. Their music dies down and they await the arrival of their opposition for our final bout of the evening.
With that said, a special intro version of “Judas in My Mind” plays and up pops Chris Jericho in his “Painmaker” persona. He heads to the ring accompanied by his tag-team partner, fellow Jericho Appreciation Society member Sammy Guevara.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with our headline attraction of the evening. Early on we see Guevara and Allin brawl out to the floor at ringside. Jericho and Sting are left alone in the ring to joust with their respective baseball bats.
Jericho and Sting fight out to the floor where Jericho drops Sting across the barricade as we head to a mid-match commercial break as our main event of the evening here on the post-Forbidden Door 2 episode of Dynamite continues.
When we return, we see Darby Allin helping fight his team back into the offensive lead, as the crowd rallies behind him and he fires up on offense. Allin hits a wicked Coffin Drop out to the floor and then sets up two tables, one in front of the other.
A giant ladder is set up in the ring and Darby starts climbing. Sting ends up climbing up the other side. He stops Darby and says he wants this one. He turns around, beats his chest and leaps off, but only goes through one table and seems to land awkwardly as hell. He might be hurt.
Back in the ring, we see Darby Allin hit a double foot stomp on Chris Jericho with his skateboard for a super close near fall. Jericho gets up and starts beating the piss out of Darby with a ladder, and then he lays the ladder longways on the top turnbuckle in the corner.
Darby throws Jericho face-first into the ladder in the corner. Jericho’s head busts the top of the ladder and he is busted open and bleeding. Darby goes for a big move on Jericho, but Jericho puts a barbed wire chair in his way and then catches him with a Judas Effect that knocks him out to the floor.
Back in the ring, we see Sting behind Chris Jericho. Both guys are bleeding, Jericho from the face and Sting from the mouth. Sting goes for a Scorpion Death Drop but Jericho avoids it and counters, locking Sting in the Walls of Jericho / Liontamer. Sting crawls to the ropes and grabs his bat.
Jericho drags Sting back into the middle of the ring, still in the hold, but doesn’t know Sting has his bat. Sting bashes Jericho in the grill with the bat. Tony Schiavone points out Tony Khan has gotten clearance for this match to run as long as it needs to, and points out we’re officially over the 10 o’clock hour. Hey, NXT was too, last night! Lovely!
Now we see Sting connect with the Scorpion Death Drop, but Jericho kicks out of the pin attempt. The commentators make a big deal, claiming no one has ever kicked out of that move before (that can’t be true, can it?). He follows up with the Scorpion Death Lock and Jericho taps out. Excalibur plugs AEW Fight Forever coming out tomorrow and that’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winners: Sting & Darby Allin