It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns from the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA. with this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite.
On tap for tonight’s two-hour AEW on TBS program is Jay White vs. Komander, The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn vs. J.A.S., Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Wardlow for the TNT Championship, as well as an appearance by The Elite.
Also scheduled for the show this evening is Chris Jericho confronting Adam Cole, Dr. Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter take on Toni Storm & Ruby Soho, plus an appearance by AEW Tag-Team Champions FTR.
Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite results from Wednesday, April 19, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on TBS.
This week’s show kicks off with the “Light the fuse” intro video and theme song. We then shoot inside the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA. where Excalibur welcomes us to the show with his “It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means …” catchphrase.
Pillars Of AEW Kick Things Off
From there, the familiar sounds of “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry’s theme hits the house speakers and out comes one of the pillars of All Elite Wrestling. As he heads to the ring, the commentators talk about each of the pillars of AEW being 2-0 in their last two bouts, respectively.
Jungle Boy goes to speak but is immediately interrupted by Jericho Appreciation Society’s resident “Spanish God,” Sammy Guevara. He goes to speak and is also interrupted by the theme for Darby Allin.
Allin heads to the ring to a rock star reception from the Pittsburgh crowd. He settles inside the squared circle as well and his music dies down as he grabs a microphone. The fans chant “Darby! Darby!” as he gets ready to speak.
He begins by saying he’s known Sammy Guevara the longest out of all of their pillars and likes him the most. He says out of all three of the guys in the ring, Guevara deserves a shot at the AEW Championship the least.
He says that’s because perception is reality and he is perceived as a follower. He says the difference between he and Sting and Guevara and Chris Jericho is that he and Sting view himself as equals.
He says it’s not called the Sting Appreciation Society. He turns his attention to Jungle Boy and mocks him over his name changing. He says out of all the pillars, Jungle Boy worked the least to get where he is because he was part of the “California Kliq.”
Darby continues by saying he used to be jealous of him but then he got to know him and now nothing about him intimidates him. Nothing. Jungle Boy talks about the paint on Darby’s face and how there’s a bunch of kids with it in the crowd.
He says he can’t help but think what those kids would think if they got to know the real him. He says Darby is rude to anyone who he thinks isn’t cool enough. He says Darby is only here because he didn’t make it as a skateboarder.
Jungle Boy looks at Sammy Guevara laying on the ropes in the corner. He says it would be a challenge to find a new way to describe what a dirtbag he is that hasn’t been said already. He too agrees that Sammy is the most deserving of respect of the rest of the pillars.
He says what you see is what you get with Sammy. He respects Sammy putting it all on the line every time he comes to the ring. “But, you are still a scumbag piece of sh*t.” Guevara responds and says let’s take it back to Double or Nothing.
Sammy says Jungle Boy and Darby Allin were both hand-picked to be here. He talks about Jungle Boy being just like MJF. He says he can relate the most to Darby because despite their differences, they are two sides of the same coin. They’ll do whatever crazy thing it takes in the ring to make it.
“The Spanish God” goes on to give Darby credit for being the first pillar in AEW to capture a title. He says he sat back and watched that and decided he’ll do it better. He says Darby won the TNT title. He won it three times. Darby jumps off something high, and he jumps off something higher.
He tells Darby now it’s his turn to sit back and watch as he becomes the AEW Champion. Jungle Boy tells Guevara and Darby with them it’s all about “me, me, me.” He says you can write this in your blogs because it’s a spoiler — he’s gonna be the next AEW Champion.
Before anything else is said, the familiar sounds of MJF’s theme hits the house speakers in the Petersen Events Center and out comes Maxwell Jacob Friedman to a ton of boos. The AEW Champion tells Pittsburgh he doesn’t care what they think because they actually think Britt Baker is talented.
He turns his focus to the three pillars in the ring in AEW and tells them to quit fighting over little old him. He says he talked with Tony Khan and it has been decided that there will be a pillars tournament with the winner earning a shot at the AEW Championship against MJF at Double Or Nothing.
He says the first round one of the pillars will get a bye in the tournament. He picks a name out of a hat to decide and it is none other than Darby Allin who gets the bye in round one. Darby is happy about this.
Friedman says this means round one for the first-time ever it will be Sammy Guevara versus “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry and that match will be happening in the main event later tonight. He wishes them luck beating each other up and walks off. We head to a commercial break.
Ruby Soho & Toni Storm vs. Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter
When we return from the break, the commentators remind us about the Pillars Tournament established in the opening segment. We then hear the theme for The Outcasts and out comes Ruby Soho and Toni Storm accompanied by Saraya.
The two make their way to ringside where they get into it with the family and friends of Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter. Now the theme for the AEW Women’s Champion hits and out comes Hayter.
From there, the familiar sounds of Dr. Britt Baker’s theme hits and out comes the hometown favorite to a huge pop from the Pittsburgh crowd. Pyro and fireworks go off and she begins heading to the ring along with Hayter.
As the two make their way down the entrance ramp, they are attacked by Soho and Storm and the fight is off and running. The four women brawl their way down to ringside as the fans loudly chant “DMD!”
Finally we see Hayter and Storm head into the ring, where the referee calls for the bell. Hayter shoulder-blocks Storm down but then Soho hits the ring and she and Storm blatantly try and double-team Hayter, only to both get knocked down with a double shoulder block.
Hayter continues to dominate as the fans chant “Jamie! Jamie!” however she gets gobbled up by a two-on-one attack from Soho and Storm and ends up laid out on the floor. The two also lay out Britt Baker. Soho taunts Baker’s family in the crowd as we head to a mid-match commercial break.
We return from the break and see Storm and Soho fire up on offense and after Saraya blasts Baker with a belt shot to the dome, we see Storm hit her Storm Zero finisher. She goes for the cover, but somehow Baker kicks out.
Baker knocks Soho off the top-rope after she recovers. She then hits a top-rope tequilla sunrise and goes for the cover. Somehow Soho kicks out as well. Baker follows up with a stomp and goes for the cover again. Again Soho kicks out. Baker then slaps the Lockjaw on with the glove and gets the win.
Winners: Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter
Wardlow Gets Some Help From A Four Horseman
After the match, we shoot backstage to Renee Paquette, who is standing by with Wardlow. She asks him about QT Marshall’s recent involvement in his matches. He talks about having a horsemen in his corner in the past and says he’s reached out to another one.
Arn Anderson walks up and catches up with Wardlow on all that has happened leading up to Powerhouse Hobbs taking his championship. He asks Wardlow if he wants to do some Four Horsemen stuff, because that wakes people up.
He says Tully Blanchard, the past horsemen he worked with, is great at teaching checkers. He says tonight, he’s gonna start playing chess.
The Elite, Blackpool Combat Club Have Wild Brawl
We shoot back inside the building where The Elite theme hits and out comes Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks. They head to the ring. Omega has a very serious look on his face and has his hair dyed black. The fans chant “Kenny! Kenny!” as the theme wraps up.
Omega says it’s been a rough time for him. He says the Blackpool Combat Club are some of the most respected wrestlers, and he agreed until they hurt his friends and family, made them bleed and send them in an ambulance to the emergency room.
“The Cleaner” talks about how he has one regret, which is not stabbing the screwdriver into Jon Moxley’s head when he had the chance. He tells the BCC he wants to see them in the ring and settle their beef like men.
Bryan Danielson appears on the big screen from the backstage area. “The American Dragon” calls The Elite amateurs and brings up how they claimed they have interview time but have nothing to say.
He continues to talk to distract them and then we see why, as Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta of the BCC appear in the ring behind Omega, Nick and Matt Jackson. The brawl is on!
All six men start duking it out, spilling out to the floor. We see Nick Jackson beating on Claudio Castagnoli in the crowd. We see Matt Jackson beating on Wheeler Yuta at ringside and then we see Kenny Omega beating on Jon Moxley.
Moxley fights back and starts choking Omega. Castagnoli and Yuta also turn the tables on The Young Bucks and start working them over. Omega is shown hockey pounding the sh*t out of Moxley after pulling his shirt over his head.
Yuta works on the injured arm of Jackson in the ring until the other Jackson hits the ring to stop him. Castagnoli hits the ring to turn things back in the BCC’s favor but then Omega hits the ring to stop him. Mox hits the ring and blasts Omega with a big shot.
Bryan Danielson emerges from the back with a microphone in-hand as the BCC continue to beat down The Elite. Danielson says he’s surprised only at Omega, saying he thought he was a professional.
Now we see Don Callis running out with a steel chair. Danielson calls him on it and Callis stops, drops the chair and turns and runs to the back. Danielson continues to criticize Omega for squandering his potential and says because of that, “he needs to be gone.”
Danielson pulls out a screwdriver and the crowd explodes. Callis re-emerges with Konosuke Takeshita. The crowd goes wild as the Japanese star heads to the ring and starts taking out the Blackpool Combat Club by himself. Takeshita and The Elite clear the ring of the BCC and stand tall.
TNT Championship
Powerhouse Hobbs (C) vs. Wardlow
After The Elite and the BCC segment wraps up, we head to another commercial break. When we return, we head straight down to the ring for our next match of the evening, which will feature a championship on-the-line.
With that said, Wardlow is introduced and out he comes accompanied by Four Horsemen legend Arn Anderson. As he heads to the ring, we see footage from last week of him powerbombing people off the entrance stage through a table.
Now the challenger settles inside the ring and we see footage from a while back of QT Marshall turning on and decking Arn Anderson with a sucker-punch. After the refresher course wraps up, Wardlow’s music fades down.
The theme for the reigning, defending champion hits and out comes the TNT title-holder Powerhouse Hobbs for his latest defense. As he heads to the ring, we see various highlights of his successful title defenses with QT Marshall by his side.
From there, the bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this TNT Championship contest. We see Wardlow immediately charge after Hobbs and go to work on him in the corner. Hobbs ends up belly-to-belly suplexing Wardlow down to shift the momentum in his favor.
Hobbs follows up with two more belly-to-belly suplexes and taunts the crowd. He then turns into a big shot from Wardlow which knocks him out of the ring. Wardlow follows out after him and rams Hobbs into the steel guard rail. He then clotheslines him into the crowd.
The referee fights to get them back in the ring so he doesn’t have to call this match off. The two fight back to the guard rail and Wardlow clotheslines him back over it and onto the ringside floor. As he jumps the rail to follow-up on his attack, we head to a mid-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, all hell breaks loose as QT Marshall tries to get involved. The referee ejects him, Arn Anderson hits him with a DDT and then Rey Fenix beats him down. Back in the ring, with the madness behind us, Wardlow leads the fans in a powerbomb symphony. He connects on Hobbs and pins him for the win.
Winner and NEW TNT Champion: Wardlow
Wardlow’s Already Got A Target On His Back
As soon as Wardlow wins the title, he celebrates with Arn Anderson until out of nowhere we hear the familiar sounds of Christian Cage’s theme song. Out he comes accompanied by the heel monster version of Luchasaurus. Christian smiles as it’s made clear Luchasaurus is coming for Wardlow and the TNT title.
MJF, Sammy Guevara Make Friends …And A Deal
Now we shoot backstage where Renee Paquette is standing by with Sammy Guevara. Up walks AEW Champion MJF. He gives Sammy a compliment in saying he actually likes him more than the other pillars.
Guevara asks what he wants. MJF tries to make a deal with him but Sammy isn’t hearing it. He makes it clear he’s gonna beat Jungle Boy tonight, Darby Allin next week and then MJF at Double or Nothing. MJF tries sweetening the deal with a blank check and some other perks.
He turns around and Guevara grabs a pen and writes on the check on his back. MJF is happy until he sees it. He asks if that is seriously Sammy’s price. MJF tells him he’s got a deal. He goes to shake his hand but Sammy says friends don’t shake hands, they hug. The two hug and do a big cheesey smile into the camera.
Jay White vs. Komander
We return inside the arena and out comes Komander. The masked man makes his way to the ring for our next match of the evening. He settles inside and his theme music dies down.
Now the theme for his opponent, “Switchblade” Jay White hits. Out he comes accompanied by fellow Bullet Club Gold member Juice Robinson. He settles in the ring as well and his music fades off.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We see some good back-and-forth action early on. White hits some chops that gets the attention of Shawn Spears, who is shown watching on and reacting to them from the crowd.
Komander starts getting in some absolutely insane high-flying offense, including some ridiculous jumping from the middle to top-rope over-and-over again before taking out “Switchblade.” Taz compares it to watching someone in a video game.
Now Komander goes to tight-rope walk the top-rope but White knocks him off. Komander drops White to the floor and leaps over the ropes to the ring apron. He leaps up to the middle ropes backwards and goes for a moonsault.
White moves so he lands on his feet. White slams Komander face-first into the hard part of the ring apron. After that, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.
When we return from the break, we see Komander fire up on offense a few more times, including finally connecting with his tight-rope sprint and dive into a moonsault on White on the floor. The crowd went bonkers for that. Shawn Spears holds up a “10” scorecard as his reaction.
Komander brings White in the ring and does his tight rope shooting star press spot for a super close near fall. He heads to the top and hits a springboard Fenix splash for another super close pin attempt.
Again Komander heads to the top rope for a double jump moonsault. White avoids it and looks for his Bladerunner finisher but Komander avoids it. White hits a cut-throat suplex and then he connects with his Bladerunner finisher for the pin fall victory. Great match.
Winner: Jay White
Bullet Club Gold Brawls With Shawn Spears, Ricky Starks Makes Save
Once the match wraps up, we see Shawn Spears hold up a “5” scorecard for Jay White’s performance. Juice Robinson doesn’t like this and starts a brawl with him as a result. White gets involved and the two beat him down in the ring until Ricky Starks runs out with his shades on to run them off.
Mark Briscoe Brings Worlds Together
Now we shoot backstage where FTR are shown footage of Mark Briscoe being jumped and attacked. They scramble off to check on him in the doctors room but they end up in an argument with Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt.
Mark Briscoe yells at them to calm the situation down, assures them he’s fine and says he’s ready to fight. They tell him to rest up and get better so Briscoe suggests FTR team with Lethal and Jarrett. They decide to do it for their friend Briscoe.
Chris Jericho & Adam Cole Go Face-To-Face
From there, we head back inside the Petersen Events Center where we hear the familiar sounds of “Judas in my Mind” by Fozzy as “The Ocho” himself, Chris Jericho emerges. He heads to the ring for his scheduled face-to-face meeting with Adam Cole.
On that note, we head to a commercial break before the segment gets started. When we return from the break, we hear “It’s all about the BOOM!” and out comes Adam Cole (…BAY-BAY!)
Cole heads to the ring to a rock star reaction from the Pittsburgh crowd. He settles on the ring apron and the fans do his “BOOM” and “BAY-BAY” routine along with him. Cole’s family is shown sitting in the front row.
His music wraps up and the fans chant “Adam Cole! Adam Cole!” Jericho starts by saying it sounds like the fans love Adam Cole in Pittsburgh. Cole then talks about how much he has studied and idolized Chris Jericho. He says his career and his catchphrase was inspired by Jericho.
He goes on to talk about reading Chris Jericho’s first book and seeing how he traveled the globe. He says he decided then he wants to be like Chris Jericho when he grows up. He says sharing the ring with him is pretty cool and admits he has a ton of respect for him.
Adam extends his hand for a handshake. Jericho shakes it. Jericho does Adam Cole’s catchphrase and says he appreciates the kind words. He says he’s been watching a lot of Cole’s stuff and he wants to say from the bottom of his heart — he has absolutely zero respect for him.
He goes one better and calls Adam Cole an arrogant son of a bitch. He brings up Cole interrupting his celebration last week. Cole says he was afraid Jericho was gonna go this route. He says he and Pittsburgh agree that as of late, Jericho has been a jag-off.
Cole questions who the real Jericho is. He says he thinks he knows. He says he’s a fickle, insecure stupid idiot. The fans chant “stupid idiot.” He says they don’t need to side-stare each other they can come right out with it. Cole says he’s right here in the ring in his face … so now what?
Chris Jericho responds with a super serious voice. “First of all … I’m not a jag-off.” Ya gotta love him. He says second of all, they say you never want to meet your idols. He says in this case it’s true. He tells Cole he doesn’t want to know him, meet him or share the ring with him.
He tells him to leave right now. Cole says what are you gonna do about it. Jericho pushes him. The fight is on. Cole beats Jericho down and starts putting the boots to him until Daniel Garcia of the J.A.S. runs down to help out.
Now he and Jericho beat down Cole. Britt Baker runs down and pulls Jericho off of Cole. She slaps Jericho after an extended face-off. The Outcasts slide in the ring behind Baker and proceed to attack her and deliver a three-on-one beat down.
The J.A.S. guys handcuff Cole to the bottom rope while holding down Baker and making her watch as they beat him down. Now with himself handcuffed, Jericho grabs a kendo stick. The Outcasts tear Baker’s button up off.
Saraya proceeds to blast her across the back with a kendo stick. Cole yells stop this and let her go as he tries freeing himself. Saraya continues to beat Baker down with the kendo stick. Jericho hugs Saraya as the fans boo and chant “Piece of sh*t.”
A Word From Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, HOOK & Isiah Kassidy
We shoot backstage and see Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, HOOK and Isiah Kassidy. He teases the final deletion coming as we see footage of Jeff’s return and attack of “All Ego” Ethan Page and The Firm.
Jericho Appreciation Society vs. The Acclaimed
Now it’s time for AEW Trios action as we return inside the venue in Pittsburgh. Out comes the Jericho Appreciation Society trio of Jake Hager, “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard and “Cool Hand” Angelo Parker.
After they settle in the ring, their music dies down. The familiar sounds of the theme for The Acclaimed hits and out comes Max Caster doing his freestyle rhyme routine as he and Anthony Bowens and “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn come to the ring.
As soon as The Acclaimed enter the ring, they are attacked by the J.A.S. trio. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We see Caster and Parker as the two legal men starting this one off.
Once The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn establish a comfortable offensive lead, they all soak in some love and admiration from the Pittsburgh crowd by coming together for their big “scissor me” hand-shake routine.
On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action in this AEW Trios contest continues. When we return from the break, we see Parker blast Bowens with a “loaded comb” as a weapon for a close near fall attempt.
He ends up getting confronted by Billy Gunn, who takes the loaded comb from him and breaks it as Parker freaks out like his puppy just got shot in front of him. Bowens tags in Caster and sets him up with The Arrival. Caster comes off the top with the Mic Drop and they score the pin fall for the win.
Winners: The Acclaimed
Pillars Tournament First Round
Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy
After the commentators run down some action scheduled for this Saturday’s AEW Rampage and next Wednesday night’s AEW Dynamite, as well as an early tease for AEW Double Or Nothing, we head back into the arena.
It’s main event time.
Sammy Guevara’s theme hits and out he comes accompanied by Tay Melo for first round action in the PIllars Tournament that will decide MJF’s challenger for the AEW Championship at next month’s AEW DoN pay-per-view.
As Guevara heads to the ring and Melo heads to the back, we shoot to a pre-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, Jungle Boy’s theme hits and out comes Jack Perry for our opening round bout in the Pillars Tournament. Jungle Boy gets right in Sammy’s face in the ring. Guevara pie-face shoves Jungle Boy’s face back.
Now the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running. We see Sammy knock Jungle Boy out to the floor where he follows out with a wicked high flying spot. We see MJF watching on from a monitor backstage.
Back in the ring, Jungle Boy lays out Guevara and then leaps off the top-rope with a wild high spot of his own. After connecting, we see Darby Allin in the rafters watching on as the action continues in the ring.
The action continues with Sammy pulling into the offensive lead. He hits an absolutely insane Spanish Fly off the ring apron to the floor. The fans respond with a passionate “Holy sh*t!” chant as we shoot to a mid-match commercial break.
As we settle back in from the break, we see things pick up between these two. Each guy takes a turn spiking the other directly on top of their dome in dangerous spots, including a top-rope impaler DDT.
The fans chant “This is Awesome!” as the two slug away at each other, trading punches from their knees back to their feet. Jungle Boy gets Guevara down and locks him in the Snare Trap. Things looked rough for Sammy for a moment, but he eventually makes it to the ropes to break the hold.
We build to a spot where Jungle Boy is climbing to the top rope. Sammy leaps and hits a picture-perfect drop kick that literally launches Jungle Boy like a rocket out to the floor, where he crashes through a table face-first.
The referee nearly counts out Jungle Boy. Sammy ends up grabbing the referee to distract him as MJF lays out Jungle Boy at ringside with his Dynamite Diamond Ring. Now the referee does, indeed count out Jungle Boy. Sammy gets the win to advance in the tourney.
Once the match wraps up, an excited MJF hits the ring and hugs Sammy so hard that they go rolling around on the mat. MJF then hoists Sammy up on his shoulders and parades him around the ring.
With the win, Sammy moves on to face Darby Allin next week in the second round of the Pillars Tournament. Darby is shown watching on from the rafters as MJF and Sammy finish their Finger-poke of Doom-style celebration. That’s how this week’s show wraps up. Thanks for joining us!
Winner and ADVANCING in the PIllars Tournament: Sammy Guevara
Just ONE HOUR until #AEWDynamite is LIVE coast-to-coast on @TBSNetwork! Tune in NOW ? pic.twitter.com/d8sd9gUv7e
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) April 19, 2023