AEW Dynamite Results – February 19, 2020
AEW Dynamite Rolls into Atlanta, GA at the State Farm Arena. No clue how close it is to Badstreet, but tonight promises to be a very impactful episode. Jim Ross, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone are calling the action.
Tag Team Battle Royal to determine the #1 Contenders Match: Best Friends (Trent and Chuck Taylor), The Juassic Express (Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus) TH2 (Angelico & Jack Evans), Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy), The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson), The Strong Hearts (El Lindaman & T-Hawk), SCU (Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian), The Butcher & The Blade, Santana & Ortiz, John Silver & Alex Reynolds representing The Dark Order
In this match, it’s explained that both members of the team must be eliminated. We’ve got your usual beginning where everyone slugs it out. Scorpio Sky dives off the top rope and into the huge mass of humanity, taking most down. Jack Evans tries the same, but gets caught and thrown out.
-Jack Evans eliminated
-T-Hawk eliminated by Private Party
Butcher and Blade start working over Kassidy. Kazarian with a huge clothesline on Blade. At ringside, the Infomercial Barker for the Mighty Dark Order distracts SCU and Reynolds and Sneak up from behind and dump the former champions over.
-Kazarian and Sky eliminated (SCU eliminated)
The Young Bucks superkick Silver and Reynolds from behind, they go over the top and on to the floor.
-Alex Reynolds and John Silver eliminated (team eliminated)
Scorpio Sky dives into the crowd to attack The Dark Order. He brawls with Grayson. Angelico with a backbreaker on Matt Jackson. Cima with a dropkick to Angelico, he slumps on top of Matt Jackson in the corner. Trent and CIMA exchange chops. Trent misses a dropkick and Cima hits a double stomp. He throws Trent into the corner but Trent gets his foot up to stop Cima’s charge.
Santana and Ortiz go to work on Cima and throw him over the top and on to the apron. Jungle Boy gets thrown over the top and lands on the apron right next to Cima, they exchange chops and Cima tries a German to eliminate Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy blocks it as Luchasaurus nails Cima with a pump kick.
-CIMA eliminated (Strong Hearts eliminated)
Hurancanrana by Jungle Boy on to Santana. He and Luchasaurus go to work on Private Party. The Bunny goes to the apron, distracting the Jurassic Express long enough for the Butcher and The Blade to blindside them. Meanwhile, outside the ring, The Dark Order offer CIMA a mask. He takes it and has a quizzical look on his face as he walks away. In the ring, Nick Jackson with a facebuster on Angelico.
Santana and Ortiz with a double vertical suplex on Matt Jackson while Nick Jackson goes to work on just about everyone with roundhouse kicks. Luchasaurus grabs Nick for a chokeslam, Jackson flips over the attempt and connects with a roundhouse kick. Nick with running knee strikes on Santana, Ortiz, Butcher and Blade in each corner. He tries to bulldog Blade into Butcher but Butcher backdrops Nick over the corner and onto to the floor.
-Nick Jackson eliminated.
Butcher goes to work on Matt Jackson and Private Party in the corner. He backdrops Jungle Boy into all three of them. Butcher and Luchasaurus stare off and trade forearms and chops. Luchasaurus connexcts with a big roundhouse kick but Butcher with a lariat, they are both down. Santana throws Quen over the top to the apron. He throws Kassidy over but he avoids elimination by attempting silly string. Santana catches Kassidy on the rebound and throws him into Quen, knocking him off the apron and onto the floor.
-Marq Quen eliminated
Santana and Ortiz catch Kassidy in a powerbomb but throw him over the top onto Quen
Isiah Kassidy eliminated (Private Party eliminated)
Luchasaurus with a big headbutt on Angelico, he falls backwards and Jungle Boy holds the ropes for Angelico to fall over the top.
-Angelico eliminated (TH2 eliminated)
Sammy Guevara shows up and pulls Jungle Boy off the apron (JB had been thrown over the top onto the apron earlier)
-Jungle Boy eliminated
Santana, Ortiz, Butcher and Blade work together to flip Luchasaurus over the top onto Jungle Boy.
-Luchasaurus eliminated (Jurassic Express eliminated)
Butcher and Blade work over Trent, he wisely rolls to the floor, Blade follows him, as does Butcher. Taylor with a somersault off the apron onto Butcher and Blade. Best Friends get back in the ring and take out Santana and Ortiz with a suplex and sole food. They go for the hug-in but Butcher clubs Taylor from behind and tosses him over the top.
-Chuck Taylor eliminated
Blade throws Trent over the top but he lands on Orange Cassidy’s shoulders. Cassidy walks Trent back to the apron. Trent re-enters the ring and hits a DDT on Blade. He tosses Blade over the top but Blade hold on. Trent and Matt Jackson with a double dropkick and that’s all she wrote for the Blade.
-The Blade eliminated
Butcher works over Trent while Santana and Ortiz work over Matt Jackson. After getting the advantage, Trent and Matt have their own hug-in, but Butcher puts them down with a double clothes line. Butcher gets Trent over and Trent drags Butcher over the top to the apron, they’re teetering and trading chops. Bunny kicks Cassidy in the nether-regions as Trent falls to the floor. Immediately, Matt Jackson hits a spear to eliminate Butcher
-The Butcher eliminated (Butcher and Blade Eliminated)
-Trent eliminated (Best Friends eliminated)
Santana and Ortiz with the street sweeper on Matt Jackson, he avoids elimination. Back rake by Ortiz, he gets backdropped to the apron, Jackson with a superkick and down to the floor goes Ortiz.
-Ortiz eliminated
Guevara tried to interfere but eats a superkick. Matt Jackson clotheslines Santana over the top and on to the floor.
-Santana eliminated (Santana and Ortiz eliminated)
WINNERS: The Young Bucks.
Omega and Page are watching the monitor as we go to commercial.
Cody, Brandi Rhodes and Pharoah are seen entering the building
Kris Statlander vs. Shanna
Dr. Britt Baker is at the commentary table and brings Tony a skinny latte, telling him to keep his weight down. Poor Tony. Statlander does the nose boop to the referee. Lockup, Shanna with an arm twist, Statlander reverses it. They go back and forth with the arm twists, Statlander cartwheels out of it and gives Shanna a flying headscissors. Shanna is frozen as Shanna does the nose boop on her. They are exchanging nose boops. Statlander with chops and forearms followed by a Pele kick for 2.
Back from commercial, Statlander with running forearms into the corner. Statlander goes for a moonsault but Shanna kicks the legs out, Shanna with a double stomp for 2. Shanna with a DDT for 2. Running low dropkick by Shanna to a prone Statlander, Shanna gets a 2 count. Cutter out of nowhere by Statlander, she nails the Big Bang Theory for the pin.
WINNER: Kris Statlander
We get highlights from last week when Nyla Rose pinned Riho to win the AEW Women’s Championship
Tony Schiavone brings out the Native Beast herself, Nyla Rose. She declares that she should have been the 1st World Champion. Waiting for Riho made her hungry. She brags about breaking Riho. Rose says she represents power, unbridled power. She declares herself the Queen Bee and will never lose that title. This brings out Kris Statlander, she boops the belt. Here comes big Swole, who flexes at the champ.
We see highlights of Jeff Cobb attacking Jon Moxley last week.
Jon Moxley vs Jeff Cobb
Taz has joined commentary.
Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager have ringside tickets. Immediate overhead belly to belly by Cobb. Punch, chop and a big dropkick by Cobb. Mox to the outside, Cobb follows and they exchange punches, Cobb drives Moxley into the mat by the steps. Cobb slams Moxley’s head into the steps. He throws Moxley into the ring but Moxley counters with a dropkick, sending Cobb to the outside. Moxley dives on him on the floor. Moxley with chops and rolls Cobb into the ring, Cobb, Cobb with a shoulderblock, down goes Moxley. Cobb with a headbutt on the ground, followed by another. Moxley fights back with chops, but Cobb with a kneelift and throws him hard into the buckle.
Cobb slows things down with a chinlock. Mox to his feet but Cobb with an elbow. Moxley to the apron Cobb sends him into the barricade.
Back from commercial, Moxley is working on hyperextending Cobb’s knee in the corner. Moxley rams Cobb’s knee into the post several times. Moxley gets back in the ring and immediately walks into a spinning belly-to belly. Cobb pulls Moxley up at 2. Cobb misses a short clothesline and Moxley tries a sleeper, Cobb runs him into the corner but Moxley immediately applies a heel hook, Cobb reaches the ropes. Cobb rolls to the outside. Moxley dives to the outside but gets caught in a Northern Lights on the floor. Cobb with a powerslam for 2. Moxley escapes a torture rack and hits 2 knee strikes. Cobb with a German and Moxley responds with a running lariat. The 2 exchange forearms. Cobb with a superkick, Moxley with a clothesline, Cobb with one of his own. Cobb with an uppercut in the corner. Cobb with superplex but Moxley immediately hits a cradle for the pin.
WINNER: Jon Moxley
The Inner Circle swarms Moxley but Dustin Rhodes runs in for the save. The numbers game catches up quick as the lights dim. Darby Allin is back. Dustin, Darby and Moxley clear house and Moxley and Jericho slug it out until Jericho bails out.
During commercial, Darby issues a cue card challenge to Sammy Guevara
AEW World Tag Team Title Match: Adam & Page & Kenny Omega (Champions) vs The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr & Rey Fenix)
Page and Fenix start us off. Fenix with jabs and a headlock. He attempts a hurancanrana but Page blocks it. Page misses a clothesline but connects on a hard boot, tags in Omega. The champs double team and get a 2 count. Omega with a backbreaker for 2. Page tags in. Fenix meets him with chops but Page puts him down with one. Page with a fisherman suplex for 2, broken up by Pantagon. Omega tags in. Fireman by Omega, running shooting star by Page and a full moonsault by Omega for 2. Page knocks Pentagon off the apron. Eye rake a superkick by Fenix, he gets the tag to Pentagon. Lucha Bros chop away at the champions. They attempt to throw the two together but it gets reversed. Lucha Bros turn the predicament into a dueling dropkick situation. Lucha Bros with a assisted Senton into Omega in the corner.
Back from commercial, Omega counters a backdrop with a DDT. Omega is favoring the leg but gets the tag. Page goes to work on Pentagon with shoulderblocks and a boot to the face on Fenix for good measure. Fallaway slam by Page and a sliding lariat for 2 on Pentagon. Omega tags in. They double team but Pentagon fights out with superkicks, Page thwarts the comeback with a lariat. Omega throws Pentagon to Page, who hits a German Suplex. He throws Fenix, but Fenix with a cutter. Pentagon with a Destroyer on Omega, all four are down. Pentagon and Omega exchange chops on the apron. Omega goes down but bounces right back with a knee. Fenix literally runs across the top rope and hits a PK to Omega. Springboard hurancanrana by Fenix sends Omega to the floor, Page with his moonsault to the outside takes out the Lucha Bros.
Back in the ring, discus lariat by Page fir 2. Omega tags in and Pentagon sling blade to Page while Fenix with a dropkick to Omega off the top rope. Pop up powerbomb on Pentagon by Page, running knee to the back by Omega. Fenix goes for the cutter on Omega, he catches him and hold him for the buckshot lariat. Fenix moves and Page nails his partner. Tiger Driver for 2 by Pentagon. Omega avoids a package piledriver and hits a snap dragon on Pentagon. He catches an in-bound Fenix and hits a Tiger Driver 98 for 2. Omega goes for the One Winged Angel, Fenix slides out and shoves Omega back, Page gets the blind tag. The Champs with the Buckshot Lariat/V Trigger Combination for the pin.
WINNERS: Adam Page and Kenny Omega (retain championship)
The Young Bucks come out to congratulate the winners but Page goes and drinks beer with the crowd.
We get the announcement of the first line of AEW Action Figures
We are treated to a rundown of the MJF- Cody proceedings over the last few weeks.
Steel Cage Match: Cody vs Wardlow
Arn Anderson and Brandi Rhodes accompany Cody to the ring, MJF is with Wardlow. Cody starts with a high kick, Wardlow is unfazed. Cody with a headlock, he gets easily thrown off. Cody with a leapfrog and uppercut, he tries to send Wardlow into the cage but Wardlow elbows out of it. Disaster Kick by Cody, he goes to the top for punches but gets shoved off and nailed by a clothesline. Wardlow rams Cody into the cage twice, Cody is quickly wearing the crimson mask.
After commercial, Cody reverses a suplex and hits a face first suplex. Cody with a cutter. He mounts the corner and this time gets the 10 punches. Low blow by Wardlow. Spinning F-10 by Wardlow. Wardlow uses the cage as a cheese grater on Cody’s head. He throws Cody into the door and Cody falls to the steps (pin or submission is the only way to win here). MJF implores Anderson to slam the cage door on Cody like he used to do to his daddy. Anderson slams the door outward hitting MJF. Cody escapes a powerbomb and puts Wardlow down with three clotheslines. Cody with the snap powerslam for 2.
Cody to the top, Wardlow stops him and throws him into the cage. Wardlow with a senton off the top rope for 2. MJF hands Wardlow the Dynamite Diamond but Cody hits a low blow. Cody dons the ring. MJF tries to climb the cage but Brandi stops him. They go face to face until The Enforcer throws MJF into the front row. Cody with a diamond assisted punch and a CrossRhodes for 2. Cody looks to the sky. He climbs to the top of the cage and hits a perfect moonsault for the pin.
Cody celebrates and jaw jacks with MJF as we go off the air
Credit: PWInsider.com