It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns from the FLA Live Arena in Sunrise, Florida for this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite on TBS.
On tap for tonight’s show, which kicks off at 8/7c, is Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita vs. The Butcher & The Blade, Dax Harwood vs. Jeff Jarrett, Jade Cargill vs. Taya Valkyrie for the TBS Women’s Championship, Orange Cassidy vs. Bandido for the AEW International Championship, as well as Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin in the finals of the Four Pillars Tournament.
Also scheduled for the show this evening is an announcement from Tony Khan, we will hear from TNT Champion Wardlow and Arn Anderson, as well as Adam Cole.
Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite results from Wednesday, April 26, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on TBS.
This week’s show kicks off with the usual “Light the fuse …” theme and video intro and then we shoot live inside the FLA Live Arena in Sunrise, Florida, where Excalibur welcomes us to the show with his “It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means …” catchphrase.
AEW International Championship
Orange Cassidy (C) vs. Bandido
From there, we head down to the ring where “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts introduces Orange Cassidy. “The Freshly Squeezed” one emerges for his scheduled AEW International Championship defense against Bandido, in a bout that is expected to be a banger.
He settles in the ring and gets a big pop and then his catchy-ass theme song winds down. The entrance tune for his opponent, masked fan-favorite Bandido, plays and the former ROH World Champion makes his way out and heads down to the ring.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. The fans are already chanting loudly. The crowd does a loud “Freshly Squeezed” chant as Cassidy looks for a test of strength to start things off. Bandido doesn’t, and the two hit the ropes. The masked man flips around and points the gun hand-gesture at the champ.
As he does, Cassidy gets ready to do his hands-high down into the pockets routine, but stops and the two start mixing it up again. Bandido shows some fancy showmanship as well and then the two re-engage and get back after it.
Bandido hits a nice hip-toss. Cassidy hits one back. The two trip each other down and try for pins but neither stays down for even a one count. Bandido pops back up and does a double gun hand gesture to the AEW International Champion.
This time Cassidy goes for the double hands up high down into the pockets gesture, but stops and takes Bandido’s double guns hand gesture and holsters them both in his jeans pockets. They mix it up again, Cassidy sends Bandido to the floor and then poses to the crowd with his hands in his pockets.
Now Cassidy fires up and goes on an offensive spree, hitting a bunch of spots, including a drop kick, while both of his hands are in his pockets. He goes for a dive onto Bandido on the floor, but Bandido catches him and drops him throat-first down onto the guard rail / barricade at ringside.
From there, Bandido starts to take back over after the action resumes in the ring. Bandido locks Cassidy in a wild standing submission, with Cassidy’s leg wrapped around his head. The fans rally behind the champ, chanting “Freshly Squeezed” until he makes it to the ropes.
Bandido continues to control the action, knocking the AEW International Champion out to the floor, hitting the ropes to build up a full head of steam and then flipping over the ropes and splashing onto Cassidy on the floor. He pops up with a double gun hand-gesture as we head into a mid-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, we see Bandido doing his trademark muscle-up suplex spot on the champ and then holding him high in the air. He does a couple of curls in this position and then Donkey Kong’s the champ down onto the mat.
The two end up in the middle of the ring where Bandido begins the process of a chop-off between the two, however Cassidy does his trademark wimpy-style, barely touching the masked-man with each chop response, while the crowd reacts like he’s hitting him with hand grenades.
We see Bandido looking for the west-knee, but Cassidy avoids it and plants him into the mat with a Michinoku Driver for a close near fall. The two end up on the floor trading shots and then Cassidy is slammed head-first into the post. Bandido drags him from inside the ring up to the top-rope for his trademark muscle-up super-plex spot.
Cassidy avoids Bandido’s finisher shortly thereafter, but ends up seated on the top-rope in la-la land after eating a few shots. He springs to life and tries a cross-body splash on him, but Bandido catches him and military presses him with one arm. He heads to the top and hits a picture-perfect frog splash for a super close near fall.
Bandido is locked in the Mouse Trap by Cassidy, but escapes. The two continue countering each other and then Bandido pops-Cassidy up off the ropes, but Cassidy comes down with an Orange Punch. He follows up with Beach Break for the pin fall to retain the AEW International Championship in an excellent, excellent opener.
After the match, Cassidy helps Bandido up and puts an extra pair of sunglasses from his book-bag on him after sliding on a pair himself. The two pose together for a big pop and then exit the ring and head to the back together.
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy
Adam Cole Is Looking To Find Chris Jericho Tonight
We shoot backstage where Renee Paquette is standing by with an angry Adam Cole. He tells her that he’s going to go out to the ring later tonight and call out Chris Jericho. He vows to show him the mistake her made last week, and if he doesn’t come to the ring, he’s gonna find him.
O.C. & Bandido … Oh.
As he leaves, up walks Cassidy and Bandido and the “Freshly Squeezed” one tells Paquette he assumes she wants to talk to them after their match. She mentions she was actually back there to talk to Cole. Cassidy replies “Oh” and walks off. Bandido steps up to the mic, says “oh” and walks off as well. We head to another commercial break.
Darby Allin, Jungle Boy Express Regrets About Last Week
We return from the break and we see Renee Paquette standing by with Darby Allin and Jungle Boy Jack Perry. Darby tells Jungle Boy says they both may have taken things a little too far with their comments last week.
He says he regrets not being at ringside for his match because the way it ended was crap. He says they should respect each other, even if they aren’t going to be friends. Jungle Boy agrees and says he wishes it was him out there tonight, but wishes him luck anyways.
Darby says he would have beaten him again. Jungle Boy says he got lucky last time. Darby says alright, he’s got to go get ready for his match. They shake hands and walk off.
Jeff Jarrett vs. Dax Harwood
It’s time for an old-school wrestling match. At least that’s how it looks on paper. Jeff Jarrett makes his way out accompanied by Sonjat Dutt, Satnam Singh and Jay Lethal, but a bunch of officials stop them and only let Jarrett go forward.
After he settles in the ring, his music dies down and the old Midnight Express-style theme for FTR hits. Dax Harwood comes out with Cash Wheeler, who wishes him luck and heads back to the back. Harwood heads to the ring.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with our second match of the evening. Harwood and Jarrett lock up and Harwood takes the early offensive lead. Jarrett tries some cheap heel tactics, to which the fans boo.
Harwood and Jarrett lock up again and the FTR member starts delivering shots to Double J, before the two hit the mat for some ground action. Jarrett takes over and starts getting cocky as he hits some arm-drags and a body slam.
Jarrett does his trademark strut and taunts the crowd, only to turn around to a pair of thunderous chops from Harwood, whom Tony Schiavone once again touts as among the strongest strikes in All Elite Wrestling.
Dax beats Jarrett down but not for long, as Double J fights back and beats the FTR member down in the corner and yells, “You wanna talk now?!” Harwood is only motivated by this, as he pops up and pounds the piss out of Jarrett before taking over again for a comfortable offensive lead.
The two head to the corner where Jarrett is seated on the top-rope, but he knocks Harwood off and after he does, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues with Double J in the offensive driver’s seat.
We return from the break to see the two trading shots. Jarrett gets Harwood on his back, grabs his leg and calls for the Figure-Four Leg-Lock, however the FTR members rolls him up for a near fall for a close count of two.
Now we see Harwood beat Jarrett down and head to the ropes. He leaps off with a flying head-butt attempt for a close near fall once again. He gets Jarrett in a back-slide moments later but again only gets a count of two.
Harwood hoists Jarrett upside down and plants him dome-first into the mat with a stiff pile-driver for another close near fall attempt. Jarrett rolls to the floor after that and gets ready to walk off until Harwood stops him and starts lighting him up with chops and punches.
As Dax looks to suplex Jeff, we see him tripped by Sonjay Dutt, who somehow appears out of nowhere at ringside. Harwood exits the ring and chases him around, but when he rolls back in, Jarrett is waiting for him. He connects with his Stroke finisher and covers him for the win. Another good match. Afterwards, Dutt takes Harwood’s AEW tag title and hands it to Jeff, who poses with it.
Winner: Jeff Jarrett
Tony Khan’s Owen Hart Cup 2023 Announcement
Now we shoot backstage where Tony Khan announces the opening ceremonies for the 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. He says they will take place at AEW Double Or Nothing.
The tourney will be held in Owen Hart’s home country of Canada, including matches at the upcoming AEW & NJPW: The Forbidden Door show. He announces the finals will take place in Owen’s hometown of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
TNT Championship
Wardlow (C) vs. Local Enhancement Talent
We head back inside the FLA. Live Arena in Sunrise, where out comes Wardlow and Arn Anderson for the latest defense of the TNT Championship.
Wardlow heads to the ring, where his opponent is already waiting for him. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with our next title match of the evening here on Dynamite, but the name isn’t said on the broadcast or the company’s Twitter page. Great!
The TNT Champion easily dominates and ultimately finishes off the challenger with his Powerbomb Symphony to the delight of the crowd. Afterwards, Arn Anderson gets on the mic and delivers some words to Wardlow about some of the violent things he might encounter en route to being the franchise of AEW.
Christian Cage’s theme hits and out he comes with his monster Luchasaurus. They settle at ringside and stare down the champ to end the post-match scene.
Winner and STILL TNT Champion: Wardlow
MJF & Sammy Guevara Display Their Friendship Again
We shoot backstage to Renee Paquette, who is standing by with MJF and Sammy Guevara. The two have their bro-mance play out on camera again, as they kiss each other on the forehead and tout Sammy Guevara kicking Darby Allin’s ass tonight and how they have a big fat check and guarantee that MJF’s title reign is only getting started.
Guevara gifts MJF a vest like his and MJF gifts Guevara a scarf like his. They don’t shake hands at the end, however, because friends don’t shake hands. Friends hug.
Blackpool Combat Club Strike Again
We shoot backstage to RJ City, who can’t get but a few words out before he is ambushed by Jon Moxley and the rest of the Blackpool Combat Club. Mox makes a quick warning into the camera and the B.C.C. walk off after promising scars will be left on some tonight.
Four Pillars Tournament
Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara
Now we return inside the FLA. Live Arena where we hear the familiar sounds of Darby Allin’s theme song as the crowd gives him the appropriate rock star reception coming out. The face-painted baby face heads to the ring and settles inside.
His theme music dies down and the entrance tune for Sammy Guevara plays. Out comes “The Spanish God,” who settles in the ring. Before the match gets started, however, some more music begins playing.
It is the theme of the AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman. Out comes MJF to join the gang on special guest commentary for this Four Pillars Tournament match here on Dynamite.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. As Guevara and Allin mix it up in the early goings, we hear Friedman on commentary talking about how great of friends he and Guevara are, while also denying that he’ll be laying down for him at DoN.
Guevara jumps into the early offensive lead, taking it to the former multiple-time TNT Champion as MJF sings his praises on guest commentary. We see Guevara knock Darby out of the ring, and Allin grabs his head upon landing.
Back in the ring, Darby starts to fight back into the offensive lead, but this doesn’t last for long. The action spills out to the floor again, with Allin crashing and burning. Guevara builds up a full head of steam and launches himself out onto the fellow pillar of AEW for a huge spot the pops the crowd.
On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues with Guevara in the offensive driver’s seat. When we return, we see Darby in the ring with a legit cut over his eye that is bleeding. He amps up and goes for a dive to Guevara on the floor but Sammy moves and Darby again crashes and burns on the floor.
As the action continues in the ring, we hear the crowd reacting to something when out comes Tay Melo. She hops on the apron and provides a distraction, which allows Sammy to connect with a crazy Spanish Fly off the top-rope.
From there, a table is set up at ringside and Allin is laid on top of it. Guevara heads to the top-rope and connects with an insane 450-splash on Allin through the table. The crowd reacts with a thunderously loud “Holy sh*t!” chant.
Now we see MJF throw his headset off and head down to the ringside area as Darby fights back into the offensive lead. Allin notices him and heads to deal with him while the referee is distracted. MJF throws him his skateboard, Guevara does the old Eddie Guerrero spot and flat-backs on purpose just as the ref turns around and sees him and Allin holding said-skateboard. He calls for the bell. Guevara wins.
Winner and ADVANCING in the Four Pillars Tournament: Sammy Guevara
Tony Khan Makes Another Announcement Regarding Next Week
Once the match ends, MJF and Sammy Guevara join up for a post-match beat down of Allin until Jungle Boy Jack Perry’s theme hits and the fourth pillar runs down to the ring to make the save.
From there, MJF grabs a mic and tells Jungle Boy and Darby Allin to do whatever they want and beat the hell out of each other, because it’s he and Sammy headlining at AEW Double or Nothing for the title.
He tells Jungle Boy to stick a banana where the sun don’t shine. He tells Darby to listen to My Chemicle Romance while using his tears to play with himself. He tells the fans they suck and tells the other two pillars to head back to the undercard where they belong.
As he continues to rant, Tony Schiavone pops up and tells MJF to shut up. MJF says he can’t talk to him like that. He says he just did. He says he just spoke to Tony Khan.
He reveals it will be MJF and Sammy Guevara taking on Jungle Boy and Darby Allin in tag-team action. If MJF and Sammy wins, it will be a one-on-one match as planned. If not, it will be a pillars four-way match for the title at AEW DoN.
MJF Isn’t Happy, Or A Good Friend
We shoot backstage after returning from a commercial break. We see a pissed off MJF ranting backstage with Sammy Guevara walking behind him. Renee Paquette tries getting a word but MJF tells her to go away.
MJF storms out to his limo in the parking lot. He stops when Sammy tries to get into it with him. He tells him it’s full but he’ll see him next week. The camera shows a clearly empty limo. MJF drives off. Sammy smirks and nods his head as he watches him leave, realizing they aren’t as good of friends as he thought.
Roderick Strong Appears And Helps Beat Down J.A.S.
Now we head back inside the arena where Adam Cole makes his way out to a huge pop from the Sunrise crowd. He doesn’t do his “BOOM” spots or anything else during his entrance. Instead, he grabs a mic and his music cuts right off.
“Chris Jericho, I know you’re back there you son of a b*tch,” he begins. He talks about how it would’ve been fine for him to talk trash, or even jump him with Daniel Garcia, but to handcuff him and attack his woman in front of him is crossing the line.
Cole calls out Jericho so he can slap him. Nothing happens. Cole says he’ll go find him. Cole is stopped when Chris Jericho’s theme plays. Still no appearance by the wizard of AEW, however. Instead, he appears on the big screen.
Jericho says he doesn’t want to be anywhere near a guy who could watch his woman get beaten up a foot away from him and do nothing, failing to mention the full story. He says he will let his boys do so, however, and sends J.A.S. out to get him.
We’re about to see a four-on-one attack when Orange Cassidy’s theme hits and out he comes with Bandido. The four men end up beating them down as well as the crowd boos. Some music plays as the beat down continues until …
Out of nowhere, Roderick Strong appears!
Strong runs down and heads to the ring and the longtime friend and former tag-team partner of Adam Cole begins beating down all four members of the J.A.S. by himself as the fans in Sunrise go wild. After the beat down we hear a loud “Undisputed!” chant and then Cole and Strong have an emotional reunion with a big hug in the middle of the ring.
We shoot to the latest edition of QTV.
QT Marshall is shown talking about a conspiracy between Arn Anderson, Lucha Bros and Wardlow. He assures Powerhouse Hobbs that he will be a champion again. Hobbs isn’t happy. He storms off. QT Marshall tells the gang to go with “Plan B.”
TBS Women’s Championship
Jade Cargill (C) vs. Taya Valkyrie
It’s time for another title match, as the theme for Taya Valkyrie hits and out she comes for her championship opportunity. She settles in the ring as the commentators remind us about how she can not use her Gates to Valkyrie finisher or she will be disqualified.
Now the theme for the reigning, defending champion hits and out comes the undefeated Jade Cargill for the latest defense of her TBS Women’s Championship. The referee for this one is Aubrey Edwards.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We see some good back-and-forth action early on, but then it is the challenger who begins to take over. She launches Cargill over the ropes and out to the floor. Cargill gets tangled up on the way down.
On the floor, we see Cargill jump back into the offensive driver’s seat when she Donkey Kong’s Valkyrie onto the unforgiving, hard ringside floor. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.
When we return from the break, we see Valkyrie back in control inside the ring, taking it to Cargill. Cargill starts to fight back but Valkyrie doesn’t let this last for long, as she takes back over and hits a big standing double stomp for a close near fall attempt.
Taya locks Jade in position for her Gates to Valkyrie finisher. We hear “Smart” Mark Sterling yell out from ringside that she can’t do that. She does anyways, hoisting Cargill up in the hold, however Jade escapes and rolls Taya up for the pin fall victory.
Winner and STILL TBS Women’s Champion: Jade Cargill
Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita vs. The Butcher & The Blade
Bryan Danielson’s theme hits after Excalibur nearly blows a gasket running down the lineups for Friday’s Rampage and next Wednesday’s Dynamite. He heads to join the gang on special guest commentary for our main event.
On that note, we head to a pre-match commercial break. When we return, we hear “The American Dragon” and Blackpool Combat Club member chopping it up with Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone.
The theme for The Butcher and The Blade hit and the two make their way to the ring accompanied by Kip Sabian. They settle inside the squared circle and their music dies down.
Now the theme for Kenny Omega hits and out comes The Elite leader accompanied by his tag-team partner for tonight’s featured bout, Japanese rising star Konosuke Takeshita.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. Blade and Takeshita kick things off for their respective teams. Takeshita jumps into the early offensive lead and then tags in “The Cleaner.” Takeshita and Omega hit a double-team spot and then Omega continues to work on the arm of Blade.
Omega and Takeshita each hit high spots back-to-back off the top-rope and then big dives to the floor on The Butcher and The Blade. The Butcher and The Blade then take over with the help of Kip Sabian, who hits a big spot before we head to a mid-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, we see Butcher and Blade dominating the action, controlling things in the ring and eventually hitting a couple of big double-team spots. Omega helps shift the momentum and then Takeshita hits a nice Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall attempt that Blade breaks up.
Omega hits a snap-dragon suplex and a jumping knee to send Blade to the floor. He runs and dives onto he and Sabian at ringside, leaving Takeshita alone in the ring with Butcher. He runs and hits a big knee on him for the pin fall victory. Great main event.
Winners: Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita
Things Come To A Bloody Conclusion On Dynamite …
Once the match wraps up, we see Bryan Danielson leave his spot on commentary. He talks about Kenny Omega living off a reputation he built years ago in Japan. He compliments Konosuke Takeshita, saying if he trained with the Blackpool Combat Club, he’d be great. If he trains with The Elite, he’ll end up like Michael Nakazawa and Brandon Cutler.
As he continues to talk, we see the B.C.C. attack from behind in the ring. The brawl is on, as Danielson heads into the ring to join them. Now the theme for The Young Bucks hits and out comes Matt and Nick Jackson to make the save.
Omega ends up getting a hold of a screw-driver. He looks at it and gets a mean look in his face. He goes towards the B.C.C. guys but is stopped by Takeshita. Now the B.C.C. strike and Jon Moxley hits a Paradigm Shift on Omega.
Takeshita stands with his hands on his head. Danielson lifts his arm up. The rest of the B.C.C. guys do as well. Takeshita yanks his hands away and shakes his head no. Danielson tells him to think about what he’s doing. He says he knows he wants to be with the B.C.C.
The Japanese star insists he wants to remain loyal to The Elite and turns them down. This leads to the B.C.C. guys violently attacking him with the screw-driver as blood pours out of his head and Danielson tells him that he made his choice. The fans boo as Konosuke lays in a pool of blood and the B.C.C. head to the back as this week’s show goes off the air on that note. Thanks for joining us!
A massive #AEWDynamite is set for THIS WEDNESDAY, LIVE from Sunrise, FL at 8pm ET/7pm CT on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/yxsSFQINV8
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) April 24, 2023