AEW Collision Results – October 20, 2024

Results by: Cory Strode,

It is Saturday and AEW Collision is pre-recorded!  It was recorded Thursday night at the Adventist Health Arena in Stockton, CA.

Our commentary team is Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness

We get a pre-tape promo from Jon Moxley and he says nothing has changed since he got her. The belt isn’t owned by someone, it is for the person in the position. He says the belt is everything he hates about AEW. Tonight there will be a Trios title match. They will win this war since they are pure and their enemies are weak. This isn’t a match tonight, it’s the execution of Top Flight.

Ricochet vs AR Fox

Fox doesn’t get a listing for his win/loss record. We are told he is Returning to Collision.

They lock up, break, and Ricochet sweeps the leg. They trade rollups for two counts and move to headlock takeovers. They run the ropes and Ricochet gets a shoulder tackle for one. Ricochet gets a tejaris and a drop-kick, followed by a dive onto Fox. Fox is rolled into the ring and Ricochet gets a standing shooting star press for two.

Ricochet lays in chops in the corner. Ricochet misses a pair of splashes in the corner and Fox then gets a spinning vertical suplex followed by a drop-kick and he dives onto Ricochet on the floor. Fox gets a shooting star press off the apron onto Ricochet on the floor. Ricochet is rolled into the ring and Fox lays in strikes. Fox gets an elbow splash into the corner and then a running kick in the corner as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Fox puts Ricochet on top and hits a spinning neckbreaker from the top. Both men struggle to get to their feet in separate corners and they fight on the apron again. Fox gets a DDT through the ropes into a power bomb for two. Fox misses a springboard leap and they trade quick attacks. Ricochet gets a German suplex for two. Ricochet goes to the top and misses a shooting star press and lands on his feet.

He goes to the top again and Fox gets a Lo Mein Pain, goes up again for a 450 for two. They trade slaps and Ricochet gets a full nelson suplex into a residing knee strike. This leads to Ricochet hitting Vertigo for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ricochet

Ricochet grabs a mic and says he has not been pinned or submitted in the ring. He then calls out Takeshita and he will follow him wherever he goes, he will be there, waiting to kick his ass. He will knock down opponent after opponent until he becomes the new International Champion.

We then get a promo from Daniel Garcia and Private Party and they will relieve the Young Bucks of the responsibility of being leaders and they will not allow the BCC to take over the company. Tonight they will take care of business.

Kris Statlander vs Harley Cameron 

Harley calls for a greco roman knuckle lock and instead kicks Statalnder. Harley goes for a sunset flip for two and then gets a leg sweep for two. Statlander goes for a power bomb, but Harley rolls through for two. Statlander gets a spinning backbreaker and then hits a scoop slam. She then gets a stalling vertical suplex. Statlander gets a clothesline in the corner. Harley dodges a charge into the corner and gets a big kick.

Cameron gets a kick on Statlander in the ropes and then gets a spinning DDT for one. Harley taunts Statlander and hits a few quick elbows. Statlander gets a German suplex, followed by a running uppercut in the corner followed by a running knee in the corner Statlander gets a blue thunder bomb followed by a rolling discus lariat and the Staturday Night Fever for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kris Statlander

Statlander grabs a mic and says she is not afraid to test herself as the toughest and strongest person in AEW, but Kamille is a pain in her ass, so she calls her out.

Private Party (Quen and Zay) and Daniel Garcia vs Premier Athletes (Tony Nese, Ariya Davari, and Josh Woods) w/Mark Sterling

Nese and Zay, but before they lock up, Davairi attacks from behind. He then tags in and works over Zay. They keep working over Zay by tagging in quickly. Zay is able to run up the ropes and gets a tejaris on Wood and an arm drag on Nese at the same time. Quen tags in and Private Party are able to double-team Nese and Woods. Zay stays in the ring and works over Nese and Stokely Hathaway comes to the stage.

This allows Nese to dump Zay to the floor where the rest of Nese’s team stomps him down as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Zay has been the babyface in peril and he gets an insigiri on Nese. Zay is able to get the hot tag to Garcia who cleans house. After taking everyone out, Garcia gets a swinging neckbreaker on Woods for two. Garcia tries to get a sharpshooter, and Davari attacks him from behind. Now we get each person taking out the last person in the ring. Private Party is able to get the silly string on Nese, followed by a big dive.

Sterling distracts Garcia allowing Woods to attack Garcia. Private Party is able to tag in and they hit Gin And Juice for the pin and the win.

Winners: Private Party and Daniel Garcia

We then get a video update on Los Ingobernales and how they will take out The Outrunners tonight.

Orange Cassidy vs Bronson w/Boulder and Jacked Jameson

Cassidy gives Jameson an Orange Punch to start the match and then gets an orange punch and a beach break on Bronson just as fast for the pin and the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Jamie Hayter vs The Already In The Ring Brooke Havok

It’s Brooke’s fifth match in AEW and she loses to Hayter’s Haterade clothesline.

Winner: Jamie Hayter

On the big screen Penelope Ford says that other people have to fight for their opportunities. She was out for two years and her last tag team partner was Hayter. She says too many people have forgotten who Penelope Ford is and she’s here to take everything Hayter cares about.

In the back Lexi Nair is with Private Party and Daniel Garcia and when Cassidy shows up, Garcia says they waited for him all night. He says it is time for Cassidy to step up. Cassidy says he is no leader. He’s not that guy.

Atlantis Jr. vs Kyle Fletcher

Don Callis joins commentary. Fletcher attacks before the bell and he then beats down Atlantis. Atlantis recovers and gets in a few blows before Fletcher cuts him off and then takes him to the floor and runs him into the barricade. Atlantis is able to get a tilt a whirl backbreaker on the floor and then goes to the top and gets a cross body on Fletcher in the ring.

Fletcher rolls to the floor and Atlantis dives onto him. Fletcher is rolled into the ring and he hits a drop-kick on Atlantis when Atlantis tries to get into the ring as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Kyle is pulling at Atlantis’s mask. Atlantis gets a series of blows and a pop-up kick. Fletcher is clotheslined to the floor and Atlantis dives on him. Atlantis’s mask is mostly torn off as they fight. Fletcher is rolled into the ring and Atlantis goes to the top for a missile drop-kick onto Fletcher for two. Atlantis attempts a few moves, blocked by Fletcher who gets a half-and-half suplex.

Fletcher lays in kicks and then sets for a Tiger Driver. Atlantis escapes and rolls Fletcher up for two. Fletcher is able to get a DDT through the ropes from the apron. Fletcher gets a brain buster on the apron and hits a brain buster in the ring for two. Atlantis reverses a pile driver and then Fletcher reverses it. They go back and forth with this and when they break, Atlantis gets a series of strikes and a top rope assisted destroyer.

Atlantis gets a frog splash and goes up again. With the second one, Fletcher gets the knees up and then puts him on top. Fletcher gets a brain buster on the top turnbuckle for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher

After the match, Callis tells us Fletcher has something to say. He says he is ready to talk, but he won’t waste his breath on these fans, but he will talk on Wednesday, especially, Will Ospreay.

House of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews, and Brody King) vs The Already in the Ring: Alpha Zo, Chris Nasty, and Olumide

There is a great bit where Nasty and Olumide argue that the other needs to be in the ring to fight, Other than that, the House of Black wins with the Cerberus triple attack in the corner.

Winners: House of Black

Lexi is with Thunder Rosa who says she was recovering from a concussion and talks about what she has been up to and Harley Cameron interrupts. Thunder Rosa drops her and while on the floor, Harley says Rosa will be the next to feel her wrath.

The Outrunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd) vs La Facción Ingobernables (Rush and Mortos) w/Dralistico

Truth and Mortos start off and Mortos easily forces Truth to the corner and slaps him hard. Mortos shoulder tackles Mortos. Truth gets a drop-kick and follows up with a flying head scissors. He hits a second and then tags in Turbo. Mortos hits a headbutt and tags in Rush. Turbo and Rush trade blows. Turbo and Rush have a chop fest and Turbo gets a running back elbow.

Mortos is able to clothesline Turbo from the apron and then works Turbo over in their corner. Mortos gets a series of blows, then a neck twister for a two count as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Turbo has been the babyface in peril. Turbo is finally able to kick away Rush, and leap over Mortos. Mortos grabs him and whips him into the ropes, but Turbo rolls over his back to get the hot tag to Truth, who runs wild. Dralistico trips Truth and pulls him out of the ring which allows Rush to get a right cross on Turbo.

Turbo gets a slam on Rush. Dralistico gets the ref’s attention with the camera cable, and then gets in the ring on the other side, but Turbo drops him with a right hand. Turbo tries to bring Rush into the ring from the apron the hard way, but Dralistico trips him, and Rush falls onto Turbo for the pin and the win.

Winners: Los Facción Ingobernables.

LFI attacks the Outrunners after the match, but FTR comes to the ring for the save. All four men are able to drive off LFI.

We then get a video package about Sammy Guevara getting a match with Shelton Benjamin.

Claudio Castagnoli, Pac, and Wheeler Yuta (AEW Trios Champions) vs Top Flight (Darius and Dante Martin) and Action Andretti

Pac and Andretti start off and Pac gets a slam and he and Andretti mat wrestle. They work to their feet and then into the ropes where they break and Pac grabs an arm drag. They trade arm bars and Andretti climbs the ropes for an arm drag and a drop-kick. Pac gets him to his corner and Yuta tags and pummels Andretti.

Andretti escapes and tags in Darius and Darius gets a rollup for two. Claudio tags in and hits an uppercut. They run the troops and Claudio knocks Darius down. Dante is tagged in and gets a knee strike and Claudio blocks a suplex and drops Dante with a lariat. Top Flight double teams Claudio and it quickly becomes all six men fighting around the ring. Claudio tosses Andretti into the ringpost as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Dante has been the babyface in peril and he dodges a charge from Claudio, who goes into the ringpost through the ropes. Claudio tags in Yuta and Dante tags in Darius. Darius gets a series of quick blows as he runs wild. Yuta gets a jawbreaker and tags in Pac. Andretti gets a shotgun drop-kick on Pac and then a 450 from the top after Darius slams him. Andretti covers for two, broken up by Claudio.

Everyone is fighting in and around the ring. Pac tosses Darius from the top. Claudio’s team gets a series of running uppercuts on Andretti and then Pac gets a tombstone piledriver on him for the pin and the win.

Winners and still AEW Trios Champions: Claudio Castagnoli, Pac, and Wheeler Yuta

They keep beating down Top Flight and Andretti as Mox and Marina Shafir come to the ring through the crowd. Lio Rush hits the ring only to get beaten down as well.