AEW Dark: Elevation Results – August 22, 2022

AEW Dark: Elevation Results – August 22, 2022

Anna Jay vs. Nikki Victory

Anna Jay & Nikki Victory tie up, Jay grabs a side headlock then shoulder blocks Nikki down and stomps on her for a bit. Corner offense from Jay but Nikki fights back with strikes only for Jay to counter with strikes of her own then hits a running wheel kick. Queen Slayer follows and Nikki has to tap.

Winner By Submission: Anna Jay

Mixed Tag Team Match
Ruby Soho & Ortiz vs. Queen Aminata & Mickey Midas

Ruby Soho & Queen Aminata start us off, Aminata grabs an arm wringer and twerks on Ruby’s face. Kick from Ruby then an STO and Aminata tags out which means Ortiz becomes legal.

Ortiz eats an enziguri then levels Mickey Midas with a clothesline.Ortiz plants Midas with a powerbomb, he splashes Ruby onto Midas then Ruby knees Aminata in the face and sends her out. Ruby with the No Future kick to Midas then Ortiz hits him with a Fisherman’s Buster to get the win.

Winners: Ruby Soho & Ortiz

Dante Martin vs. Jackson Drake

Dante Martin offers a handshake, Jackson Drake obliges then tries a cheap shot but Martin avoids a few strikes then hits an arm drag Drake hits a jawbreaker then a kick to follow up and a fisherman’s suplex for a 2 count.

Martin fights back with a body blow then hits a suplex of his own. Running elbows from Martin, Drake misses a corner attack then Martin lands a kick from the apron and a top rope crossbody for a 2 count. Drake fights back with some elbows,Martin then hits a half nelson slam for the win.

Winner: Dante Martin

Serena Deeb vs. Megan Myers

Deeb grabs a full nelson right away, then snapmares Megan down and slaps her head a few times. Another tie up, Deeb hits an armbreaker then goes to an arm wringer with Megan escapes but Deeb is able to counter.

Deeb ties up Megan on the mat and gets a modified Indian death lock then rakes at the face of Megan which forces the break. Megan tries to fire up with strikes but she runs into a clothesline. Deeb starts laying in chops then kicks at the legs of Megan and hits a dragon screw leg whip then a spinning neckbreaker. Deeb locks in the Serenity Lock that makes Myers tap out.

Winner By Submission: Serena Deeb

Trios Match
Dark Order vs. RC Dupree, Damone Soravino & Alexander Apollo

John Silver & RC Dupree start us off, Silver shoulder blocks Dupree down and poses then hits the ropes and catches Dupree with a hot shot and running uppercut. Alex Reynolds tags in, then 10, so Dupree can eat a double facebuster then 10 hits the 10 count vertical suplex.

Reynolds tags back in, Dupree tags in Alexander Apollo & Reynolds dropkicks his back. Rake of the eyes and Damone Solavino tags in to land strikes in the corner. Dupree tags in and runs into a boot. Reynolds fights out of the corner and tags in 10 who proceeds to run wild on everyone.

Silver tags in, Dupree takes the flurry finish from Silver & Reynolds then 10 wipes him out with a Brodie line to get the win.

Winners: Dark Order

Julia Hart vs. Hailey Shadows

Julia Hart stares down Hailey Shadows for a bit then boots her to the mat. Another kick from Hart then she starts unloading in the corner with strikes.

Shadows tries to fight back with strikes of her own but Hart catches her with a clothesline after Shadows tried the up and over out of the corner. Front flip clothesline from Hart then a corner splash but she’s a little flippant afterwards and Shadows with a school boy for 1 then Hart lands a heel kick then Hart locks in the different version of Rings Of Saturn & Shadows had no choice but to submit.

Winner By Submission: Julia Hart

Tag Team Match
Tony Nese & Josh Woods vs. Logan James & Andre Guerico

Logan James & Tony Nese start us off, Nese poses because his physique is ridiculous. Strikes from Nese then he launches James into the corner. Scoop slam from Nese then he tags in Josh Woods.

Woods with a knee to the body then James slips from a suplex and tags in Andre Guerico. Guerico lands a couple of kicks then misses one and Woods cleans his clock with a knee.

Doctor Bomb from Woods, James breaks up the pin and Nese then gets rid of him to the outside as Woods clobbers Guerico and they hit the Angle Slam and neckbreaker combo to get the victory

Winners: Tony Nese & Josh Woods

Trios Match
Death Triangle vs. Jake Manning, Dean Alexander & Rosario Grillo

PAC & Jake Manning start us off, PAC grabs an arm wringer and they trade escapes then PAC hits an arm drag and scoop slam.

Pentagon Jr tags in and we get a wazzup stomp then Dean Alexander tags in. Sling Blade from Penta then Fenix tags in and it’s superkick city as the Lucha Bros hit a bit of their standard offense.

Rosario Grillo tags in and Fenix chops him then Fenix hits a rebound hook kick. PAC tags in and unloads with kicks then tags in Pentagon. Pentagon hits the Fear Factor to get the win for Death Triangle.

Winners: Death Triangle

Tag Team Match
Maki Itoh & Emi Sakura vs. Hikaru Shida & Skye Blue

Emi Sakura & Maki Itoh jump Hikaru Shida & Skye Blue at the bell, Emi winds up tossing Blue around on the outside as Shida & Itoh square off. Itoh no sells a punch, because of her head, then lands a headbutt.

Emi tags in, as does Blue after Itoh misses a Kokeshi. Blue lands a few strikes but Emi fights back with a Mongolian chop then tosses Blue around by the hair. Corner chops then a corner crossbody from Emi land, Itoh tags back in and lands stomps then grabs a Camel Clutch and mocks Blue.

Blue fights to her feet with strikes then avoids a scoop slam and lands an enziguri. Shida gets the hot tag and starts running wild then lands the 10 punch in the corner and a dropkick. Suplex from Shida then some stomps but Emi with a cheap shot that allows Itoh to recover and land a headbutt. Itoh with the Kokeshi then she tags in Emi.

Emi & Shida start trading strikes and Emi lands a boot to drop Shida. Shida blocks a strike and lands an ax kick then a Question Mark Kick but Emi fights back with a chop only to eat a hurricanrana and both women tag out. Blue with some strikes but Itoh isn’t phased by being slammed into the corner and tries a headbutt but Blue blocks then lands a kick but Itoh no sells and lands a headbutt then tags out.

Emi hits a gutbuster onto the knee of Itoh then hits an Angel’s Wings but Shida breaks up the pin.Itoh takes out Shida, then eats a swinging neckbreaker from Blue, who’s clotheslined down by Emi. Shida wipes out Emi with an elbow strike then Emi drops her with a backdrop driver. Blue rolls up Emi for 2, then Emi avoids a superkick which catches Shida and allows Itoh to hit a diving DDT onto Shida and they’re out of the equation.

Emi hits Blue with a tilt a whirl backbreaker then Itoh holds Shida down as Emi hits the Queen’s Gambit onto Blue to score the win.

Winners: Maki Itoh & Emi Sakura

After the match Shida & Emi square off and Emi indicates she wants Shida’s Regina Di Wave Title. Shida poses with her Regina Di Wave Title.