AEW Collision Review – May 18, 2024
Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor
Will Ospreay dropkicks Shane Taylor to start the match and then hit him with a dive to ringside.
Back in the ring Ospreay hits a top rope move and got a one count then Taylor came back briefly.
The match spilled over to ringside where Ospreay shoved Taylor into Matt Taven & Mike Bennett.
Ospreay grabs a drink off the broadcast table and threw it at Roderick Strong.
Referee Aubrey Edwards focused on keeping Taven & Bennett away from Ospreay which allowed Ogogo to hit Ospreay with a punch to the gut as we go to a break.
After the break Ospreay hits a handstand into the ropes and then drops Taylor with a kick.
Ospreay went up top and hits Taylor with a forearm to the back of the head and covered him for a two count.
Ospreay went for Hidden Blade but Taylor caught him with a knee strike.
Taylor headbutts Ospreay then put him down with a uranage slam and followed up with a running splash for a near fall.
Taylor powerbombs Ospreay before he stood up and was blasted with a lariat that led to a near fall.
Taylor hits Welcome To The Land for another near fall as Taylor showed frustration.
Taylor hoisted up Ospreay but he slips away.
Ospreay caught Taylor on the ropes with kicks and then put him on his shoulder and hits Storm Breaker for the win.
Winner: Will Ospreay
After the match Strong climbed onto the apron and got Ospreay’s attention while Taven & Bennett attacked him from behind. Ospreay cleared Taven & Bennett from the ring knocked Strong off the apron and hits a flip dive onto Taven & Bennett on the floor.
Footage aired from Dynamite of Darby Allin’s return.
Footage aired from after Dynamite of Bryan Danielson & FTR cutting a promo about facing The Righteous & Lance Archer.
Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli delivered a backstage promo. Moxley spoke about Konosuke Takeshita attacking him on Dynamite. Moxley said he gets it and he’s done far worse. Moxley said the Callis family is in it for the gold, the green, and fame but the Blackpool Combat Club isn’t in it for all of that. Moxley said they play for blood, not money.
Castagnoli said he’s normally the voice of reason in BCC even if no one listens. Castagnoli said people talk about how great they are and how it’s been their dream all their lives. Castagnoli said it’s all fake because they don’t live it. Castagnoli said it’s like the emperor’s new clothes and only they can see through the facade. Moxley said Takeshita started the game and he would finish it at Double Or Nothing
After the break Footage aired from Dynamite of FTW Champion Chris Jericho & Big Bill speaking after their segment with Hook & Katsuyori Shibata. Jericho said he couldn’t be mad at Hook for busting him open with the microphone because it shows that Hook is learning. Jericho said it hurt but it also made him proud. Jericho wished Hook good luck in his qualifying match and said he hopes that Hook wins.
FTW Title #1 Contenders Qualifying Match
Hook vs. Johnny TV
Hook shut down Johnny TV’s early offense with a suplex and some knee strikes.
Hook judo tossed TV across the ring.
TV got up and threw a kick but Hook stuffed it and suplexed him again.
Hook went to run the ropes but he had to stop when Taya Valkyrie stood on the apron.
TV hits Hook with a springboard kick before Hook came back with Redrum for the submission win.
Winner & Gets Into The FTW Title #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match: Hook
FTW Title #1 Contenders Qualifying Match
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Rocky Romero
Katsuyori Shibata locks in an Figure 4 but Rocky Romero reached the ropes to break the hold.
Romero came back and hits a tornado DDT heading into a picture in picture break.
After the break Shibata caught Romero in another leg submission hold but Romero reached the ropes to break it.
Shibata dropkicks a seated Romero in the corner and then suplexed him before covering him for a two count.
Shibata used another submission hold to force Romero to submit.
Winner By Submission & Gets Into The FTW Title #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match: Katsuyori Shibata
After the match Romero shook Shibata’s hand and then raised his arm. Shibata returned the favor before Romero left the ring so he could bow to the crowd. Shibata exited the ring and made it to the stage when Bryan Keith made his entrance. Shibata & Keith stared at one another on the stage before Keith headed to the ring while Shibata headed to the back.
FTW Title #1 Contenders Qualifying Match
Bryan Keith vs. Boulder
Boulder powerslams Bryan Keith for a near fall.
Jacked Jameson distracted the referee while Bronson climbs onto the apron.
Boulder pulls his singlet open for a Titty City moment but Keith ran Bronson into him instead & hits a DDT for the win.
Winner & Gets Into The FTW Title #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match: Bryan Keith
PAC was standing in a backstage area when Lexy Nair approached him and asked if he had any response to Bullet Club Gold’s message to him. PAC said he couldn’t care less. PAC said they are funny chaps and normally their naughty behavior would ruffle his bastard feathers but he couldn’t care less. PAC said he hasn’t felt a thing in weeks. He asked Bullet Club Gold to make him feel something. PAC told Nair to leave him alone.
After the break highlights aired from Dynamite of the TBS Title contract signing segment involving TBS Champion Willow Nightingale & Mercedes Mone.
Trios Champions Bullet Club Gold made their entrance. The camera circled around them and then pulls back to show that PAC was laid out on the stage at their feet. Jay White got a microphone and held up PAC while saying he bets PAC cares now. Bullet Club Gold left PAC lying and headed to the back.
Backstage Christian Cage spoke with Nick Wayne while Shayna Wayne & Killswitch stood by. Cage said Nick would have a match on Collision and would then face Swerve Strickland on Dynamite. Nick said he was ready and said that while tonight’s match was just a warmup, he knew he could handle Strickland on his own.
Orange Cassidy vs. Isiah Kassidy
Orange Cassidy used an early bow and arrow but Isiah Kassidy countered into a pin for a two count.
Cassidy teased Orange Punch which made Kassidy drop to the mat and roll to the floor.
Cassidy hits a suicide dive.
Trent Beretta walks down the steps through the crowd which led to Kassidy taking advantage of the distraction.
Kassidy slams Cassidy on top of the barricade in front of Beretta.
Back in the ring Kassidy hits a backbreaker.
Kassidy sent Cassidy into the corner and he went up and over the top rope before tumbling to the floor heading into a PIP break.
After the break Cassidy hit Stundog Millionaire and a spinning DDT then Cassidy went for Beach Break but his back gave out.
Kassidy rallied and hit a cutter over the top rope then both men traded kicks on the apron and then threw simultaneous kicks that put them both down.
Referee Stephon Smith stops Cassidy from going after Beretta.
Kassidy took advantage of the distraction and went back on the offensive.
Back in the ring Kassidy hits a Swanton onto the back of Cassidy for a near fall.
Cassidy came back with Beach Break to get the win.
Winner: Orange Cassidy
Lexi Nair interviewed Beretta & said he’s a better wrestler than Cassidy and the only reason he lost is because Cassidy cheated. Beretta challenged Cassidy to a straight up wrestling match at Double Or Nothing. Cassidy hits Beretta and pulled him over the barricade. Security held Cassidy back while the referee ordered Beretta to return to the back.
Serena Deeb vs. Anna Jay
Serena Deeb used the Paradise Lock then Deeb remained dominant heading into an early PIP break.
After the break Deeb had a run of offense and hits a Flatliner to get a two count before Deeb came back.
Jay caught Deeb in a Queen Slayer which Deeb broke by lying on top of Jay in a pin position, causing Jay to release the hold after taking a two count.
Deeb came right back and locks in a half crab & Jay has no choice to tap out.
Winner By Submission: Serena Deeb
After the match Luther came out and took Deeb’s flag to the stage where Mariah May joined him in holding up the flag. Women’s Champion Toni Storm came out and undressed behind the flag which Luther then wrapped around her. Storm teased going to the ring and then ran backstage with Luther & May once Deeb went after her.
A video package spotlighted the Swerve Strickland feud with Christian Cage.
Nick Wayne vs. Jack Cartwheel
Nick Wayne caught Jack Cartwheel with a kick when the bell rang.
Cartwheel came back and hits a handspring into a flip dive over the top rope but Wayne moved causing Cartwheel to crash on the floor. Back in the ring Wayne hits Wayne’s World.
Wayne could have pinned Cartwheel but he picked him up instead.
Wayne looks into the camera and spoke to Swerve Strickland before hitting House Call to get the win.
Winner: Nick Wayne
Trios Match
FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & Bryan Danielson vs. The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch) & Lance Archer
Dax Harwood & Vincent starts the match then Harwood hits a leg drop for a two count and then tags in Cash Wheeler.
FTR hits a double team move on Vincent then Wheeler covers him for two.
Both teams heading into a picture in picture break.
After the break Danielson took a hot tag and worked over Dutch with his kicks.
Danielson put Dutch down with a flying elbow then plays to the crowd before throwing more kicks.
Danielson hits a top rope missile dropkick.
The Righteous ran in and took dropkicks from Danielson and Wheeler.
Danielson put Dutch in LeBell Lock but Lance Archer returned to break it up.
Archer put Wheeler down with a spinebuster and then chokeslams Harwood.
Danielson superplexed Vincent and then Wheeler followed up with a top rope splash.
Dutch ran in to break it up with a splash but Wheeler moved causing Dutch to land on his partner. Archer went for a Blackout on Wheeler but Danielson broke it up.
Everyone hit rapid fire spots before FTR hits Vincent with Shatter Machine
Winners: FTR & Bryan Danielson
After the match The Righteous & Archer attacks FTR then Archer hits Blackout on Wheeler while slamming him on top of a chair. Vincent put a chair on top of Harwood then hit him with a Swanton Bomb.
Daniel Garcia came out and hits Vincent & Archer at ringside then suplexed Dutch inside the ring. Danielson got back to his feet and stood by Garcia while both men held chairs.